A Go library which implements the Scapegoat Tree data structure.
A Scapegoat Tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, which is based on the concept of a scapegoat. A scapegoat is typically a person who is blamed when there is a problem, and Scapegoat Trees use this term because they identify a node to “blame” when the tree becomes unbalanced. The tree could become unbalanced after an insertion or deletion of a node, and then an element would be identified as “the scapegoat” to accept the problem. This problem would be corrected by rebalancing the subtree at the scapegoat
A Scapegoat Tree provides worst-case O(log n) lookup time and O(log n) amortised insertion and deletion time.
go get github.com/umahmood/scapegoat
packgage main
import (
func main() {
tree, err := scapegoat.New[int](scapegoat.DefaultAlpha)
// handle err
keys := []int{42, 99, 3}
for _, key := range keys {
err := sg.Insert(key)
// handle err
found := tree.Search(42)
fmt.Println("found 42?", found) // true
removed := tree.Remove(88)
fmt.Println("removed 88?", removed) // false
// stats
fmt.Println(tree.Stats.TotalInserts) // 3
fmt.Println(tree.Stats.TotalRemovals) // 0
fmt.Println(tree.Stats.TotalSearches) // 1
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