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There are a few services you'll need (all free) in order to run the development server and access the app locally. Here are the instructions for getting them.


  1. Sign in in your Github account.

  2. Fill in the form with an application name, descriptions and URLs http://localhost:3000/. Replace the 3000 port if you run DEV on other port. github-1

  3. You will be redirected in the app's Developer settings. Here you will find the keys. Change them accordingly (name of Github key -> name of our ENV variable):

    Client ID -> GITHUB_KEY
    Client Secret -> GITHUB_SECRET


  4. You will need a personal token as well. From the same dashboard, navigate to Personal access tokens and generate a new token. github-3

  5. Fill in the token description and generate the token.

  6. Be sure that you copy the token right away, because it is the only time you will see it. Change it accordingly.

    Personal access tokens -> GITHUB_TOKEN


  7. Done.

Twitter App

Twitter: Sign up

  1. Sign in to your Twitter account.

  2. In order to get the API keys, you will have to apply for a developer account. Click the Apply button. twitter-up-1

  3. Setup your Twitter account. Be sure you have your phone number and email address filled in. twitter-up-2

  4. Fill in your account information and give a name to your developer account. twitter-up-3

  5. Write down the reasons that you want to use Twitter API. Mention DEV community and describe the issues and tests and things that you want to work on. Copy it, you might use it later ;) twitter-up-4

  6. Read :) and accept the Terms and Conditions. twitter-up-5

  7. Verify your email address once more and you will be done.

  8. You are done.

Twitter: Get API keys

  1. Sign up or sign in to your Twitter developer account.

  2. From Apps dashboard, click on Create and app. twitter-1

  3. Fill in the app name, description and URL twitter-2

  4. Check the Enable Sign in with Twitter option and fill in the Callback URL http://localhost:3000/users/auth/twitter/callback (or whatever port you run DEV on). twitter-3

  5. Fill in the DEV information, Terms of Service and Privacy policy twitter-4

  6. Write down (or paste) the things that you will work on. Press Create. twitter-5

  7. Review the Twitter Developer Terms and agree to do nothing sketchy. twitter-6

  8. The app is all set!

  9. One more change... From the app dashboard go to Permissions and check Request email addresses from users option. twitter-7

  10. From the same dashboard access the Keys and tokens and change them accordingly (name of Twitter key -> name of our ENV variable):

    API key -> TWITTER_KEY
    API secret key -> TWITTER_SECRET
    Access Token -> TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN
    Access Token Secret -> TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET


  11. Done.


Algolia: Sign up

  1. Go to the Algolia sign up page.

  2. Choose one of the three methods of signing up. (email, github or google)

  3. Fill in your information. algolia-up-1

  4. Select the datacenter's region. algolia-up-2

  5. Fill in or skip the project information. algolia-up-3

  6. You are all set up now! You can go to your dashboard. algolia-up-4

  7. You can skip the tutorial, we will guide you through the process. Accept the Terms and Conditions. algolia-up-5

  8. All good! You can get your API keys now.

Algolia: Get API keys

  1. Sign up or Sign in to your Algolia account.

  2. From your Dashboard, click on API Keys. algolia-1

  3. Change your keys accordingly (name of Algolia key -> name of our ENV variable):



  4. Done.


  1. Sign up or sign in to your Pusher account.

  2. Once signed in, fill in the prompt to create a new Pusher Channels app. pusher-1

  3. In your new Pusher Channels app, click the "App Keys" tab. pusher-2

  4. Change your keys accordingly (name of Pusher key -> name of our application key):

    app_id -> PUSHER_APP_ID
    key -> PUSHER_KEY
    secret -> PUSHER_SECRET
    cluster -> PUSHER_CLUSTER


  5. Done.