OPIEC is an Open Information Extraction (OIE) corpus, consisted of more than 341M triples extracted from the entire English Wikipedia. Each triple from the corpus is consisted of rich meta-data: each token from the subj/obj/rel along with NLP annotations (POS tag, NER tag, ...), provenance sentence along with the dependency parse, original (golden) links from Wikipedia, sentence order, space/time, etc. For more detailed explanation of the meta-data, see here.
There are two major corpora released with OPIEC:
- OPIEC: an OIE corpus containing hundreds of millions of triples.
- WikipediaNLP: the entire English Wikipedia with NLP annotations.
For more details concerning the construction, analysis and statistics of the corpus, read the AKBC paper "OPIEC: An Open Information Extraction Corpus".
The data is stored in avro format. For details about the metadata, see here.
There are two corpora that you can read: OPIEC and WikipediaNLP. For reading OPIEC, see src/main/py3/read_articles_from_avro_demo.py
from avro.datafile import DataFileReader
from avro.io import DatumReader
import pdb
AVRO_SCHEMA_FILE = "../../../avroschema/WikiArticleLinkedNLP.avsc"
AVRO_FILE = "../../../data/articles.avro" # edit this line
reader = DataFileReader(open(AVRO_FILE, "rb"), DatumReader())
for article in reader:
# use article.keys() to see every field in the schema (it's a dictionary)
There are two corpora that we are releasing: OPIEC and WikipediaNLP. In this section, the metadata for the two corpora are described.
WikipediaNLP is the NLP annotation corpus for the English Wikipedia. Each object is a Wikipedia article containing:
- Title: the title of the article.
- ID: the ID of the article.
- URL: the URL of the article.
- Text: the whole clean text of the article's content (excluding tables, infoboxes, etc.).
- Links: all the original links within the article. For each link there is the offset begin/end index of the link within the article, the original phrase of the link, and the link itself.
- SentenceLinked: The sentence itself contains 4 major metadata:
- Sentence ID: the ID of the sentence (which is also the index of the sentence within the article).
- Span: the span of the sentence within the Wikipedia page.
- Dependency parse: the dependency parse of the sentence.
- Tokens: the sentence is represented as a list of tokens, each containing their own metadata (see "Tokens metadata" below).
- Tokens metadata: each token contains NLP annotations:
- Word: the original word of the token.
- Lemma: the lemma of the word.
- POS tag: the POS tag of the token.
- Index: the index of the token from within the sentence. Indexing starts from 1 (e.g. "Index: 2" means that the token is the second word in the sentence).
- Span: the span indices from within the article (has beginning and end index).
- NER: the named entity type according to Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (NER). Possible types: PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANIZATION, MONEY, PERCENT, DATE, NUMBER, DURATION, TIME, SET, ORDINAL, QUANTITY, MISC and O (meaning - "no entity type detected").
- WikiLink: contains offset begin/end index of the link within the article, the original phrase of the link, and the link itself.
Each OIE triple in OPIEC contains the following metadata:
- Article ID: Article ID of the Wikipedia article where the triple was extracted from.
- Sentence: The provenance sentence where the triple was extracted from. For more details for the sentence metadata, see "SentenceLinked" metadata description in WikipediaNLP.
- Sentence number: the order of the sentence from within the Wikipedia page (e.g. if "Sentence number: 3", then this sentence is the 3rd sentence witin the Wikipedia article).
- Polarity: The polarity of the triple (either positive or negative).
- Negative words: Words indicating negative polarity (e.g. not, never, ...).
- Modality: The modality of the triple (either possibility or certainty).
- Certainty/Possibility words: Certainty/Possibility words (as token objects).
- Attribution: Attribution of the triple (if found) including attribution phrase, predicate, factuality, space and time.
- Quantities: Quantities in the triple (if found).
- Subject/Relation/Object: Lists of tokens with linguistic annotations for subject, predicate, and object of the triple.
- Dropped words: To minimize the triple and make it more compact, MinIE sometimes drops words considered to be semantically redundant words (e.g., determiners). All dropped words are stored here.
- Time: Temporal annotations, containing information about TIMEX3 type, TIMEX3 xml, disambiguated temporal expression, original core words of the temporal expression, pre-modifiers/post-modifiers of the core words and temporal predicate.
- Space: Spatial annotations, containing information about the original spatial words, the pre/post-modifiers and the spatial predicate.
- Time/Space for phrases: Information about the temporal annotation on phrases. This annotation contains: 1) modified word: head word of the constituent being modified, and 2) temporal/spatial words modifying the phrase.
- Confidence score: The confidence score of the triple.
- Canonical links: Canonical links for all links within the triple (follows redirections).
- Extraction type: Either one of the clause types listed in ClausIE (SVO, SVA, . . . ), or one of the implicit extractions proposed in MinIE (Hearst patterns, noun phrases modifying persons, . . . ).
If you use any of these corpora, or use the findings from the paper, please cite:
title={OPIEC: An Open Information Extraction Corpus},
author={Gashteovski, Kiril and Wanner, Sebastian and Hertling, Sven and Broscheit, Samuel and Gemulla, Rainer},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC)},