Running Your Twitter Dapp Using NPM
- Kindly open the cloned file with vscode.
- Go to the terminal option on the vscode ide enviroment and click new terminal.
- Kindly Run the command
npm i
on powerhsell or the provided commandline. - Once the necessary packages are installed, type the command
npm start
- Boom💥 You have your 🐤 Twitter Dapp Running.
Using the DApp
Note: This a decentralized application, you can only interact with it if you have a wallet
- Kindly make sure you set your metamsk externsion, create a wallet and don't share your private key.
- To interact with the contract, you need to have some sepoliaEth. I recommend getting your sepoliaEth from chainlink
- Time to interact with the contract😀.
The following images describes the stages of interaction with the contract.
Loading the Dapp
Connecting the Metamask Wallet
Interacting with the Dapp
Writing your Tweet to the Blockchain
Note: you can also like your tweets as well by pressing the like😍 button