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Puppet module for COBalD/TARDIS based opportunistic resource management


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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  3. Limitations


The module allows to install and configure a COBalD and TARDIS service to manage opportunistic resources.


cobald_version [String]

COBalD version to be used. Possible values are undef = latest PyPI release, 'master' = Github master branch or the PyPI release number.

tardis_version [String]

TARDIS version to be used. Possible values are undef = latest PyPI release, 'master' = Github master branch or the PyPI release number.

auth_lbs [Optional[Enum['krb5', 'ssh']]]

Authentication method used by local batch system (LBS).

filename_cobald_keytab [String]

COBalD service principal keytab file name (if LBS uses Kerberos authentication).

ssh_hostname [String]

hostname of host to access LBS (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

ssh_username [String]

user name to be used for ssh access to LBS (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

ssh_pubhostkey [String]

public ssh host key (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

ssh_hostkeytype [String]

encryption type of ssh host key (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

ssh_privkey_filename [String]

file name of ssh private key used to access LBS (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

ssh_keytype [Enum['dsa', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519', 'rsa']]

type of ssh key used to access LBS (if ssh authentication is used to access LBS)

multiplex_ssh [Boolean]

Whether SSH multiplexing should be set up for the cobald user to reduce latency and improve reliability.

ssh_perform_output_cleanup [Boolean]

Whether to perform cleanup of job output files via SSH to ssh_hostname once per day.

output_cleanup_pattern [String]

Pattern of files to delete when ssh_perform_output_cleanup is enabled.

auth_obs [Optional[Enum['gsi']]]

Authentication method used by overlay batch system (OBS).

manage_cas [Boolean]

Should this module manage Certificate Authorities (CAs) (including CRLs).

ca_repo_url [String]

Repository URL from which to fetch CAs.

ca_packages [Array[String]]

Array containing names of CA packages.

filename_cobald_robot_key [String]

COBalD robot key file name (if OBS uses GSI authentication).

filename_cobald_robot_cert [String]

COBalD robot certificate file name (if OBS uses GSI authentication).

zabbix_monitor_robotcert [Boolean]

Add a Zabbix parameter (robotcert.expiration_days) to monitor the validity of the COBalD robot certificate (if OBS uses GSI authentication). Defaults to false to keep Zabbix an optional dependency.

gsi_daemon_dns [Array[String]]

Array of distringuished names (DNs) to be added to HTCondor variable GSI_DAEMON_NAME.

COBalD instance parameters

additional_pilot_attributes [Hash[String,String]]

Hash of additional ClassAd attributes to add to the pilot JDL. Only useful for the HTCondor LBS. Note that the value of the has is passed as-is, i.e. for string values, they need to be enquoted. This allows to also pass ClassAd expressions if wanted.


Here is an example how to use this module:

class { 'cobald':
  cobald_version             => 'master',
  tardis_version             => 'master',
#  auth_lbs                   => ['krb5', 'ssh'],
  auth_lbs                   => ['krb5'],
  filename_cobald_keytab     => "${module_name}/cobald/",
#  ssh_hostname               => '',
#  ssh_username               => 'cobald',
#  ssh_pubhostkey             => 'SomeLongStringOfGibberish',
#  ssh_hostkeytype            => 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256',
#  ssh_privkey_filename       => "${module_name}/cobald/sshkeys/",
#  ssh_keytype                => 'ed25519',
  auth_obs                   => 'gsi',
  manage_cas                 => true,
  filename_cobald_robot_key  => "${module_name}/cobald/robotcert/cobald-robot-key.pem",
  filename_cobald_robot_cert => "${module_name}/cobald/robotcert/cobald-robot-cert.pem",
  gsi_daemon_dns             => [
                                  '/C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=mytier3/CN=Robot - My COBalD TARDIS Drone Service',

$mytier3_cobald_conf = {
  'pipeline' => [
      '__type__'        => 'cobald.controller.linear.LinearController',
      # if min(cpu_ratio, memory_ratio) drops below given value, nodes are drained
      'low_utilisation' => 0.75,
      # if max(cpu_ratio, memory_ratio) exceeds given value, nodes are spawned
      'high_allocation' => 0.8,
      # rate (cores/second) to increase or reduce cores
      'rate'            => 1,
      '__type__' => 'cobald.decorator.limiter.Limiter',
      # leave at least one core
      'minimum'  => 1,
      '__type__' => 'cobald.decorator.logger.Logger',
      'name'     => 'changes',
      '__type__'      => 'tardis.resources.poolfactory.create_composite_pool',
      'configuration' => '/etc/cobald/mytier3/tardis.yml',
  'logging' => {
    'version'    => 1,
    'root'       => {
      'level'    => 'DEBUG',
      'handlers' => ['console', 'file'],
    'formatters' => {
      'precise'   => {
        'format'   => '%(name)s: %(asctime)s %(message)s',
        'datefmt'  => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
    'handlers'    => {
      'console'    => {
        'class'     => 'logging.StreamHandler',
        'formatter' => 'precise',
        'stream'    => 'ext://sys.stdout',
      'file'       => {
        'class'       => 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',
        'formatter'   => 'precise',
        'filename'    => '/var/log/cobald/mytier3/tardis.log',
        'maxBytes'    => 10485760,
        'backupCount' => 3,

$mytier3_tardis_conf = {
  'Plugins'     => {
    'SqliteRegistry'        => {
      'db_file'       => '/var/lib/cobald/mytier3/drone_registry.db',
  'BatchSystem' => {
    'adapter'    => 'HTCondor',
    # cache condor_status output for 1 minute
    'max_age'    => 1,
    # used to calculate utilisation and allocation
    'ratios'     => {
      # relative used CPU number
      'cpu_ratio'    => 'Real(TotalSlotCpus-Cpus)/TotalSlotCpus',
      # relative used memory
      'memory_ratio' => 'Real(TotalSlotMemory-Memory)/TotalSlotMemory',
    'options' => {
      'pool' => '',
  'Sites' => [
      'name'    => 'SITE-NAME',
      'adapter' => 'HTCondor',
      # max. number of offered CPUs
      'quota'   => 5,
  'SITE-NAME' => {
    # cache condor_q output for 1 minute
    'max_age'                  => 1,
    'MachineTypes'             => [
    'MachineTypeConfiguration' => {
      'atlas_singlecore' => {
        'jdl' => '/etc/cobald/mytier3/atlas-pilot.jdl',
      'atlas_eightcore'      => {
        'jdl' => '/etc/cobald/mytier3/atlas-pilot.jdl',
      'belle_singlecore'      => {
        'jdl' => '/etc/cobald/mytier3/belle-pilot.jdl',
      'belle_eightcore'      => {
        'jdl' => '/etc/cobald/mytier3/belle-pilot.jdl',
      'MachineMetaData'      => {
        'atlas_singlecore     => {
          'Cores'  => 1,
          'Memory' => 2.5,
          'Disk'   => 20,
        'atlas_eightcore'     => {
          'Cores'   => 8,
          'Memory'  => 14,
          'Disk'    => 160,
        'belle_singlecore'    => {
          'Cores'   => 1,
          'Memory'  => 2.5,
          'Disk'    => 20,
        'belle_eightcore'     => {
          'Cores'   => 8,
          'Memory'  => 20,
          'Disk'    => 160,

cobald::instance { 'mytier3':
  ensure                      => 'present',
  activate_service            => true,
  cobald_conf                 => $mytier3_cobald_conf,
  tardis_conf                 => $mytier3_tardis_conf,
  supported_vos               => ['atlas', 'belle'],
  additional_pilot_attributes => {
    '+ContainerOS'  => '"CentOS7_pilot"',
    '+CephFS_IO'    => '"none"',
  pilot_logs_keep_time        => '14d',


This module has only been tested on CentOS 7 and CentOS 8 so far.


Puppet module for COBalD/TARDIS based opportunistic resource management







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Contributors 4
