English | 简体中文
The network request library, based on fetch encapsulation, combines the features of fetch and axios to provide developers with a unified api call method, simplifying usage, and providing common functions such as caching, timeout, character encoding processing, and error handling.
- url parameter is automatically serialized
- post data submission method is simplified
- response return processing simplification
- api timeout support
- api request cache support
- support for processing gbk
- request and response interceptor support for class axios
- unified error handling
- middleware support
Features | umi-request | fetch | axios |
implementation | Browser native support | Browser native support | XMLHttpRequest |
size | 9k | 4k (polyfill) | 14k |
query simplification | ✅ | ❎ | ✅ |
post simplification | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
timeout | ✅ | ❎ | ✅ |
cache | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
error Check | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
error Handling | ✅ | ❎ | ✅ |
interceptor | ✅ | ❎ | ✅ |
prefix | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
suffix | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
processing gbk | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
middleware | ✅ | ❎ | ❎ |
For more discussion, refer to Traditional Ajax is dead, Fetch eternal life If you have good suggestions and needs, please mention issue
- rpc support
- Test case coverage 85%+
- write a document
- CI integration
- release configuration
- typescript
npm install umi-request --save
Parameter | Description | Type | Optional Value | Default |
method | request method | string | get , post , put ... | get |
params | url request parameters | object | -- | -- |
charset | character set | string | utf8 , gbk | utf8 |
requestType | post request data type | string | json , form | json |
data | Submitted data | any | -- | -- |
responseType | How to parse the returned data | string | json , text , blob , formData ... | json , text |
getResponse | Whether to get the source response, the result will wrap a layer | boolean | -- | fasle |
timeout | timeout, default millisecond, write with caution | number | -- | -- |
useCache | Whether to use caching | boolean | -- | false |
ttl | Cache duration, 0 is not expired | number | -- | 60000 |
prefix | prefix, generally used to override the uniform settings prefix | string | -- | -- |
suffix | suffix, such as some scenes api need to be unified .json | string | -- | |
errorHandler | exception handling, or override unified exception handling | function(error) | -- | |
headers | fetch original parameters | object | -- | {} |
credentials | fetch request with cookies | string | -- | credentials: 'include' |
The other parameters of fetch are valid. See fetch documentation
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
maxCache | Maximum number of caches | number | Any |
prefix | default url prefix | string | -- |
errorHandler | default exception handling | function(error) | -- |
headers | default headers | object | {} |
params | default with the query parameter | object | {} |
... |
request can be used in a simple package and can be used with reference to antd-pro
// request is the default instance that can be used directly, extend is a configurable method, passing a series of default parameters, returning a new request instance, usage is consistent with the request.
import { extend } from 'umi-request';
const request = extend({
maxCache: 10, // The maximum number of caches. When it is exceeded, it will automatically clear the first one according to the time.
prefix: '/api/v1', // prefix
suffix: '.json', // suffix
errorHandler: (error) => {
// Centralized processing error
headers: {
Some: 'header' // unified headers
params: {
Hello: 'world' // the query parameter to be included with each request
// Support syntax sugar such as: request.get request.post ...
request.post('/api/v1/some/api', { data: {foo: 'bar'}});
// request an api, no method parameter defaults to get
request('/api/v1/some/api').then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
// url parameter serialization
request('/api/v1/some/api', { params: {foo: 'bar'} });
// post data submission simplification
// When data is object, the default requestType: 'json' can not write, header will automatically bring application / json
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', data: {foo: 'bar'} });
// requestType: 'form', header will automatically bring application/x-www-form-urlencoded
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', requestType: 'form', data: {foo: 'bar'} });
// reponseType: 'blob', how to handle the returned data, by default text and json are not added. Such as blob or formData need to add
request('/api/v1/some/api', { reponseType: 'blob' });
// Submit other data, such as text, requestType is not filled, manually add the corresponding header.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', data: 'some data', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'} });
// upload file
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file);
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', body: formData, requestType: 'form' });
// The default is to return the data body, if you need the source response to expand, you can use the getResponse parameter. The result will be a set of layers
request('/api/v1/some/api', { getResponse: true }).then({data, response} => {
console.log(data, response);
// Timeout in milliseconds, but after the timeout, although the client returns a timeout, but the api request will not be disconnected, the write operation is used with caution.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { timeout: 3000 });
// Use the cache, only valid when get. Units of milliseconds, do not add ttl default 60s, ttl = 0 does not expire. cache key for url + params combination
request('/api/v1/some/api', { params: { hello: 'world' }, useCache: true, ttl: 10000 });
// This parameter can be used when the server returns gbk to avoid garbled characters.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { charset: 'gbk' });
// request interceptor, change url or options.
request.interceptors.request.use((url, options) => {
return (
url: `${url}&interceptors=yes`,
options: { ...options, interceptors: true },
// response interceptor, handling response
request.interceptors.response.use((response, options) => {
response.headers.append('interceptors', 'yes yo');
return response;
// use middleware, handling request and response
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
const { req } = ctx;
const { url, options } = req;
// add prefix
ctx.req.url = `/api/v1/${url}`;
ctx.req.options = {
foo: 'foo'
await next();
const { res } = ctx;
const { success = false } = res;
if (!success) {
// Handle fail request here
import request, { extend } from 'umi-request';
* Here are four ways to deal with
* 1. Unified processing
* Commonly used in projects where the error code is more standardized, and the error is handled centrally.
const codeMap = {
'021': 'An error has occurred',
'022': 'It’s a big mistake,'
const errorHandler = (error) => {
const { response, data } = error;
throw error; // If throw. The error will continue to be thrown.
// return {some: 'data'}; If return, return the value as a return. If you don't write it is equivalent to return undefined, you can judge whether the response has a value when processing the result.
const extendRequest = extend({
prefix: server.url,
const response = await extendRequest('/some/api'); // will automatically handle the error, no catch. If throw needs to catch.
if (response) {
// do something
* 2. Separate special treatment
* If unified processing is configured, but an api needs special handling. When requested, the errorHandler is passed as a parameter.
const response = await extendRequest('/some/api', {
method: 'get',
errorHandler: (error) => {
// do something
* 3. not configure errorHandler, the response will be directly treated as promise, and it will be caught.
try {
const response = await request('/some/api');
} catch (error) {
// do something
* 4. Based on response interceptors
request.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
const codeMaps = {
502: 'Gateway error. ',
503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained. ',
504: 'The gateway timed out. ',
return response;
* 5. For the status code is actually 200 errors
request.interceptors.response.use(async (response) => {
const data = await response.clone().json();
if(data && data.NOT_LOGIN) {
location.href = 'login url';
return response;
- ctx(Object):context, content request and response
- next(Function):function to call the next middleware
import request, { extend } from 'umi-request';
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
const data = await request('/api/v1/a');
order of middlewares be called:
a1 -> b1 -> response -> b2 -> a2
- npm install
- npm run dev
- npm link
- Then go to the project you are testing to execute npm link umi-request
- Introduced and used
Please open an issue here.
- @clock157
- @yesmeck
- @yutingzhao1991