Visual Studio Code Tools for AI comes with a Sample Explorer via integration with Azure Machine Learning. The Sample Explorer makes it easy to discover samples and try them with only a few clicks.
You will need Azure Machine Learning Workbench to be installed. See instructions at How to install Azure Machine Learning Workbench
To open the explorer, do as follow:
- Open the command palette (View > Command Palette or Ctrl+Shift+P).
- Enter "ML Sample".
- You get a recommendation for "AI: Open Azure ML Sample Explorer", select it and press enter.
You can browse different samples and get more information about them. Let's browse until finding the "Classifying Iris" sample.
To create a new project based on this sample do the following:
- Click install button on the project sample, notice the commands being prompted, walking you through the steps of creating a new project.
- Enter a name for the project, for example "Iris".
- Select an account
- Select a workspace
- Select a project folder to create your project
The project will then be created in the specified folder.
You will need to be logged-in to access your Azure resource.
To login , please right click the "Azure ML" node in AI EXPLORER and click "AI: Azure ML - Login" to start. You can also execute command "AI: Azure - Login" in Command Palette.
Then please follow the instructions on screen to finish login process.
- Azure device login
- Set subscription
You will need to finish the login process within 300 seconds.