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591 lines (405 loc) · 20.4 KB

File metadata and controls

591 lines (405 loc) · 20.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[v0.28.0] 2025-02-10


  • Improved the space packet parser API: The parse_space_packets function simply expects a byte buffer and returns results and useful context information inside a ParseResult structure. The former parse_space_packets was renamed to parse_space_packets_from_deque and now treats the provided deque read-only.

[v0.27.0] 2025-01-15


  • USLP implementation: FECF is fixed to 2 bytes and always uses the standard CRC16 CCITT checksum calculation now. Consequently, the USLP API was adapted and simplified.
    • FecfProperties removed, not required anymore
    • TransferFrame constructor now expects has_fecf boolean parameter which defaults to true. The checksum will be calculated and appended by the pack method. The unpack method expects the has_fecf flag now as well and will perform a CRC16 calculation when the flag is set to True.

[v0.26.1] 2024-11-30


  • Unpacking / re-packing was buggy for some file directives when the PDU checksum was activated. This was fixed for the following PDUs:
    • NAK
    • EOF
    • File Data
    • Metadata
    • Finished


  • Typing improvements: Most raw byte APIs like unpack methods now accept both bytes and bytearray

[v0.26.0] 2024-11-27

  • Python 3.8 is not supported anymore as it has reached end-of-life.


  • MetadataPdu options have to be specified as an optional list of abstract TLVs now. A new getter method options_as_tlv can be used to retrieve a list of concrete TLV objects.
  • All exceptions has an *Error suffix now
  • Removed exceptions module in CFDP and moved it to individual defs definition modules. The Errors can still be directly imported from spacepackets.cfdp or spacepackets.cfdp.tlv.


  • CrcError exception constructor was previously named __int__ by accident.

[v0.25.0] 2024-10-29


Renamed PusFileSeqCountProvider to CcsdsFileSeqCountProvider but keep old alias.


  • New and constructors which set the packet type correctly

[v0.24.2] 2024-10-15


  • Custom EntityIdTlv __eq__ implementation which only compares the numerical value of the entity ID TLVs


  • AbstractTlvBase __repr__ implementation

[v0.24.1] 2024-04-23


  • The apid constructor arguments for the PUS TMTC constructors now have a default value of 0. This allows setting the APID in a centralized manner for APID groups and can reduce duplication.

[v0.24.0] 2024-04-23


  • Global configuration module for TC and TM APID was removed.


  • ECSS PUS telemetry time handling is now more generic and low level: Constructors expect a simple bytes type while unpackers/readers expect the length of the timestamp. A helper constant for the offset of the timestamp is exposed which can help with determining the length of the timestamp.
  • CdsShortTimestamp.from_now renamed to now.
  • The ECSS TMTC APID field must not be set explicitely in the class constructors.


  • constant which can be used as a look-ahead to determine the timestamp length from a raw PUS TM packet.
  • spacepackets.ccsds.CCSDS_HEADER_LEN constant.

[v0.23.1] 2024-04-22


  • PUS TC app data setter method.
  • New PusTelecommand alias/shorthand: PusTc.
  • New SpacePacketHeader alias/shorthand: SpHeader.
  • New PusTelemetry alias/shorthand: PusTm.

[v0.23.0] 2024-01-24


  • Explicitely disambigute ByteFieldU<[8, 16, 32, 64]>.from_bytes from UnsignedByteField.from_bytes by renaming them to ByteFieldU<[8, 16, 32, 64].from_<[8, 16, 32, 64]>_bytes. This might break calling code which might now call UnsignedByteField.from_bytes.
  • Improve ByteFieldGenerator.from_int and ByteFieldGenerator.from_bytes method. These will now raise an exception if the passed value width in not in [1, 2, 4, 8].


  • Added ByteFieldU64 variant.
  • Added spacepackets.countdown utility module. This class was moved from tmtccmd.util.countdown and contains the Countdown class. It was moved here so it can be re-used more easily.
  • Added spacepackets.seqcount utility module. This class was moved from tmtccmd.util.seqcnt and contains sequence counter abstractions and concrete implementations. It was moved here so it can be re-used more easily.

[v0.22.0] 2023-12-22


  • Extended AbstractSpacePacket with the following abstract properties:
    • ccsds_version
    • packet_id
    • packet_seq_control
    • The following properties were added but use the abstract properties:
      • packet_type
      • sec_header_flag
      • seq_flags


  • Metadata PDU typing correction.
  • More robust __eq__ implementations which check the type compared against.
  • Some minor typing corrections.


  • The PusTelecommand class now implements AbstractSpacePacket.

[v0.21.0] 2023-11-10


  • Directive code for the NAK PDU was set to the ACK PDU directive code.


  • Reordered argument order for FinishedParams to be in line with the CFDP standard. This might break code not using keyword arguments.
  • Renamed FileDeliveryStatus to FileStatus to be closer to the CFDP name.
  • Moved spacepackets.cfdp.pdu.finished.FileDeliveryStatus to spacepackets.cfdp.defs.FileStatus. The new enumeration is also re-exported in spacepackets.cfdp.
  • Moved spacepackets.cfdp.pdu.finished.DeliveryCode to spacepackets.cfdp.defs.DeliveryCode. The new enumeration is also re-exported in spacepackets.cfdp.
  • Renamed len field of CFDP LV to value_len to avoid confusion and for consistency.
  • Renamed length field of CFDP TLV to value_len to avoid confusion and for consistency.


  • New TransactionId class used for unique identification of CFDP transfers.
  • UnsignedByteField.from_bytes constructor.
  • DirectoryOperationMessageType enumeration for CFDP.
  • OriginatingTransactionId reserved CFDP message abstraction.
  • ProxyPutResponse reserved CFDP message abstraction.
  • ProxyTransmissionMode reserved CFDP message abstraction.
  • ProxyClosureRequested reserved CFDP message abstraction.
  • DirectoryListingRequest reserved CFDP message abstraction.
  • DirectoryListingResponse reserved CFDP message abstraction.


  • USLP configuration module.

[v0.20.0] 2023-11-04


  • Added __repr__ for AckPdu class.
  • Added __repr__ for KeepAlivePdu class.
  • Added __repr__ for PromptPdu class.
  • Added a finished_params property for the FinishedPdu class.
  • Added a transmission_mode property for the AbstractPduBase class.
  • Renamed trans_mode setter and getter properties to transmission_mode.
  • Filedata PDU: New SegmentMetadata dataclass for better modelling of the filedata PDU.
  • Filedata PDU: New API to retrieve the maximum allowed file segment size for a given maximum packet size.
  • NAK PDU: New API to retrieve the maximum amount of segment requests for a given maximum packet size.


  • Filedata PDU: The FileDataParams dataclass now is composed of an Optional[SegmentMetadata].

[v0.19.0] 2023-10-05


  • Set the direction field of the PDU classes correctly depending on the PDU type. This field was previously always set to Direction.TOWARDS_RECEIVER.


  • Moved pdu_header abstract property from AbstractFileDirectiveBase to AbstractPduBase class
  • Renamed TlvHolder field base to tlv and PduHolder field base to pdu.


  • Added direction abstract method for AbstractPduBase.

[v0.18.0] 2023-09-08


  • The parse_space_packets function analysis queue argument is now expected to be filled on the right side.

[v0.18.0rc1] 2023-09-04


  • New ProxyPutRequestParams dataclass as a generic data model for the CFDP proxy put request parameters.
  • New API for ReservedCfdpMessage
    • get_reserved_cfdp_message_type: Retrieve type as int
    • is_cfdp_proxy_operation
    • get_cfdp_proxy_message_type
    • get_proxy_put_request_params to extract proxy put request parameters from the message when applicable.
  • MessageToUserTlv: Added new method to_reserved_msg_tlv which can be used to create a ReservedCfdpMessage from the instance when applicable.


  • Renamed MessageToUserTlv.is_standard_proxy_dir_ops_msg to is_reserved_cfdp_message
  • ProxyPutRequest constructor now expects a ProxyPutRequestParams instance.
  • Swapped FileDataPdu, KeepAlivePdu, EofPdu, FinishedPdu, PromptPdu and AckPdu constructor argument order : PduConfig is the first parameter now while FileDataParams is the second parameter. PduConfig is the only common parameter, so it makes more sense to have it as the first argument.


  • The new is_reserved_cfdp_message API now checks for a value length of 5 to ensure the message type is included as well.

[v0.18.0rc0] 2023-08-17

  • Bumped required Python version to v3.8.


  • Renamed TlvTypes to TlvType.
  • Package version is single-sourced using the importlib.metadata variant: The pyproject.toml now contains the version information, but the informatio can be retrieved at runtime by using the new version.get_version API or importlib.metadata.version("spacepackets").


  • Added basic low level support for the Proxy Put Request operation.


  • which is not required anymore.

[v0.17.0] 2023-06-09


  • Moved CRC16_CCITT_FUNC from spacepackets.ecss.crc to spacepackets.crc. This checksum is not just used by PUS, but by the CCSDS TC and the CFDP standard as well.


  • Checksum and PDU length checks when creating PDUs from a raw buffer.
  • CRC flag support for CFDP.


  • Bugfix in ccsds.spacepackets parse_space_packets function: If a broken packet was detected and the current parsing index was larger than 0, the broken packet was not detected and re-inserted into the deque properly.

[v0.16.0] 2023-05-15


  • Important bugfix in CFDP PDU header format: The entity length field and the transaction sequence number length field stored the actual length of the field instead of the length minus 1 like specified in the CFDP standard.

[v0.15.0] 2023-02-17

  • Removed ecss.pus_5_event.Severity, moved to tmtccmd package because it is not ECSS generic.
  • Added first basic ecss.pus_15_tm_storage module with Subservice enum.

[v0.14.1] 2023-02-12


  • Use custom package discovery in pyproject.toml for more robustness.

[v0.14.0] 2023-02-09


  • The CRC16 function retrieved from crcmod is now cached on module level instead of being re-created for every usage. This might yield performance improvements.
  • Remove setup.cfg and fully move to pyproject.toml. The flake8 config was moved to a .flake8 file.


  • The crc16 property of both and still was an int in some cases. It should always be an Optional[bytes] (size 2) now.

[v0.14.0rc3] 2023-02-02

Refactored logging module usage to be more pythonic.


  • New spacepackets.exceptions module with new generic exception BytesTooShortError for errors where the object creation from a raw byte stream fails.
  • spacepackets.get_lib_logger to get access to the library root logger
  • empty constructor
  • empty constructor


  • (breaking): All unpack APIs now consistently expect use the data keyword argument
  • (possibly breaking): The now throws the InvalidTcCrc16 exception if an invalid CRC16 is detected.
  • (possibly breaking): The now throws the InvalidTmCrc16 exception if an invalid CRC16 is detected.
  • (possibly breaking): and The calc_crc keyword argument for pack has been renamed to recalc_crc.
  • (breaking): The crc16 proprerty will now return a Optional[bytes] object instead of an integer.
  • PusTmSecondaryHeader.HEADER_SIZE renamed to PusTmSecondaryHeader.MIN_LEN to better reflect the header can actually be larger if it includes the timestamp.


  • spacepackets.cfdp.conf.check_packet_length
  • spacepackets.log module.
  • and valid property removed. Instead, detection of an invalid CRC will now trigger a InvalidTmCrc16 or InvalidTcCrc16 exception.


  • Printer utilities for PUS TMTC classes.

[v0.14.0rc2] 2022-01-30


  • ecss.pus_17_test.Service17Tm: Remove (optional) PUS version argument for unpack
  • ccsds.time.CdsShortTimestamp: Fix for __add__ dunder, use integer division when adding microseconds to MS of day.
  • ccsds.time.CdsShortTimestamp: Fixed bug in read_from_raw method where the retrieved CCSDS days were assigned to the UNIX seconds.


  • (breaking): parse_space_packets: Expects a tuple of PacketIds instead of raw integers now which are converted to integers internally.
  • (breaking): AbstractPusTm get_sp_header renamed to sp_header and is a property now.
  • (breaking): ecss.PusTelemetry: public member sp_header is now named space_packet_header to avoid name clash with new property.
  • (breaking): SequenceFlags argument removed from ECSS specifies this field is always set to SequenceFlags.UNSEGMENTED.


  • New ecss.PacketFieldU8, ecss.PacketFieldU16 and ecss.PacketFieldU32 helper types.
  • (breaking): AbstractPusTm: Add new time_provider abstract property which should return Optional[CcsdsTimeProvider]
  • New ecss.check_pus_crc function to check whether a PUS packet in raw format.

[v0.14.0rc1] 2022-01-22


  • CcsdsTimeProvider: Add len_packed, mark len as deprecated
  • ecss.pus_1_verification:
    • Service1Tm: time_provider needs to be passed explicitely now, no default value.


  • Various fixes for new optional timestamp feature, added checks that timestamp is not None. time_provider does not have a default value anymore and needs to be passed explicitely.
  • CdsShortTimestamp: The new from_now (and former from_current_time) classmehod now creates the timestamp from a UTC datetime.
  • CdsShortTimestamp: The datetime.datetime instance returned from as_date_time now returns has the datetime.timezone.utc set as the time zone information.


  • CdsShortTimestamp:
    • Add new from_now classmethod and deprecate from_current_time.
    • Add __eq__ implementation which only compares CCSDS days and ms of day.

[v0.14.0rc0] 2022-01-18


  • CdsShortTimestamp
    • Add __add__ magic method impl which allows adding timedeltas (but only timedeltas)
    • Add new constructor from_date_time to create timestamp from datetime.datetime
    • Add ms_of_day and ccsds_days properties
    • (breaking): ms_of_day staticmethod renamed to ms_of_today


  • CcsdsTimeProvider: Renamed as_datetime to as_date_time. Old function still there but marked deprecated.
  • (breaking): The CcsdsTimeProvider is now optional for the ECSS TM packet constructors, but needs to be supplied explicitely. There is no automatic construction of a specific version of the CDS timestamp with 16 bit days anymore if no time provider is passed. If this behaviour is still required, CdsShortTimestamp.empty() can be passed explicitely. If not time provider is passed, it is assumed the time field is empty.
  • (breaking): PusServices renamed to PusService, not a flag enum.
  • (breaking): Service17Tm.unpack: Time reader needs to be passed explicitely as second argument.
  • (breaking): Rename pus_1_verification.Subservices to pus_1_verification.Subservice
  • (breaking): Rename pus_3_hk.Subservices to pus_3_hk.Subservice
  • (breaking): Rename pus_5_event.Subservices to pus_5_event.Subservice
  • (breaking): Rename pus_17_test.Subservices to pus_17_test.Subservice

[v0.13.0] 2022-09-15

  • Improved Time Handling inside for the TM module, make it possible to use different timestamps
  • Introduces CcsdsTimeProvider abstraction to allow this.
  • Improve implementation of CdsShortTimestamp class
  • Basic AbstractPusTm class
  • Basic AbstractSpacePacket class
  • Singular enum names for CFPD module

[v0.13.0rc3] 2022-07-19

  • Refactored and improved TLV API and handling. Implementation is also a bit more efficient
  • Basic CFDP version support: Sanity checks on version field. Only version 2 supported

[v0.13.0rc2] 2022-07-12

  • Improved documentation, first docstrings
  • Added more re-exports, for example for the ccsds module
  • Added several dunder method implementations, especially __repr__, __str__ and __eq__
  • Improved CFDP packet stack API, several improvements derived from the implementation of a CFDP handler using it
  • Added generic abstraction for CFDP File Data and File Directive PDUs in form of the AbstractPduBase and AbstractFileDirectiveBase
  • Generic UnsignedByteField implementation. This is a data structure which is regularly used for something like variable sized identifier fields. It provides a lot of boilerplate code like common dunder implementations
  • Split up and improve test structure a bit

[v0.13.0rc1] 2022-07-01

  • Update pyproject.toml file for full support, but still keep setup.cfg for now
  • API improvements for PUS Verificator
  • Setter properties for sequence count and APID in ECSS module
  • Make as_u32 function of RequestId public

[v0.12.1] 2022-06-30

  • Small bugfix for PUS 1 Step ID unpacking

[v0.12.0] 2022-06-30

  • Added PusVerificator module which can track the verification status of sent telecommands
  • Added several magic method implementations, notably __eq__ and __hash__ where applicable
  • Removed PUS A support completely. PUS A is relatively old, and specialicing on one packet version makes the code a lot simpler
  • Added ecss.fields module which contains the Ptc and various PFC enumerations. Also add a generic abstraction for enumerated fields in form of a PacketFieldEnum and a PacketFieldBase. This is useful to have an abstraction for the various PUS standard packet fields which can have variable sizes

[v0.11.0] 2022-06-28

  • Minor name change for PUS 17 and PUS 1 TM classes
  • New RequestId class to encapsulate the field used by the PUS 1 Verification service
  • Update CRC16 handling for TMTC PUS classes. It is possible to calculate the CRC16 manually with a dedicated calc_crc call and then omit the calculation in the pack call with an additional argument.

[v0.10.0] 2022-06-23

  • New Helper objects for CCSDS Space Packet subfields, namely new PacketId and PacketSeqCtrl class
  • Remove PUS A support for PUS telecommands
  • Added multiple __str__ and __repr__ implementations where applicable
  • API simplification, shorter or better keywords for PUS TM and PUS TC constructor calls

[v0.9.0] 2022-06-14

  • API improvements, bugfix and general improvements for CCSDS spacepacket header implementation

[v0.8.1] 2022-05-24

  • Named value for fetching global APID

[v0.8.0] 2022-05-24

  • Update PusServices enumeration

[v0.7.1] 2022-05-05

  • Added subservice enumerations for generic PUS Services 1, 3, 5 and 17

[v0.7.0] 2022-05-05

  • Improvement for API of PUS TM1 and PUS TM17 base classes

[v0.6.2] 2022-04-08

  • Fix in size pre-check of space packet parser parse_space_packets

[v0.6.1] 2022-04-08

  • Add packet sizes in __str__ method of PUS TM and TC
  • Some type corrections: Expect bytes instead of bytearray where applicable

[v0.6.0] 2022-02-12


  • Unified Space Data Link Protocol Packet implementations


  • Assign default print format in TM and TC implementation

[v0.5.4] 2022-01-13

  • Important bugfix in space packet parser implementation

[v0.5.3] 2021-12-20

  • Maximum TC packet size configurable now, will be checked when packaging TC packets. Default maximum size is 1004 bytes for now

[v0.5.2] 2021-12-20

  • Smaller tweaks for CFDP

[v0.5.1] 2021-12-07

  • Applied formatting with the black Python formatter
  • Small tweaks to the NOTICE file