- que dia termina a turma 1? quando vai ser a inscrição?
Feature CRUD de naipes: O objetivo é setar a aplicação com um crud simples funcional e termos experiência prática
- setup
- add tailwind
- add gerador para criar entidades
- add gerador para criar repositorios
- add gerador para criar casos de uso
- definir layout
- add layout component
- add application menus
- add link para naipes
- add link para turmas
- add layout management com 3 colunas
- add listagem de naipes
- add FormBuiler
- usar turbo-streams/stimulus para evitar carregar todo o html (precisamos nos familiarizar)
- add editar naipe
- add apagar naipe
Feature: CRUD de turmas Cadastrar turma definindo número de vagas para cada Naipe.
- ...
Feature: Permitir inscrições para a turma aberta
- Add form em link publico
- Add tela de confirmação
- Lembrar de não limitar as inscrições por número de vagas (se passar de inscritos haverá sorteio)
Feature: Add usuário admin
- Todas as páginas são privadas, menos home e da inscrição.
- Podemos usar autenticação do Facebook para o admin
- Por ora um inscrito não é usuário
Feature: Sortear inscritos para uma turma
- Add gerador para activerecord repository
- Add gerador para UseCases (identificar por padrão os verbos de CRUD.. List, CreateNew, etc)
- Gerador de CRUD gerar tbm os tests com MiniTest
To design the data model for this app, we'll need to create several models representing the different entities involved in the enrollment process. Here's a high-level overview of the models and their relationships:
- User
- Attributes: id, email, password, role (admin or regular user)
- Associations: none
- Instrument
- Attributes: id, name (Agbe, Alfaia, Caixa, Dança)
- Associations: has_many :class_instruments
- ClassTerm
- Attributes: id, name, start_date, end_date
- Associations: has_many :class_instruments
- ClassInstrument
- Attributes: id, instrument_id, class_term_id, total_positions, available_positions
- Associations: belongs_to :instrument, belongs_to :class_term, has_many :enrollments
- Enrollment
- Attributes: id, user_id, class_instrument_id, created_at, status (pending, accepted, rejected)
- Associations: belongs_to :user, belongs_to :class_instrument
Here's a brief description of each model:
User: Represents the admin or the person registering for a class. The User model has basic authentication-related fields (email, password), and a role to differentiate between admin and regular users.
Instrument: Represents the four instruments you mentioned (Agbe, Alfaia, Caixa, and Dança). This model will store the name of each instrument.
ClassTerm: Represents each of the three classes opened per year. It will store the name, start_date, and end_date of the class.
ClassInstrument: Represents the relationship between a ClassTerm and an Instrument. It stores the total_positions available for each instrument in a class term and the number of available_positions. This model has associations with both the ClassTerm and Instrument models.
Enrollment: Represents a registration by a user for a specific instrument in a class term. It has a status field to store the current status of the enrollment (pending, accepted, or rejected). This model has associations with the User and ClassInstrument models.
These models should provide a solid foundation for managing the enrollment process in your Ruby on Rails application. You can further customize them as needed to meet specific requirements.
class User {
+id: Integer
+email: String
+password: String
+role: String
class Instrument {
+id: Integer
+name: String
class ClassTerm {
+id: Integer
+name: String
+start_date: Date
+end_date: Date
class ClassInstrument {
+id: Integer
+instrument_id: Integer
+class_term_id: Integer
+total_positions: Integer
+available_positions: Integer
class Enrollment {
+id: Integer
+user_id: Integer
+class_instrument_id: Integer
+created_at: DateTime
+status: String
User "1" -- "0..*" Enrollment : has_many
Instrument "1" -- "0..*" ClassInstrument : has_many
ClassTerm "1" -- "0..*" ClassInstrument : has_many
ClassInstrument "1" -- "0..*" Enrollment : has_many
This iss an example of how to structure your Ruby on Rails application using Clean Architecture principles. The focus will be on the Enrollment use case:
- Domain (Core Business Logic)
- app/domain/entities/enrollment.rb
class Enrollment
attr_reader :id, :user_id, :class_instrument_id, :created_at, :status
def initialize(id:, user_id:, class_instrument_id:, created_at:, status:)
@id = id
@user_id = user_id
@class_instrument_id = class_instrument_id
@created_at = created_at
@status = status
- Application (Use Cases)
- app/application/use_cases/create_enrollment.rb
class CreateEnrollment
def initialize(enrollment_repository)
@enrollment_repository = enrollment_repository
def call(user_id:, class_instrument_id:)
enrollment = Enrollment.new(
id: nil,
user_id: user_id,
class_instrument_id: class_instrument_id,
created_at: Time.now,
status: 'pending'
- Infrastructure (Frameworks, Databases, etc.)
- app/infrastructure/repositories/enrollment_repository.rb
class EnrollmentRepository
def save(enrollment)
enrollment_record = EnrollmentRecord.create(
user_id: enrollment.user_id,
class_instrument_id: enrollment.class_instrument_id,
created_at: enrollment.created_at,
status: enrollment.status
enrollment.instance_variable_set(:@id, enrollment_record.id)
- app/models/enrollment_record.rb
class EnrollmentRecord < ApplicationRecord
self.table_name = 'enrollments'
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :class_instrument
- Adapters (Controllers, Presenters, etc.)
- app/controllers/enrollments_controller.rb
class EnrollmentsController < ApplicationController
def create
create_enrollment = CreateEnrollment.new(EnrollmentRepository.new)
enrollment = create_enrollment.call(
user_id: params[:user_id],
class_instrument_id: params[:class_instrument_id]
render json: { enrollment_id: enrollment.id, message: 'Enrollment created successfully.' }
This example demonstrates how to create an enrollment using Clean Architecture. The core business logic is encapsulated in the Enrollment
entity, and the CreateEnrollment
use case interacts with it. The EnrollmentRepository
handles the persistence, while the EnrollmentsController
acts as an adapter between the use case and the Rails framework.
This structure keeps concerns separated and makes the code more maintainable, testable, and scalable. You can extend this example to include other entities and use cases for your application.
To handle the sortition when there are more registrations than vacancies, you can create a separate use case for conducting the sortition. Here's a basic example:
- Application (Use Cases)
- app/application/use_cases/conduct_sortition.rb
class ConductSortition
def initialize(enrollment_repository)
@enrollment_repository = enrollment_repository
def call(class_instrument_id:)
pending_enrollments = @enrollment_repository.find_by_class_instrument_id_and_status(class_instrument_id, 'pending')
available_positions = pending_enrollments.first.class_instrument.available_positions
if pending_enrollments.count > available_positions
selected_enrollments = pending_enrollments.sample(available_positions)
selected_enrollments.each do |enrollment|
enrollment.status = 'accepted'
(pending_enrollments - selected_enrollments).each do |enrollment|
enrollment.status = 'rejected'
pending_enrollments.each do |enrollment|
enrollment.status = 'accepted'
In this use case, we first fetch all the pending enrollments for a specific class instrument. Then we check if there are more enrollments than available positions. If that's the case, we randomly select enrollments to fill the available positions, update their status to 'accepted', and update the remaining enrollments' status to 'rejected'. If there are fewer enrollments than available positions, we simply update all pending enrollments' status to 'accepted'.
You can call this use case from a controller or a background job when the sortition needs to be conducted, for example, after the registration period ends.
To list all open enrollment processes, you can create a use case that fetches all ClassTerm instances with their related ClassInstruments, where the start_date is in the future or the end_date is not yet passed. You can then call this use case from a controller to display the open enrollment processes in the view.
- Application (Use Cases)
- app/application/use_cases/list_open_enrollment_processes.rb
class ListOpenEnrollmentProcesses
def initialize(class_term_repository)
@class_term_repository = class_term_repository
def call
- Infrastructure (Frameworks, Databases, etc.)
- app/infrastructure/repositories/class_term_repository.rb
class ClassTermRepository
def find_open_enrollments
.where('start_date >= ? OR end_date >= ?', Date.today, Date.today)
- Adapters (Controllers, Presenters, etc.)
- app/controllers/open_enrollment_processes_controller.rb
class OpenEnrollmentProcessesController < ApplicationController
def index
list_open_enrollment_processes = ListOpenEnrollmentProcesses.new(ClassTermRepository.new)
@open_enrollment_processes = list_open_enrollment_processes.call
- Views
- app/views/open_enrollment_processes/index.html.erb
<h1>Open Enrollment Processes</h1>
<th>Class Term</th>
<th>Start Date</th>
<th>End Date</th>
<th>Available Positions</th>
<% @open_enrollment_processes.each do |class_term| %>
<% class_term.class_instruments.each do |class_instrument| %>
<td><%= class_term.name %></td>
<td><%= class_term.start_date %></td>
<td><%= class_term.end_date %></td>
<td><%= class_instrument.instrument.name %></td>
<td><%= class_instrument.available_positions %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This example demonstrates how to fetch and display all open enrollment processes. The ListOpenEnrollmentProcesses
use case fetches open ClassTerm instances with their related ClassInstruments, and the OpenEnrollmentProcessesController
calls this use case and assigns the result to an instance variable. The view then iterates through the open enrollment processes and displays them in a table.
Here's a representation of the file tree for the project, including some of the classes discussed earlier:
├── app
│ ├── application
│ │ ├── use_cases
│ │ │ ├── conduct_sortition.rb
│ │ │ ├── create_enrollment.rb
│ │ │ └── list_open_enrollment_processes.rb
│ ├── controllers
│ │ ├── enrollments_controller.rb
│ │ └── open_enrollment_processes_controller.rb
│ ├── domain
│ │ ├── entities
│ │ │ ├── class_instrument.rb
│ │ │ ├── class_term.rb
│ │ │ ├── enrollment.rb
│ │ │ ├── instrument.rb
│ │ │ └── user.rb
│ ├── infrastructure
│ │ ├── repositories
│ │ │ ├── class_instrument_repository.rb
│ │ │ ├── class_term_repository.rb
│ │ │ ├── enrollment_repository.rb
│ │ │ ├── instrument_repository.rb
│ │ │ └── user_repository.rb
│ ├── models
│ │ ├── class_instrument_record.rb
│ │ ├── class_term_record.rb
│ │ ├── enrollment_record.rb
│ │ ├── instrument_record.rb
│ │ └── user_record.rb
│ └── views
│ └── open_enrollment_processes
│ └── index.html.erb
├── config
│ ├── database.yml
│ └── ...
├── db
│ ├── migrate
│ │ ├── XXX_create_users.rb
│ │ ├── XXX_create_instruments.rb
│ │ ├── XXX_create_class_terms.rb
│ │ ├── XXX_create_class_instruments.rb
│ │ └── XXX_create_enrollments.rb
│ └── schema.rb
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
└── config.ru
In this file tree, the core logic and use cases are organized under the app/domain/entities
and app/application/use_cases
directories, respectively. The repositories for handling persistence are in the app/infrastructure/repositories
directory. Controllers, models, and views are organized in their respective directories under app/
. The database migrations are stored under db/migrate
Here is the final version of the CRUDGenerator
class CRUDGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__)
class_option :actions, type: :array, default: [], desc: "Select specific actions to generate (index, new, show, edit, create, update, destroy)"
def create_domain_files
template "domain_entity.rb.tt", File.join("app/domain/entities", class_path, "#{file_name}.rb")
template "domain_repository_interface.rb.tt", File.join("app/domain/repositories", class_path, "#{file_name}_repository.rb")
def create_application_files
template "application_use_case.rb.tt", File.join("app/application/use_cases", class_path, "#{file_name}", "#{file_name}_interactor.rb")
def create_infrastructure_files
template "infrastructure_repository.rb.tt", File.join("app/infrastructure/repositories", class_path, "#{file_name}_repository.rb")
def create_adapter_files
template "adapter_controller.rb.tt", File.join("app/controllers", class_path, "#{plural_file_name}_controller.rb") if allowed_actions.any?
def create_active_record_model
generate "model", "#{file_name}_record #{attributes.map(&:to_s).join(' ')} --no-test-framework"
def create_views
create_index_view if allowed_actions.include?("index")
create_new_view if allowed_actions.include?("new") || allowed_actions.include?("create")
create_edit_view if allowed_actions.include?("edit") || allowed_actions.include?("update")
create_show_view if allowed_actions.include?("show")
create_partial_form_view if allowed_actions.include?("new") || allowed_actions.include?("create") || allowed_actions.include?("edit") || allowed_actions.include?("update")
def create_index_view
template "adapter_views/index.html.erb.tt", File.join("app/views", plural_file_name, "index.html.erb")
def create_new_view
template "adapter_views/new.html.erb.tt", File.join("app/views", plural_file_name, "new.html.erb")
def create_edit_view
template "adapter_views/edit.html.erb.tt", File.join("app/views", plural_file_name, "edit.html.erb")
def create_show_view
template "adapter_views/show.html.erb.tt", File.join("app/views", plural_file_name, "show.html.erb")
def create_partial_form_view
template "adapter_views/_form.html.erb.tt", File.join("app/views", plural_file_name, "_form.html.erb")
def allowed_actions
options[:actions].any? ? options[:actions] : %w[index new show edit create update destroy]
Make sure to update the template file paths in the source_root
line at the beginning of the class definition to match the new name of the generator.
Now, when you run the generator with the following command:
rails g crud Instrument name --actions index,new
It will generate only the specified actions (index and new) for the Instrument controller and views.