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Starred repositories
koriym / app-state-diagram
Forked from alps-asd/app-state-diagramVisualize Application Semantics and Affordance in REST Architecture
voku / simple_html_dom
Forked from samacs/simple_html_domπ Modern Simple HTML DOM Parser for PHP
seanmorris / php-wasm
Forked from oraoto/pibPHP in Browser, powered by WebAssembly.
π PHP γ«εγγγ Clean Code γ³γ³γ»γγ
Portable OpenSSH, all Win32-OpenSSH releases and wiki are managed at https://github.com/powershell/Win32-OpenSSH
FakerPHP / Faker
Forked from fzaninotto/FakerFaker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
bkw777 / mainline
Forked from shg8/ukuuInstall mainline kernel packages from kernel.ubuntu.com
Forked from CoreELEC/CoreELECEmuELEC, retro emulation for Amlogic devices. Based on CoreELEC. https://emuelec.org or join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/jQWCFwTn5T
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT
pandax381 / xv6-net
Forked from mit-pdos/xv6-publicxv6 OS with TCP/IP Network Stack
favna / hyper-overlay
Forked from rickgbw/hyperterm-overlayA complete and customizable solution for a overlay window in your Hyper.app
madumlao / phpenv
Forked from phpenv/phpenvSimple PHP version management
phpbridge / docs
Forked from railsbridge/docsCurriculum for PHPBridge workshops
richthegeek / phpsass
Forked from MarcWeber/phamlpA compiler for SASS/SCSS written in PHP, brought up to date (approx 3.2) from a fork of PHamlP: http://code.google.com/p/phamlp/
Use Regular Expressions to generate text string in PHP.
chuyskywalker / rolling-curl
Forked from LionsAd/rolling-curlRolling-Curl: A non-blocking, non-dos multi-curl library for PHP
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
minghai / sicp-pdf
Forked from sarabander/sicp-pdfSICP PDF with Texinfo and LaTeX source
nttcom / peerjs
Forked from peers/peerjs[Deprecated] This branch is a customized version of PeerJS for NTT Communications's WebRTC platform SkyWay.
zaphpa / zaphpa
Forked from ioseb/URouteZaphpa is a super-lightweight, robust and easy library for quickly developing RESTful HTTP APIs in PHP. Inspired by Sinatra.rb and Express.js/Node.js it is probably the easiest and most powerful weβ¦
electrolinux / phpquery
Forked from TobiaszCudnik/phpqueryA packagist-friendly fork of phpquery **WARNING: abandonware and buggy: use at your own risk**
Chris911 / slim-api-auth
Forked from jeremykendall/slim-authAuthorization and authentication for the Slim Framework using ZF2 Authentication and Acl components
equinox79 / yancha
Forked from uzulla/yanchayancha is Yet Another Nerwork CHAt. (old name yairc) by Hachioji.pm
binzume / connectbot
Forked from connectbot/connectbotConnectBot is a powerful open-source Secure Shell (SSH) client. It can manage simultaneous SSH sessions, create secure tunnels, and copy/paste between other applications.