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Polkadot Substrate C++ API

Install Prerequisites


sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Build tools

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential cmake

curl headers

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev


sudo apt-get install doxygen python-pydot python-pydot-ng graphviz

Other dependencies: websocketpp, sr25519-crust...

make deps


This is work in progress, so installation is only possible from the source code. Here are instructions how to compile the library and run examples:

Checkout and build

git clone
cd polkadot_api_cpp
cmake .
sudo make install

Build "clip" example client

make clip

Run connect basic example

Connect example will establish WebSocket connection to the polkadot node and read and output basic information.

bin/clip connect

Read Address Balance Example

Balance example will establish WebSocket connection and read and output address balance in DOTs.

bin/clip balance <your polkadot address>

Running Unit Tests

make test

How to Use

Files to include

#include <polkadotcpp/polkadot.h>

Files to link


Library Initialization

Parity node URL is the only required parameter, though URL must include port. Example:

string parity_node_url("wss://");
CWebSocketClient ws(parity_node_url);

Eastablishing and maintaining connection

This call will establish connection and start message thread:


The websocket subscriptions will provide data via the callback. In order to subscribe to an endpoint, call:


In order to stop subscription, call:


When connection is not needed anymore, call


Reading data from polkadot node

The data is returned as C structures. Documentation TBD.

Sending extrincics