This component provides a bridge from the FTDI Asynchronous or Synchronous FIFO interface (such as found on the FT245 or FT2232) to an AXI4 master & GPIO interface.
Devices such as the FT2232 must be switched into FIFO mode using the FT_PROG EEPROM programming tool from FTDI.
The choice between asychronous and synchronous mode for FTDI devices which support it are done at runtime via the ftdi_set_bitmode API.
This component supports reads and writes down to byte level granularity.
FTDI Device | Num Channels | Async FIFO Support | Sync FIFO Support |
FT245B | 1 | True | False |
FT245R | 1 | True | False |
FT240X | 1 | True | False |
FT2232D | 2 | True | False |
FT232H | 1 | True | True |
FT2232H | 2 | True | True |
See TN_167 FIFO Basics from FTDI for more details.
Verified under simulation and validated on FPGA.
Used on the miniSpartan6+ board which uses the FTDI FT2232HL (asynchronous mode), and using an Xilinx Artix 7 board with FTDI FT2232HL (synchronous mode).
- Top: ftdi_bridge
- Clock: clk_i - Must be sourced from FTDI device for mode = SYNC
- Reset: rst_i - Asynchronous, active high
- parameter MODE - "SYNC" or "ASYNC" FT245 mode
- parameter CLK_DIV - Clock divider (minimum is 2) (only valid for MODE="ASYNC")
- parameter GP_OUTPUTS - Number of GPIO outputs (1 - 8)
- parameter GP_INPUTS - Number of GPIO inputs (1 - 8)
- parameter AXI_ID - AXI ID to use
For asynchronous mode;
- ~220 flops / 320 LUTs (Spartan 6)
- ~200MHz on Xilinx Spartan 6 LX9 (speed -3)
For synchronous mode;
- ~275 flops / 598 LUTs (Spartan 6)
- ~165MHz on Xilinx Spartan 6 LX9 (speed -3)
This example works well for Xilinx FPGAs;
wire [7:0] ftdi_data_in_w;
wire [7:0] ftdi_data_out_w;
assign ftdi_data_in_w = ftdi_data_io;
assign ftdi_data_io = ftdi_oen_o ? ftdi_data_out_w : 8'hZZ;