#Functionality Checklist
From Feature Checklist for Mongo Drivers
- BSON serialization/deserialization: Done
- Basic operations: query, insert, update, remove, ensureIndex, findOne, limit, sort: Done
- Fetch more data from a cursor when necessary (dbGetMore): Done
- Sending of KillCursors operation when use of a cursor has completed (ideally for efficiently these are sent in batches): Done
- Convert all strings to utf8: Done
- Authentication: Done
- automatic _id generation: Done
- Database $cmd support and helpers
- Detect { $err: ... } response from a db query and handle appropriately --see Error Handling in Mongo Drivers Done
- Automatically connect to proper server, and failover, when connecting to a Replica Set
- ensureIndex commands should be cached to prevent excessive communication with the database. (Or, the driver user should be informed that ensureIndex is not a lightweight operation for the particular driver.)
- Support detecting max BSON size on connection (e.g., using buildinfo or isMaster commands) and allowing users to insert docs up to that size.
##More Recommended
- lasterror helper functions: Done
- count() helper function: Done
- $where clause: Done
- eval()
- File chunking (GridFS) Done
- hint fields Done
- explain helper Done
##More Optional
- addUser, logout helpers
- Allow client user to specify Option_SlaveOk for a query
- Tailable cursor support
- In/out buffer pooling (if implementing in a garbage collected languages)
##More Optional
- connection pooling
- Automatic reconnect on connection failure
- DBRef Support:
- Ability to generate easily
- Automatic traversal