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Terraform AWS Backup

Terraform module to provision AWS Backup resources.

Terraform versions

Terraform 1.0+. Pin module version to ~> v1.5. Submit pull-requests to main branch. Prior versions on master branch will need ~> v1.3.


If referring directly to the code instead of a pinned version, take note that from release 1.4.0 all future changes will only be made to the main branch.

module "backup" {
  source = "umotif-public/backup/aws"
  version = "~> 1.5"

  vault_name        = "test-rds-aurora"
  vault_kms_key_arn = "arn:aws:kms:eu-west-1:1111111111:key/07a8a813-fcc9-4d7f-a982648d9c25"

  tags = {
    Environment = "test"

  plan_name = "test-backup-plan"

  rules = [
      name              = "test-backup-rule"
      schedule          = "cron(0 12 * * ? *)"
      start_window      = "65"
      completion_window = "180"
      recovery_point_tags = {
        Project = "test"
        Region  = "eu-west-1"

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = 0
        delete_after       = 90

  selection_name = "test-backup-selection"
  selection_resources = ["arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:1111111111:cluster:example-database-1"]

  selection_tags = [
      type  = "STRINGEQUALS"
      key   = "Project"
      value = "Test"
      type  = "STRINGEQUALS"
      key   = "Environment"
      value = "test"


Module is to be used with Terraform > 1.0.



Module managed by:


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.11
aws >= 4.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_backup_plan.main resource
aws_backup_selection.main resource
aws_backup_vault.main resource
aws_backup_vault_notifications.main resource
aws_iam_policy.main_custom_policy resource
aws_iam_role.main resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.main_custom_policy_attach resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.main_role_backup_policy_attach resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.main_role_restore_policy_attach resource
aws_sns_topic.main resource
aws_sns_topic_policy.main resource
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main_custom_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.sns_policy data source
aws_partition.current data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
advanced_backup_settings An object that specifies backup options for each resource type any [] no
backup_vault_events An array of events that indicate the status of jobs to back up resources to the backup vault. list(string)
create_sns_topic Create SNS Topic bool true no
enable_sns_notifications Enable Backup Vault Notifications bool false no
iam_role_name Name of IAM Role to associate to the Backup Plan string null no
plan_name The display name of a backup plan string n/a yes
rule_completion_window The amount of time AWS Backup attempts a backup before canceling the job and returning an error number null no
rule_copy_action_destination_vault_arn An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the destination backup vault for the copied backup. string null no
rule_copy_action_lifecycle The lifecycle defines when a protected resource is copied over to a backup vault and when it expires. map(any) {} no
rule_lifecycle_cold_storage_after Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is moved to cold storage number null no
rule_lifecycle_delete_after Specifies the number of days after creation that a recovery point is deleted. Must be 90 days greater than cold_storage_after number null no
rule_name An display name for a backup rule string null no
rule_recovery_point_tags Metadata that you can assign to help organize the resources that you create map(string) {} no
rule_schedule A CRON expression specifying when AWS Backup initiates a backup job string null no
rule_start_window The amount of time in minutes before beginning a backup number null no
rules A list of rules mapping rule configurations for a backup plan any [] no
selection_name The display name of a resource selection document string null no
selection_resources A list of strings that either contain Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) or match patterns of resources to assign to a backup plan list(string) [] no
selection_tag_key The key in a key-value pair string null no
selection_tag_type An operation, such as StringEquals, that is applied to a key-value pair used to filter resources in a selection string null no
selection_tag_value The value in a key-value pair string null no
selection_tags A list of selection tags map list(any) [] no
sns_topic_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the topic for a backup vault’s events string null no
tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource map(string) {} no
vault_force_destroy A boolean that indicates that all recovery points stored in the vault are deleted so that the vault can be destroyed without error. bool false no
vault_kms_key_arn The server-side encryption key that is used to protect your backups string null no
vault_name Name of the backup vault to create. If not given, AWS use default string null no
vault_sns_kms_key_arn The server-side encryption key that is used to protect SNS messages for backups string null no


Name Description
backup_plan_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the backup plan
backup_plan_id The name of the backup plan
backup_plan_version Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded string that serves as the version ID of the backup plan.
backup_selection_id The identifier of the backup selection
backup_sns_topic_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies the topic for a backup vault’s events
backup_vault_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the AWS Backup Vault
backup_vault_events An array of events that indicate the status of jobs to back up resources to the backup vault.
backup_vault_id The name of the AWS Backup Vault
backup_vault_recovery_points The number of recovery points that are stored in a backup vault


See LICENSE for full details.

Pre-commit hooks & Golang for Terratest

Install dependencies


We are using Terratest to run tests on this module.

brew install go
# Change to test directory
cd test
# Get dependencies
go mod download
# Run tests
go test -v -timeout 30m


brew install pre-commit terraform-docs tflint

brew tap git-chglog/git-chglog
brew install git-chglog