Produces a simple docker image to run MongoDB Ops Manager. Please consult the MongoDB documentation for the latest information about Ops Manager.
NOTE: the resulting container does not provide a MongoDB database for Ops Manager. A minimum of one MongoDB instance will be required, though a replica set is recommended. More advanced deployments are possible. Please consult documentation for details.
I have to manually get the versions from
These versions are managed in .travis.yml
- Make sure you have installed docker-compose
- Make sure no application is running on port 8080 in your host computer
Then you can run Mongo Ops Manager with below commands
cd ops-manager
docker-compose up -d
# check logs
docker-compose logs -f mongo
docker-compose logs -f mongo-opsmgr
It takes more than 5 to 10 minutes to pull the image (1.6GB+) and start the services. Until you see below logs, that means Mongo Ops Manager is ready
mongo-opsmgr_1 | Migrate Ops Manager data
mongo-opsmgr_1 | Running migrations...[ OK ]
mongo-opsmgr_1 | Starting Ops Manager server
Now you can access it via http://localhost:8080
You need register a new user and submit the ops manager url with your host's IP.
update file ops-manager/.env with the mongo version and ops manager version.
Provide your own properties file with a custom config
remove comments from below line in docker-compose.yaml
docker build ops-manager/
When you saw below error logs, it is most because you re-use the mongodb container. delete and try again.
$ docker-compose logs -f
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
Generating new Ops Manager private key...
Starting pre-flight checks
The gen.key file at /etc/mongodb-mms/gen.key does not match the gen.key already used for this Ops Manager installation. The key file for this Ops Manager server must be copied from another server.
Pre-flight checks failed. Service can not start.
Preflight check failed.
Mostly, it is because you re-use the mongodb container with new mongo ops manager. Delete all of them and try again.
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d