Unifispot is an external captive portal for Unifi Controllers that supports details collection and Facebook login It is built using python and flask and runs on apache/nginx or any webserver that supports wsgi.
- Apache 2
- WSGI module
- Python 2.7+
I have created .deb packages for Ubuntu 32/64 bit systems. Which can be installed using dpkg tools
ie: dpkg -i unifispot_0.1_amd64.deb
- Extract the tar file and place it in root directory of web server ( For the test steps its assumed as /var/www/unifispot)
- Create a directory to keep the logs /var/log/unifispot ( mkdir /var/log/unifispot)
- Ensure that apache's user owns this directory ( eg: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/unifispot)
- Copy unifispot.wsgi into /etc/apache2/sites-available and make the necessary changes if any required
- Enable site and restart apache service a2enssite unifispot.conf service apache2 restart
Portal can be configured fully by modifying config.yaml file available in the root directory( eg: /var/www/unifispot)
Config file has two parts named LANDINGSITE and LANDING PAGE
LANDINSITE: Represents various parameters to be configured for selecting authentication mechanism,facebook APP ID etc
LANDINGPAGE:Defines the look and feel of landing page such as colors/fonts etc.
If the instalaltion is successfull you can view the landing page by going to http:///guest/s/site?id=11:22:33:44:55:66&ap=22:33:44:55:66:77
Portal also has a password protected dashboard area for viewing the details entered by the guest. Username and password can be configured in config.yaml. The default username and password will be admin/password
Admin Area: http:///admin