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The network request library, based on fetch encapsulation, combines the features of fetch and axios to provide developers with a unified api call method, simplifying usage, and providing common functions such as caching, timeout, character encoding processing, and error handling.

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Supported features

  • url parameter is automatically serialized
  • post data submission method is simplified
  • response return processing simplification
  • api timeout support
  • api request cache support
  • support for processing gbk
  • request and response interceptor support for class axios
  • unified error handling
  • middleware support

umi-request vs fetch vs axios

Features umi-request fetch axios
implementation Browser native support Browser native support XMLHttpRequest
size 9k 4k (polyfill) 14k
query simplification
post simplification
error Check
error Handling
processing gbk

For more discussion, refer to Traditional Ajax is dead, Fetch eternal life If you have good suggestions and needs, please mention issue

TODO Welcome pr

  • rpc support
  • Test case coverage 85%+
  • write a document
  • CI integration
  • release configuration
  • typescript


npm install umi-request --save

request options

Parameter Description Type Optional Value Default
method request method string get , post , put ... get
params url request parameters object -- --
charset character set string utf8 , gbk utf8
requestType post request data type string json , form json
data Submitted data any -- --
responseType How to parse the returned data string json , text , blob , formData ... json , text
getResponse Whether to get the source response, the result will wrap a layer boolean -- fasle
timeout timeout, default millisecond, write with caution number -- --
useCache Whether to use caching boolean -- false
ttl Cache duration, 0 is not expired number -- 60000
prefix prefix, generally used to override the uniform settings prefix string -- --
suffix suffix, such as some scenes api need to be unified .json string --
errorHandler exception handling, or override unified exception handling function(error) --
headers fetch original parameters object -- {}
credentials fetch request with cookies string -- credentials: 'include'

The other parameters of fetch are valid. See fetch documentation

extend options Initialize default parameters, support all of the above

Parameter Description Type Default
maxCache Maximum number of caches number Any
prefix default url prefix string --
errorHandler default exception handling function(error) --
headers default headers object {}
params default with the query parameter object {}


request can be used in a simple package and can be used with reference to antd-pro

// request is the default instance that can be used directly, extend is a configurable method, passing a series of default parameters, returning a new request instance, usage is consistent with the request.
import { extend } from 'umi-request';

const request = extend({
  maxCache: 10, // The maximum number of caches. When it is exceeded, it will automatically clear the first one according to the time.
  prefix: '/api/v1', // prefix
  suffix: '.json', // suffix
  errorHandler: (error) => {
    // Centralized processing error
  headers: {
    Some: 'header' // unified headers
  params: {
    Hello: 'world' // the query parameter to be included with each request

// Support syntax sugar such as: request.get ...'/api/v1/some/api', { data: {foo: 'bar'}});

// request an api, no method parameter defaults to get
request('/api/v1/some/api').then(res => {
}).catch(err => {

// url parameter serialization
request('/api/v1/some/api', { params: {foo: 'bar'} });

// post data submission simplification
// When data is object, the default requestType: 'json' can not write, header will automatically bring application / json
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', data: {foo: 'bar'} });

// requestType: 'form', header will automatically bring application/x-www-form-urlencoded
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', requestType: 'form', data: {foo: 'bar'} });

// reponseType: 'blob', how to handle the returned data, by default text and json are not added. Such as blob or formData need to add
request('/api/v1/some/api', { reponseType: 'blob' });

// Submit other data, such as text, requestType is not filled, manually add the corresponding header.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', data: 'some data', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'} });

// upload file
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file);
request('/api/v1/some/api', { method:'post', body: formData, requestType: 'form' });

// The default is to return the data body, if you need the source response to expand, you can use the getResponse parameter. The result will be a set of layers
request('/api/v1/some/api', { getResponse: true }).then({data, response} => {
  console.log(data, response);

// Timeout in milliseconds, but after the timeout, although the client returns a timeout, but the api request will not be disconnected, the write operation is used with caution.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { timeout: 3000 });

// Use the cache, only valid when get. Units of milliseconds, do not add ttl default 60s, ttl = 0 does not expire. cache key for url + params combination
request('/api/v1/some/api', { params: { hello: 'world' }, useCache: true, ttl: 10000 });

// This parameter can be used when the server returns gbk to avoid garbled characters.
request('/api/v1/some/api', { charset: 'gbk' });

// request interceptor, change url or options.
request.interceptors.request.use((url, options) => {
  return (
      url: `${url}&interceptors=yes`,
      options: { ...options, interceptors: true },

// response interceptor, handling response
request.interceptors.response.use((response, options) => {
  response.headers.append('interceptors', 'yes yo');
  return response;

// use middleware, handling request and response
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const { req } = ctx;
  const { url, options } = req;
  // add prefix
  ctx.req.url = `/api/v1/${url}`;
  ctx.req.options = {
    foo: 'foo'
  await next();

  const { res } = ctx;
  const { success = false } = res;
  if (!success) {
    // Handle fail request here

Error handling

import request, { extend } from 'umi-request';
 * Here are four ways to deal with
 * 1. Unified processing
 * Commonly used in projects where the error code is more standardized, and the error is handled centrally.

const codeMap = {
  '021': 'An error has occurred',
  '022': 'It’s a big mistake,'

const errorHandler = (error) => {
  const { response, data } = error;

  throw error; // If throw. The error will continue to be thrown.
  // return {some: 'data'}; If return, return the value as a return. If you don't write it is equivalent to return undefined, you can judge whether the response has a value when processing the result.

const extendRequest = extend({
  prefix: server.url,

const response = await extendRequest('/some/api'); // will automatically handle the error, no catch. If throw needs to catch.
if (response) {
  // do something

* 2. Separate special treatment
* If unified processing is configured, but an api needs special handling. When requested, the errorHandler is passed as a parameter.
const response = await extendRequest('/some/api', {
  method: 'get',
  errorHandler: (error) => {
    // do something

 * 3. not configure errorHandler, the response will be directly treated as promise, and it will be caught.
try {
  const response = await request('/some/api');
} catch (error) {
  // do something

* 4. Based on response interceptors
request.interceptors.response.use((response) => {
  const codeMaps = {
    502: 'Gateway error. ',
    503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained. ',
    504: 'The gateway timed out. ',
  return response;

* 5. For the status code is actually 200 errors
request.interceptors.response.use(async (response) => {
  const data = await response.clone().json();
  if(data && data.NOT_LOGIN) {
    location.href = 'login url';
  return response;




  • ctx(Object):context, content request and response
  • next(Function):function to call the next middleware


import request, { extend } from 'umi-request';
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  await next();
request.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  await next();

const data = await request('/api/v1/a');

order of middlewares be called:

a1 -> b1 -> response -> b2 -> a2

Development and debugging

  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • npm link
  • Then go to the project you are testing to execute npm link umi-request
  • Introduced and used

Questions & Suggestions

Please open an issue here.

Code Contributors

  • @clock157
  • @yesmeck
  • @yutingzhao1991