CEL Playground is an interactive WebAssembly (Wasm) powered environment to explore and experiment with the Common Expression Language (CEL). It provides a simple and user-friendly interface to write and quickly evaluate CEL expressions.
CEL Playground is built by compiling Go code to WebAssembly and includes the following libraries that are available in the environment:
- CEL extended string function library
- Kubernetes list library
- Kubernetes regex library
- Kubernetes URL library
Take a look at all the environment options.
Build the Wasm binary:
make build
Serve the static files:
make serve
To engage with our community, you can use the following resources:
- Give us a star ⭐ - If you want us to continue developing and improving CEL Playground
- Contributing to CEL Playground - Start here if you're interested in contributing to the project
- Code of Conduct - Learn about the guidelines that govern our community interactions
- Slack Channel - Join us on Slack to get support or discuss the project
- Community Sessions - Join our monthly community meetings and bi-weekly office hours (agenda and meeting notes)
- Roadmap - Discover what's next for the project
- Adopters - Is your company using CEL Playground? Let us know, and we'll feature you here!
CEL Playground is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.