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Getting Cognito JWT Tokens in Command Line

Ramesh Maddegoda edited this page Jul 25, 2022 · 11 revisions

The following approaches can be used to get JWT tokens in command line, for a user created in a Cognito User Pool.

Approach 1: Using Curl Command

Approach 2: Using AWS CLI

Approach 3: Using Python Requests (in Jupyter Notebooks etc.)

Approach 4: Using AWS SDK for Python - Boto3 (in Jupyter Notebooks etc.)

Prerequisites Related with the App Client Configured Under the Cognito User Pool

  • When creating an App Client under the Cognito User Pool, make sure to select the option: "Don’t generate a client secret" (this cannot be changed after creating the App Client).
  • Make sure that the ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH option is enabled for this App Client.

Approach 1: Using Curl Command

  1. Create a JSON file called auth.json as follows with,

    • The username and password of the user
    • The ClientId of the related App Client configured in Cognito

    Replace <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>, <USER_NAME> and the <USER_PASSWORD> with the correct values. The relevant COGNITO_CLIENT_ID can be obtained from the Unity CS team.


   "AuthParameters" : {
      "USERNAME" : "<USER_NAME>",
   "AuthFlow" : "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH",
   "ClientId" : "<COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>"
  1. Execute the curl command as follows (make sure to use the correct AWS Region instead of the <AWS_REGION> below).
curl -X POST --data @auth.json \
-H 'X-Amz-Target: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1' \

Approach 2: Using AWS CLI

  1. Make sure that the AWS CLI is installed and configured in your local environment.

  2. Execute the following command (Replace <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>, <USER_NAME>, <USER_PASSWORD> and <AWS_REGION> with correct values. The relevant COGNITO_CLIENT_ID can be obtained from the Unity CS team).

aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --region <AWS_REGION> --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID> --auth-parameters USERNAME=<USER_NAME>,PASSWORD=<USER_PASSWORD>

Approach 3: Using Python Requests (in Jupyter Notebooks etc.)

  1. Create a JSON file called auth.json as follows with,

    • The username and password of the user
    • The ClientId of the related App Client configured

    Replace <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>, <USER_NAME> and the <USER_PASSWORD> with the correct values. The relevant COGNITO_CLIENT_ID can be obtained from the Unity CS team.


   "AuthParameters" : {
      "USERNAME" : "<USER_NAME>",
   "AuthFlow" : "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH",
   "ClientId" : "<COGNITO_CLIENT_ID>"
  1. If using a Jupyter Notebook, upload the above auth.json to Jupyter Notebook.

  2. Execute the following python code to get the token (make sure to use the correct AWS Region instead of the <AWS_REGION> below).

import requests
import json

url     = 'https://cognito-idp.<AWS_REGION>'

# Read auth.json file
auth_file = open("auth.json")
payload = json.load(auth_file)

# Set headers
headers = {
    'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth',
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1'

# POST request
res =, json=payload, headers=headers)

# Print all tokens

# Print access token
access_token = res.json()['AuthenticationResult']['AccessToken']

Approach 4: Using AWS SDK for Python - Boto3 (in Jupyter Notebooks etc.)

  1. Create a JSON file called auth_params.json as follows with the username and password of the user. (Replace <USER_NAME> and the <USER_PASSWORD> with the correct values).


  1. If using a Jupyter Notebook, upload the above auth_params.json to Jupyter Notebook.

  2. Execute the following python code to get the token (Replace <AWS_REGION> and the <COGNITO_CLIENT_ID> with the correct values).

import boto3
import json

client = boto3.client('cognito-idp', region_name='<AWS_REGION>')

# Read auth_params.json file
auth_file = open("auth_params.json")
auth_params = json.load(auth_file)

# Get tokens from Cognito
response = client.initiate_auth(

# Print all tokens

# Print access token
access_token = response['AuthenticationResult']['AccessToken']


The both of above approaches will return a response similar the following response with a access_token, id_token and a refresh_token for the given user.

"AuthenticationResult": {
        "AccessToken": "eyJsdhjdsjjkkjkjhjk.........",
        "ExpiresIn": 3600,
        "TokenType": "Bearer",
        "RefreshToken": "eyJjwdwd............",
        "IdToken": "eyGhjwm....."

Additional Notes

If you try to get a token for an App Client, which has a client secret, then you will see an error similar to the following error.

An error occurred (NotAuthorizedException) when calling the InitiateAuth operation: Client 12zc345vvxcv232678vcxv90 is configured for secret but secret was not received

To resolve this, please add SECRET_HASH also as one of the AuthParameters, in addition to the USERNAME and PASSWORD.

The SECRET_HASH can be calculated as explained in the following page.

After that, you can use SECRET_HASH as shown in the following examples.

Example 1:

aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --region us-west-2 --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id 12zc345vvxcv232678vcxv90 --auth-parameters USERNAME=user1,PASSWORD=Changeme528*,SECRET_HASH=Jnd8398hdjnjjsd//Ghjskkcdksd/r4=

Example 2:

"AuthParameters" : {
      "USERNAME" : "user1",
      "PASSWORD" : "Changeme528*",
      "SECRET_HASH" : "Jnd8398hdjnjjsd//Ghjskkcdksd/r4="