To install our widget, you can use the files in our repository or use the CDN links so that they are always up-to-date. We recommend that you use the code below, which you can copy and paste into your new custom widget; this code contains all the CSS and JS you need.
Warning: CND have 7 days cache, we are checking another way to do this.
- Create a new custom widget in your StreamElements dashboard.
- Copy and paste the provided code into the new widget.
- Make sure to link your StreamElements ID in your backoffice to receive the events.
The code below has everything you need to get the widget up and running:
<link href=",700" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href='' />
<script src="" integrity="sha384-2huaZvOR9iDzHqslqwpR87isEmrfxqyWOF7hr7BY6KG0+hVKLoEXMPUJw3ynWuhO" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src='' crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id='ulule'></div>
Event name: "sub":
Data example:
userName: 'Lou', // user name
subName: 'Level 1', //name of your sub
months: 2 // month since user is sub
years: 10 // years since user is sub
tip: '2 euros' // tip amount
You can use this code for example :
window.addEventListener("onWidgetLoad", async (obj) => {
apiToken =;
const socket = io("", {
transports: ["websocket"],
socket.on("connect", onConnect);
socket.on("disconnect", onDisconnect);
socket.on("authenticated", onAuthenticated);
socket.on("unauthorized", console.error);
socket.on("sub", (data) => {
const newElement = document.createElement("div");
// Votre code ici
function onConnect() {
console.log("Successfully connected to the websocket");
// socket.emit('authenticate', {method: 'oauth2', token: accessToken});
//socket.emit('authenticate', {method: 'jwt', token: jwt});
socket.emit("authenticate", { method: "apikey", token: apiToken });
function onDisconnect() {
console.log("Disconnected from websocket");
// Reconnect
function onAuthenticated(data) {
console.log(`Successfully connected to channel `);
And don't forget to add this line into your HTML if you create your own widget and use the code above :
<script src="" integrity="sha384-2huaZvOR9iDzHqslqwpR87isEmrfxqyWOF7hr7BY6KG0+hVKLoEXMPUJw3ynWuhO" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you are a developper and understand this, you can made a POST
with this data for example :
"event": "sub",
"data": {
"subName": "Nom",
"userName": "Mathilde",
"months": 1,
"years": 3,
"tip": "20 euros"
don't forget to add your bearer key from streamelements to the header too.