The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to the Landrush plugin.
You can submit issues with respect to the Landrush plugin here. Make sure you include all the relevant details pertaining the issue.
Before submitting a new issue, it is suggested to check the existing issues in order to avoid duplication.
If you are just getting started with Git and GitHub there are a few prerequisite steps.
Make sure you have a GitHub account.
Fork the Landrush repository. As discussed in the linked page, this also includes:
Setting up your local git install.
Cloning your fork.
Create a topic branch
on which you will work. The convention is to name the branch
using the issue key you are working on. If there is not already an issue
covering the work you want to do, create one. Assuming for example you
will be working from the master branch and working on the GitHub issue 123 : git checkout -b issue-123 master
Do your work! Refer to the development guide to get started.
Make commits of logical units.
Be sure to use the GitHub issue key in the commit message, eg
Issue #123 …
. -
Make sure your code conforms to the coding style
Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes.
Make sure you have added appropriate documentation updates.
Run all the tests to assure nothing else was accidentally broken.
Push your changes to the topic branch in your fork of the repository.
Initiate a pull request.
A project maintainer will merge the pull request. Here is an example work-flow of a merge assuming issue 123 from above:
# Create a local branch for the pull request $ git checkout -b fix-123 master # Pull the changes $ git pull <remote of the pull request> fix-123 # If necessary rebase changes on master to ensure we have a fast forward. $ git rebase -i master # Merge changes into master $ git checkout master $ git merge fix-123 # Push to origin $ git push origin master