An adapter to use Firebase with Elm 0.18
Warning: This library makes heavy use of native code, and therefore has a high likelyhood of causing runtime errors. Use at your own risk.
This repository, ucode/elm-firebase, is a fork of pairshaped/elm-firebase. The upstream repository has several pending pull requests that fix bugs we were running into, so we merged them in this repository.
We do not plan to update this library to 0.19, but it is likely that a 0.19 elm-firebase library will be created eventually.
- ports (all Elm versions)
- ThomasWeiser/elmfire (Elm 0.17)
- Add this library to your
- Use elm-github-install to download the code
- Load the Firebase JS SDK in your HTML
"dependencies": {
"ucode/elm-firebase": "x.y.z <= v < x.y.z"
"dependency-sources": {
"ucode/elm-firebase": {
"url": "",
"ref": "x.y.z"
Of course, replace x.y.z
with the appropriate version number. See all versions here.
$ npx -p elm-github-install elm-install
# or
$ npm i -g elm-github-install
$ elm-install
maps toFirebase.Database.Snapshot.value snapshot
rather thanFirebase.Database.Snapshot.val snapshot
. I chose to be more explicit because I thoughtval
wasn't as meaningful as it could be.reference.on
map to singular subscription methods:Firebase.Database.Reference.on
respectively. When you're done, just remove your subscription fromSub.batch
and elm-firebase will do the rest!
import Html
import Firebase
import Firebase.Database.Types
import Firebase.Database.Reference
import Firebase.Database.Snapshot
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, view = -- ...
type alias Model =
{ app : Firebase.App
, db : Firebase.Database.Types.Database
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
app : Firebase.App
app =
{ apiKey = "your firebase api key"
, databaseURL = ""
, -- These aren't necessary for just connecting to your database
authDomain = ""
, storageBucket = ""
, messagingSenderId = ""
, projectId = ""
It's not necessary to store the database, but it will make it easier
since all your database interactions are going to either be in `update`
or `subscriptions`, and both have access to your model.
db : Firebase.Database.Types.Database
db =
Firebase.Database.init app
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ app = app
, db = db
( initialModel
, Cmd.none
import Firebase
import Firebase.Database.Types
import Firebase.Database.Reference
import Firebase.Database.Snapshot
-- Same main/model/init stuff as above...
type Msg
= GetValueOfFoo
| FooValue Firebase.Database.Types.Snapshot
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
GetValueOfFoo ->
fooRef : Firebase.Database.Types.Reference
fooRef =
|> Firebase.Database.ref (Just "foo")
( model
, Task.perform FooValue (Firebase.Database.Reference.once "value" fooRef)
FooValue snapshot ->
This decodes the value of "/foo" as a string.
value : Result String String
value =
|> Firebase.Database.Snapshot.value -- Gives us a Json.Decode.Value
|> Json.Decode.decodeValue Json.Decode.string -- Convert into a Result String a (where a is a String)
|> Debug.log "FooValue.value.result" -- Output the result (either `Err decodeMessage` or `Ok value`)
( model
, Cmd.none
import Firebase
import Firebase.Database.Types
import Firebase.Database.Reference
import Firebase.Database.Snapshot
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view = -- ...
-- Same model/init as above...
type Msg
= FooValue Firebase.Database.Types.Snapshot
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
FooValue snapshot ->
This decodes the value of "/foo" as a string.
value : Result String String
value =
|> Firebase.Database.Snapshot.value -- Gives us a Json.Decode.Value
|> Json.Decode.decodeValue Json.Decode.string -- Convert into a Result String a (where a is a String)
|> Debug.log "FooValue.value.result" -- Output the result (either `Err decodeMessage` or `Ok value`)
( model
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
fooRef : Firebase.Database.Types.Reference
fooRef =
|> Firebase.Database.ref (Just "foo")
[ Firebase.Database.Reference.on "value" fooRef FooValue
Based on excellent advice from @pdamoc, here is elm-firebase-todomvc, and a live demo here.
Check out the kitchen sink or writer examples for information.
See credits for a list of people who have contributed code, ideas, and support.