uptrace-js is an OpenTelemery distribution configured to export traces and metrics to Uptrace.
uptrace-js comes in two flavors:
- @uptrace/node - for Node.js.
- @uptrace/web - for Web browsers.
Install uptrace-js:
yarn add @uptrace/node --save
Run the basic example below using the DSN from the Uptrace project settings page.
// The very first import must be Uptrace/OpenTelemetry.
const otel = require('@opentelemetry/api')
const uptrace = require('@uptrace/node')
// Start OpenTelemetry SDK and invoke instrumentations to patch the code.
// Set dsn or UPTRACE_DSN env var.
//dsn: '',
serviceName: 'myservice',
serviceVersion: '1.0.0',
// Create a tracer. Usually, tracer is a global variable.
const tracer = otel.trace.getTracer('app_or_package_name', '1.0.0')
// Create a root span (a trace) to measure some operation.
tracer.startActiveSpan('main-operation', (main) => {
tracer.startActiveSpan('child1-of-main', (child1) => {
child1.setAttribute('key1', 'value1')
child1.recordException(new Error('error1'))
tracer.startActiveSpan('child2-of-main', (child2) => {
child2.setAttribute('key2', 42)
// End the span when the operation we are measuring is done.
setTimeout(async () => {
// Send buffered spans and free resources.
await uptrace.shutdown()