A dynamic call graph generator using Jalangi2
Clone the repository, and then run:
npm install
To generate Dynamic Call Graph of a JavaScript program.
node node_modules/jalangi2/src/js/commands/jalangi.js --inlineIID --inlineSource --analysis src/DCG.js examples/example1.js
To generate Dynamic Call Graph in a browser using offline instrumentation
node node_modules/jalangi2/src/js/commands/instrument.js --inlineIID --inlineSource -i --inlineJalangi --analysis node_modules/jalangi2/src/js/sample_analyses/ChainedAnalyses.js --analysis node_modules/jalangi2/src/js/sample_analyses/dlint/Utils.js --analysis src/DCG.js --outputDir /tmp examples/html/
open file:///tmp/html/index.html
For web applications you can also out puppeteer based script which allows you to retrieve the results in a JSON file
node scripts/WebappEval.js examples/html/ file:///tmp/html/index.html temp.json
The DCG is represented as list of objects where each key is a calling Location and the values are the called functions. The Native functions do not have an address associated with them and are represented as FunctionName (Native)
and non-native functions are represented as (file:startrow:startcolumn:endrow:endcolumn)
function foo() {
function bar() {
The above program would have a Dynamic Call Graph as follows:
{ '(/testDirectory/testFile.js:7:1:7:6)':
[ '(/testDirectory/testFile.js:4:1:6:2)' ],
'(/testDirectory/testFile:5:3:5:17)': [ 'call (Native)' ],
'call (Native)':
[ '(testDirectory/testFile.js:1:1:3:2)' ] }
We also have a further improved DCG_detailed.js in place which provides the function names for non-native functions and location identifier for native functions. It would allow you to identify the non-native functions by name and distinguish between two native callers. You can use DCG_detailed the same way as DCG.
node node_modules/jalangi2/src/js/commands/jalangi.js --inlineIID --inlineSource --analysis src/DCG_detailed.js examples/example1.js