Unit tests should test only small parts of a program. For example, a single routine or function, or multiple closely-linked routines.
Source code for a test shall be placed in a program specific directory under ./tests.
The name of the unit test source file shall begin with "ftst_" (for Fortran) or "tst_" (for C/C++).
A unit test shall have the following components. For an example, see ftst_readnml.F90.
- A prologue describing the test and its author.
- The test should begin with a print to standard output, such as "Starting test of ..."
- A call to the function or routine to be tested.
- Output from the function or routine must be compared to expected values. If wrong values are returned, the test must stop with a non-zero exit code.
- If the test is successful, the test must return an exit code of 0. And this message should be printed to standard output: print*,"SUCCESS!"
The test must never rely on human inspection of results - it should be fully automated.
The above test is compiled and run with these statements in the CMakeLists.txt file. For more details, see CMakeLists.txt.
This statement names the unit test executable:
add_executable(ftst_read_filter_topo_nml ftst_readnml.F90)
This maps the program library to the unit test. Other than the driver, all ufs_utils program modules are compiled in a library.
target_link_libraries(ftst_read_filter_topo_nml filter_topo_lib)
This adds the test so it can be run under CMake. Since this test is part of the filter_topo program, note that the name begins with "filter_topo-".
add_test(NAME filter_topo-ftst_read_namelist COMMAND ftst_read_filter_topo_nml)
The above is for a serial test. To run an mpi-based test, use this command:
EXECUTABLE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ftst_read_filter_topo_nml
Input data such as small text files may be placed in a ./data sub-directory. The CMakeLists.txt file should then be updated to copy this data to the run directory. For example, if your test needs an input namelist (called input.nml), use the following command:
execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
Do not add large, binary input data to the ./data sub-directory. If your test requires these data, contact the repository managers for assistance.
Tests will automatically be run by Github actions upon each commit.
To run the tests locally, invoke one of the following after the make install
make test
(Standard output for all tests sent to ./build/Testing/Temporary)ctest --verbose
(Standard output for all tests sent to the screen)ctest -R test_name
(Standard output for one test sent to the screen)
For the parallel tests to run locally, update the machine-specific "mpi_exec" script under cmake with your run account and queue.
An example unit test, ftst_example.F90, exists in the tests/chgres_cube directory and is currently compiled and run with existing tests
This simple test checks whether the routine rh2spfh in chgres_cube.fd/grib2_util.F90 is working correctly, and contains detailed comments explaining what each section of the test does. It also prompts the user to create additional lines of code to test one more subroutine from grib2_util.F90. Use this to get started understanding the unit test framework.
Please contact the repository managers: https://github.com/ufs-community/UFS_UTILS/wiki