Health-checker for ngx-lua upstream servers
This library is still under early development.
_M = {} = {
checkup_timer_interval = 2,
checkup_timer_overtime = 10,
_M.api = {
timeout = 2,
typ = "general",
cluster = {
{ -- level 1
try = 2,
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 12354 },
{ host = "", port = 12355 },
{ host = "", port = 12356 },
{ -- level 2
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 12360 },
{ host = "", port = 12361 },
_M.status = {
timeout = 2,
typ = "http",
http_opts = {
query = "GET /status HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n",
statuses = {
[502] = false,
cluster = {
{ -- level 1
try = 2,
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 12354 },
{ host = "", port = 12355 },
{ host = "", port = 12356 },
{ host = "", port = 12357 },
{ -- level 2
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 12350 },
{ host = "", port = 12351 },
return _M
以 Newworld 为例
_M.newworld = {
timeout = 5,
read_timeout = 30,
send_timeout = 60,
cluster = {
{ -- level 1
try = 2,
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 8080 },
{ -- level 2
servers = {
{ host = "", port = 8080 },
{ host = "", port = 8080 },
{ host = "", port = 8080 },
timeout, read_timeout, send_timeout
分别表示连接超时,读超时和写超时,特别地,当没有明确设置 read_timeout 或 send_timeout 的情况下, 其值都以 timeout 为准.
cluster = { { -- level 1 }, { -- level 2 } }
这是 Kuzan 特有的一个集群配置结构,目前支持一些简单的容灾(主备及重试机制)和负载均衡(Round Robin)处理,如上所示,可以按优先级配置多个 level,每个 level 下可以配置一个 server 集群,Kuzan 会根据 level 优先级默认总是使用 level 1 的集群,只有当 level 1 的集群全部可不用的时候,自动切换到 level 2,以此类推; 因此,此时要配置简单的主备模式就很方便了,配置两个 level,每个 level 一台 server 即可.
{ try = 2, servers = { { host = "", port = 8080 } } }
这是 cluster 每层 level 的配置结构,其中 servers 中可配置多个后端,目前后端配置只支持 host/port 形式,接下来会考虑对 unixsock 形式的支持,另外多台 server 默认会进行简单地 Round Robin 轮询,实现一定地负载均衡效果;try 表示失败重试几次,默认是 servers 的数量(跟 Nginx 的 upstream 非常类似),当某次请求检测到该层 level 的某台 server 不可用的时候,会切换到下一台进行重试,若一直失败,则重复这个过程,但最多只会重试 try 次,特别地,若某一层的 try 设置的值大于其 servers 的数量,那么,当该层的 servers 均不可用的情况下,level 会自动切换到下一层(如有有的话),如上配置所示,level 1 只配置了 1 台 server,但 try 设置的是 2,那么当这台唯一的 server 不可用的时候,当前请求的重试机制会切换到下一层的 level,即 level 2,此处配置了 3 个 server, try 默认是 server 个数 3,那么此时就完全按照 level 2 的规则来进行重试和负载均衡了.
另外,这个集群配置结构在结合主动健康检查的情况下,会动态调整,例如若 level 1 中某台 server 或者整个 level 1 不可用的时候,会自动临时剔除这些不可用的配置,重新排列配置结构,并且仍然会按照以上规则进行处理.
http {
lua_package_path "$pwd/../lua-resty-lock/?.lua;$pwd/lib/?.lua;$pwd/t/lib/?.lua;;";
lua_shared_dict state 10m;
lua_shared_dict mutex 1m;
lua_shared_dict locks 1m;
server {
listen 12354;
location = /status {
return 200;
server {
listen 12355;
location = /status {
return 502;
server {
listen 12356;
location = /status {
return 404;
server {
listen 12357;
location = /status {
content_by_lua '
ngx.status = 200
server {
listen 9090;
location = /t {
init_by_lua '
local config = require "config"
local checkups = require "resty.checkups"
content_by_lua '
local checkups = require "resty.checkups"
local cb_ok = function(host, port)
ngx.say(host .. ":" .. port)
return 1
local res = checkups.ready_ok("status", cb_ok)
local res = checkups.ready_ok("status", cb_ok)
A typical output of the \t
location is
syntax: checkups.prepare_checker(config)
syntax: checkups.create_checker()
syntax: res = checkups.ready_ok(callback)
syntax: status = checkups.get_status()