- The API is now stable! https://www.digitalocean.com/company/blog/apiv2-officially-leaves-beta/
- Fixed typo
- Added available property to size entity - fix #93
- Added type property to image entity - fix #94
- Added [BC break] fix action object embed a region object - fix #89
- Added droplet neighbors report - fix #80
- Added list of droplets that are scheduled to be upgraded - fix #81
- Added images filtering and its specs
- Added user image filtering and its specs
- Tests against PHP 7
- Updated specs and doc
- Fixed droplet could not be created when the backup function was disabled (next_backup_window was null)
- Added specs
- Added dynamic properties for all entities.
- Added specs.
- Updated doc.
- Added nextBackupWindow property to Droplet entity.
- Improved specs.
- Use travis docker
- Small cosmetic changes to please scrutinizer-ci
- Added the ability to set userdata when creating a droplet.
- Added Account api
- Fixed CS to be PSR-2 compliant
- Added Code of Conduct
- Added updateData to DomainRecord Api
- Added minDiskSize for the image entity.
- Changed the droplet size to sizeSlug.
- Added Support for Guzzle 5.
- Allow using either guzzle or buzz.
- Support creating droplet with ssh fingerprints.
- Pagination fixes.
- Fixed getAll methods. now they return all instead of the first 25.
- Added getActions for a droplet.
- New field createdAt added to the droplet entity.
- Improved the mapping of a droplet networks to the droplet entity.
- Fixed Droplet rename method.
- Added Snapshot to the droplet api.
- Dates are formatted in ISO 8601.
- Added droplet features to the droplet entity.
- Better exception handling.
- Initial stable release (all API classes are tested)