A curated list of awesome Android Reverse Engineering training, resources, and tools.
Awesome-Android-Reverse-Engineering is an amazing list for people who work in taking apart Android applications, systems, or components. Simply press ctrl + F
to search for a keyword, go through our Contents Menu, or lookout for a '☆' indicating some great and up-to-date resources.
- Training
- Tools
- Resources
- CTFs and CrackMes
- Misc
- Obfuscation & Anti-Reversing
- Firmware & Kernel Analysis
- Cloud API & Web Services Reversing
- ☆ Maddie Stone's Android Reverse Engineering Training - A comprehensive online training course on Android reverse engineering by Maddie Stone.
- Introduction to Assembly from Azeria Labs - Covering everything from data types, registers, the ARM instruction set, memory instructions, and more.
- Kristina Balaam Android Reverse Engineering - A video series on reverse engineering basics and reverse engineering Android malware.
- LaurieWired Android Reverse Engineering videos - A YouTube channel focusing on Android reverse engineering.
- Using Frida To Modify Android Games | Mobile Dynamic Instrumentation - Focusing on reverse engineering Android applications and on using Frida to dynamically modify Android games.
- ☆ Android Internals: A Confectioner's Cookbook - An in-depth exploration of the inner-workings of Android.
- Blue Fox: Arm Assembly Internals and Reverse Engineering - Provides a solid foundation in ARM assembly internals.
- Android Software Internals Quick Reference - Techniques in Java and Android system internals.
- ☆ Mobile Offensive Security Pocket Guide - Key information, approaches, and tooling for mobile penetration testers.
- Android Security Internals - Detailed look into Android security architecture.
- Android Malware Detection with Machine Learning - Machine learning techniques for detecting malicious apps.
- Android Hacker's Handbook - A deep dive into Android exploitation and forensics.
- Practical Reverse Engineering - Covers low-level reverse engineering concepts, including ARM assembly.
- The IDA Pro Book - Essential for advanced IDA Pro techniques.
- QARK - An open-source tool for automatic Android app vulnerability scanning.
- Quark Engine - Integrates various tools as Quark Script APIs for mobile security research.
- MobSF - Supports both static and dynamic analysis for Android app security testing.
- AndroBugs Framework - Analyzes and scans Android apps for security issues.
- ☆ imjtool - Firmware unpacking tool for various vendors and formats.
- Android Studio - Useful for analyzing decompiled apps via an IDE.
- ☆ APK Dependency Graph - Visualizes APK class dependencies.
- disarm - Command line utility for parsing ARM-64 instructions.
- COVA - Computes path constraints based on user-defined APIs.
- DIS{integrity} - Analyzes APKs for root, integrity, and tamper detection.
- Dexcalibur - Automated tool for analyzing and instrumenting Android applications.
- ☆ Obfu[DE]scate - De-obfuscation tool that uses fuzzy comparison logic.
- TinySmaliEmulator - Minimalist smali emulator for "decrypting" obfuscated strings.
- simplify - Android virtual machine and deobfuscator.
- deoptfuscator - Tool for deobfuscating apps using control-flow obfuscation.
- Drozer - Framework for Android security testing with dynamic analysis features.
- jtrace - Similar to strace, but for Android system calls.
- sesearch - Command line tool for querying SELinux policies.
- AutoDroid - Mass APK gathering and analysis tool.
- Networking:
- ☆ Burp Suite - Commercial tool for analyzing network traffic of Android apps.
- Wireshark - Open-source network protocol analyzer.
- SSLsplit - Intercepts and manipulates SSL/TLS encrypted traffic.
- MITMProxy - Man-in-the-middle proxy for analyzing network traffic.
- apk-mitm - Prepares APKs for HTTPS inspection.
- Dynamic Instrumentation:
- ☆ Frida - Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for runtime manipulation.
- Xposed Framework - For hooking and modifying app behavior at runtime.
- ☆ Objection - Runtime exploration tool to bypass app security controls.
- RMS Runtime Mobile Security - Frida web interface.
- ☆ FriDump - Uses Frida to dump memory of running apps.
- jnitrace - Frida-based JNI API tracer.
- ☆ Binder Trace - Intercepts and parses Android Binder messages.
- ☆ JADX - Decompiles APKs into Java source code.
- Procyon - Suite of Java decompilation tools.
- Cfr - Supports decompilation of Android APK files.
- FernFlower - Analytical decompiler for Java.
- ☆ Apktool - Popular tool for decompiling/recompiling APK files.
- DEX2JAR - Converts DEX files to JAR files.
- JDGui - Graphical utility to view Java source from class files.
- IDA Pro - Commercial disassembler and debugger.
- ☆ Ghidra - Free and open-source SRE framework.
- Additional Decompilers:
- JEB Decompiler - Commercial decompiler for Android apps.
- Radare2 - Reverse engineering framework with disassembly and debugging.
- Androguard - Analyzes and reverse engineers Android apps.
- apk2gold - Decompiles Android apps to Java (note: may be outdated).
- AndroidProjectCreator - Converts APKs to Android Studio projects.
- APK Studio - Qt-based IDE for reverse-engineering APKs.
- show-java - APK, JAR & Dex decompiler.
- ☆ APKLab - VS Code extension integrating multiple tools.
- DroidDetective - Machine learning malware analysis for Android apps.
- Cuckoo Droid - Automated Android malware analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox.
- androwarn - Static code analyzer for malicious Android applications.
- Android Security Documentation - Official Google documentation on Android security.
- Android Reverse Engineering Challenges - Curated list of reverse engineering challenges and CTFs.
- AndroidXref - Open code search for Android source.
- APKMirror - Repository of APKs from the Play Store and user uploads.
- APKPure - Repository of APKs for testing and research.
- A Reverse Engineer’s Post-mortem Of The Houseparty Video Chat App
- SharkBot: a “new” generation Android banking Trojan being distributed on Google Play Store
- In-the-Wild Series: Android Exploits
- ☆ UnCrackable Mobile Apps - OWASP Android app CrackMes.
- CyberTruckChallenge19 - Security workshop material from CyberTruck Challenge 2019.
- KGB Messenger - CTF challenge for learning Android reverse engineering.
- Flare-On Challenge - High-level reverse engineering CTF with Android challenges.
- OverTheWire Narnia - Not Android-specific but excellent for binary exploitation practice.
- LADB - Local ADB shell for Android.
- Broken Droid Factory - Generates pseudo-random vulnerable Android apps for training.
- uber-apk-signer - CLI tool for signing and zip aligning APKs.
- RUNIC tamper detection demo - Demo for understanding Android tamper detection and integrity systems.
- Obfuscation Tools:
- Anti-Reversing Techniques:
- Android Tamper Detection Framework (ATDF) - Implements tamper detection.
- Paranoid - Detects root and tampering.
- libhooker - Detects hooking frameworks like Frida and Xposed.
- Binwalk - Analyze, extract, and reverse engineer firmware images.
- AFLSmart - Fuzzer optimized for firmware image analysis.
- Android Kernel Exploits - Collection of kernel vulnerabilities and exploit techniques.
- FirmWire - Dynamic analysis platform for baseband firmware.
- Postman - API development and testing tool for analyzing Android network interactions.
- Burp Suite Extensions for Mobile - Plugins useful for API reversing.
- GraphQL Raider - Burp Suite extension for discovering and exploiting GraphQL APIs.
- Mobile API Recon - Automates API discovery in Android apps.
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.