PhxSQL is a high-availability and strong-consistency MySQL cluster built on Paxos and Percona.
Authors: Junchao Chen, Haochuan Cui, Duokai Huang, Ming Chen and Sifan Liu
Contact us:
#PhxSQL features:
- high availability by automatic failovers: the cluster works well when more than half of cluster nodes work and are interconnected.
- guarantee of data consistency among cluster nodes: replacing loss-less semi-sync between MySQL master and MySQL slaves with Paxos, PhxSQL ensures zero-loss binlogs between master and slaves and supports linearizable consistency, which is as strong as that of Zookeeper.
- complete compliance with MySQL for and MySQL client: PhxSQL supports up to serializable isolation level of transaction.
- easy deployment and easy maintenance: PhxSQL, powered by in-house implementation of Paxos, has only 4 components including MySQL and doesn't depend on zookeeper or etcd for anything. PhxSql supports automated cluster membership hot reconfiguration.
This project includes
- Source codes
- Third party submodules
- Pre-compiled binaries for Ubuntu 64bit system.
Projects on which this project depends are also published by Tencent( phxpaxos, phxrpc, libco ). You can download or clone them with --recurse-submodule.
If you prefer pre-compiled binaries, just skip this part.
- PhxSQL
- phxsqlproxy
- phxbinlogsvr
- percona
- phx_percona
- plugin
- phxsync_phxrpc
- semisync
- third_party
- glog
- leveldb
- protobuf
- phxpaxos
- colib
- phxrpc
- tools
- phxrpc_package_config
Name | Introduction |
phxsqlproxy | surrogate between MySQL client and PhxSql |
phxbinlogsvr | server for global binlog synchronization and storage, as well as management of mastership and membership |
percona | Source code of percona5.6.31-77.0 |
phx_percona/plugin/phxsync_phxrpc | A plugin running in MySql that intercepts MySQL binlogs and forwards them to phxbinlogsvr |
phx_percona/plugin/semisync | A semisync compatible with our modified plugin APIs of MySQL |
third_party/glog | GLOG library |
third_party/leveldb | LevelDB library |
third_party/protobuf | Google Protobuf 3.0+ library |
third_party/phxpaxos | PhxPaxos library |
third_party/colib | Libco library |
third_party/phxrpc | Phxrpc library |
PhxSQL needs 6 third party libs(glog, leveldb, protobuf, phxpaxos, colib, phxrpc). Please install them in phxsql/third_party directory or just link to third_party.
NOTE: Please make sure -fPIC is added while executing configure in GLOG and Protobuf as well as specifying --prefix=/the/current/absolute/path.
For example: ./configure CXXFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/home/root/phxsql/third_party/glog
Then download percona-server-5.6.31-77.0.tar.gz
Move percona-server-5.6\_5.6.31-77.0
to PhxSQL directory, rename or link as 'percona'
(NOTE: Only percona-server-5.6_5.6.31-77.0 is available)
- Execute
./ && make && make install
- Execute 'make package' to generate a tar.gz package so you can transfer to your target hosts.
(NOTE: We put the binaries in install_package/sbin, configuration files in install_package/tools/etc_template, install scripts in install_package/tools. The 'make package' command will pack 'install_package' into 'phxsql-$version.tar.gz'. Please specify -prefix=/the/path/you/want/to/install while executing ./
PhxSQL needs to run on more than 2 hosts. We suggest N >= 3 and N is an odd number, where N means the number of hosts.
Transfer phxsql.tar.gz to all of the hosts you want to install. Then do as the following steps:
tar -xvf phxsq.tar.gz .
Enter phxsql/tools, Execute
python --help
to get the help of installation.(For example:
python2.7 -i"your_inner_ip" -p 54321 -g 6000 -y 11111 -P 17000 -a 8001 -f/tmp/data/
After executing '' on all the hosts, Execute './phxbinlogsvr_tools_phxrpc -f InitBinlogSvrMaster -h"ip1,ip2,ip3" -p 17000' in any one hosts. 17000 should be replaced with the port on which phxbinlogsvr is listening.
The cluster is active while a message shows master initialization is finished.
You can execute some SQLs to check the status of cluster through
mysql -uroot -h"your_inner_ip" -P$phxsqlproxy_port
- Enter phxsql/tools/
- Execute phxsqlproxy_port ip1 ip2 ip3
PhxSQL have 3 configuration files in total.
NOTE:Modify tools/etc_temlate/my.cnf
before installation, Modify etc/my.cnf
after installation
Section name | Key name | comment |
AgentOption | AgentPort | Port for the connection of binlogsvr and MySQL |
EventDataDir | Directory where to store the binlogsvr data | |
MaxFileSize | File size per data of phxbinlogsvr, the unit is B | |
MasterLease | Lease length of master, the unit is second | |
CheckPointTime | The data before CheckPointTime will be deleted by phxbinlogsvr, but it will not be deleted if some other PhxSQL nodes have not learned yet, the unit is minute | |
MaxDeleteCheckPointFileNum | The maximum number of files deleted each time by phxbinlogsvr | |
FollowIP | Enabled if it is a follower node and will learn binlog from this FollowIP , this node will not vote |
PaxosOption | PaxosLogPath | Directory where to store paxos data |
PaxosPort | Port for paxos to connect each other | |
PacketMode | The maximum size of paxos log for PhxPaxos,1 means 100M, but the network timeout will be 1 minute, 0 means 50M and network timeout is 2s(changed in dynamic). | |
UDPMaxSize | Our default network use udp and tcp combination, a message we use udp or tcp to send decide by a threshold. Message size under UDPMaxSize we use udp to send. | |
Server | IP | IP for phxbinlogsvr to listen |
Port | Port for phxbinlogsvr to listen | |
LogFilePath | Directory to store log | |
LogLevel | Log level of phxbinlogsvr |
Section name | Key name | comment |
Server | IP | IP for phxsqlproxy to listen |
Port | Port for phxsqlproxy to listen | |
LogFilePath | Directory to store log | |
LogLevel | Log level of phxbinlogsvr | |
MasterEnableReadPort | Enable readonly-port in master node. If set to 0, master will forwarding readonly-port requests to one of slaves. | |
TryBestIfBinlogsvrDead | After the local phxbinlogsvr is dead, phxsqlproxy will try to get master information from phxbinlogsvr on other machine, if this option set to 1. |
phxsqlproxy is the surrogate of PhxSQL, all requests will be sent to phxsqlproxy and then be forwarded to MySQL.
It is the port configured in phxsqlproxy.conf
Every requests sent to this port will be forwarded to the master node to excute.
It is (MasterPort + 1). You can also specify it by setting SlavePort = xxxxx
in phxsqlproxy.conf
Every requests will be executed on the local MySQL. A master node will make a redirection to another slave nodes if MasterEnableReadPort = 0
(this will save the CPU/IO resource for write requests)
- Using
mysql -u$user -h$phxsqlproxyip -P$phxsqlproxyport -p$pwd
to connect to phxsqlproxy - Execute SQL command.
can be any one IP of hosts in a clusters and$phxsqlproxyport
can beMasterPort
PhxSQL provides a tool phxbinlogsvr_tools_phxrpc
to help the mangerment of PhxSQL.
PhxSQL cluster needs 1 MySQL admin accounts and 1 synchronization account. The default admin account is (root
, ""
), the default synchronization account is ( replica
, replica123
), They can be modified( and only be modifyed ) via phxbinlogsvr_tools_phxrpc
Following is some commands you may used frequently.
**Function:**Get the current master info from quorum nodes( IP and timeout ).
- Host: Any one IP of clusters nodes
- Port: Port which phxbinlogsvr is listening. like
phxbinlogsvr_tools -f SetMySqlAdminInfo -h <host> -p <port> -u <admin username> -d <admin pwd> -U <new admin username> -D <new admin pwd>
Function: Set the user and password of admin account.
- Host: Any one IP of clusters nodes
- Port: Port which phxbinlogsvr is listening. like
- Admin username: Current account user( default is
) - Admin pwd: Current account password( default is
) - New admin username: New user
- New admin pwd: New password
phxbinlogsvr_tools -f SetMySqlReplicaInfo -h <host> -p <port> -u <admin username> -d <admin pwd> -U <new replica username> -D <new replica pwd>
Function: Set the user and password of synchronization account.
- Host: Any one IP of clusters nodes
- Port: Port which phxbinlogsvr is listening. like
- Admin username: Current account user( default is
) - Admin pwd: Current account password( default is
) - New replica username: New user
- New replica pwd: New password
Function: Membership of this cluster, all IPs and Ports included.
- Host: Any one IP of clusters nodes
- Port: Port which phxbinlogsvr is listening. like
Execute phxbinlogsvr_tools_phxrpc -f RemoveMember -h<host> -p<port> -m <ip_of_nodeA>
to delete node A.
Once it is succesfully executed, A will not learn binlog after a small period.
- Execute
phxbinlogsvr_tools -f AddMember -h<host> -p<port> -m <ip_of_nodeA>
to add node A into the membership. - Install PhxSQL on A.
- A will begin to learn data after installation is finished.
- Copy a snapshot of MySQL from any other nodes to A.
- Kill phxbinlogsvr and access MySQL through the local port( or socket ). then execute
set global super_read_only = 0; set global read_only = 0
; - Dump the snapshot into MySQL.
- A will begin to work after a while.
will pull the checkpoint in another node to reboot during reinstallation. It will self-kill after pulling is over(to make sure the consistency). You can reboot phxbinlogsvr
after a message like "All sm load state ok, start to exit"
will stop working if a data problem arise in MySQL. We suggest you to check the status of MySQL.
CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 0 @ 1.90GHz * 24
Memory : 32G
Disk : SSD Raid10
Master -> Slave : 3 ~ 4ms
Client -> Master : 4ms
sysbench --oltp-tables-count=10 --oltp-table-size=1000000 --num-threads=500 --max-requests=100000 --report-interval=1 --max-time=200
Client Threads | Clusters | Test sets | |||||
insert.lua (100% write) | select.lua (0% write) | OLTP.lua (20% write) | |||||
QPS | Response time(MS) | QPS | Response time(MS) | QPS | Response time(MS) | ||
200 | PhxSQL | 5076 | 39.34/56.93 | 46334 | 4.21/5.12 | 25657 | 140.16/186.39 |
200 | MySQL semi-sync | 4055 | 49.27/66.64 | 47528 | 4.10/5.00 | 20391 | 176.39/226.76 |
500 | PhxSQL | 8260 | 60.41/83.14 | 105928 | 4.58/5.81 | 46543 | 192.93/242.85 |
500 | MySQL semi-sync | 7072 | 70.60/91.72 | 121535 | 4.17/5.08 | 33229 | 270.38/345.84 |
NOTE:The 2 Response times means average and 95% percentile