- Fixed UWP startup crash issue for Xamarin Forms
- fixed bug #88 (Nemerle.Core.AssertionException: assertion !IsMemberTableEvaluated)
- support for local types written in C# 6
support variable/parameter as resource key: Background: resource $backgroundKey
improved performance by removing unnecessary compilations
fixed Static binding source bug i.e. bind "Something" from Type.StaticProperty
support variable or parameter as node Key: Grid Key=$var { ... }
x:Arguments support: MyControl { arguments [ MyArgument {} MyArgument {} ] }
members in property assignment: TextBlock { Text: Strings.HelloString // HelloString is const } -
small bugfixes
- adb.exe location for Google Android Emulator
- "Xamarin Forms" setting tab
- Visual Studio Error List support
- resolving in ancestor type binding:
bind ... from $ancestor<Type>
- error not disappearing bug
- error indicator problem
- Intellisense support
- Ordering (Properties -> Nodes -> Other)
- Item is always selected if it starts with current string
- Better Levenstein distance usage
- Alias Namespace resolving bug
- Array Namespace resolving bug
- EOF syntax issue
- Use reference values as mixin/alias argument: #Setter("Background", Red)
- Any control defined in ammy didn't work upon second instantiation
- UWP support (Make sure to update Visual Studio extension!)
- IDE: Color value adornments
- IDE: Closing bracket adornments
- IDE: Outlining (Collapsible regions)
- IDE: Preferences window
- IDE: Brace on same/next line option
- IDE: Auto document formatting (Preferences window)
- Optional parenthesis for aliases when omitting arguments
- Local property hides type (issue #48)
- Added missing System.Collections.Immutable dependency
- XAML to Ammy project converter
- AST caching for better performance
- Do not reload component if it has just been registered
- Preserve attribute/node ordering
- ResourceDictionary generated file rewrite bug
- large string performance issues
- property resolution for cases like:
Property: ExternalType.Property
- ambiguity between C# parsed types and Ammy parsed types