!!! danger "About running as a non-root user" For now, please make sure that you are running the judger as sudo. This incident will be fixed in the future.
ubilo-judger [--help] [--version] [--checker VAR] [--langs VAR] [--sandbox-settings VAR] path-of-submission lang time-limit-in-seconds memory-limit-in-kb [files]...
: Path of the submission file[required]
: Language of the submission[required]
: Time limit in seconds[required]
: Memory limit in KB[required]
: Input and expected output files in<input1> <expected-output1> <input2> <expected-output2> ...
format[nargs: 0 or more]
: shows help message and exits-v
: prints version information and exits-c
: Path of the checker file[nargs=0..1] [default: ""]
: Path of the language settings file (default:~/.config/ubilo-judger/langs.toml
)[nargs=0..1] [default: "/root/.config/ubilo-judger/langs.toml"]
: Path of the sandbox settings file (default:~/.config/ubilo-judger/sandbox.toml
)[nargs=0..1] [default: "/root/.config/ubilo-judger/sandbox.toml"]
ubilo-judger /path/to/submission.py PYTHON3 1 128000 /path/to/input/input1.txt /path/to/output/output1.txt /path/to/input/input2.txt /path/to/output/output2.txt
ubilo-judger /path/to/submission.py PYTHON3 1 128000 /path/to/input/input1.txt /path/to/output/output1.txt /path/to/input/input2.txt /path/to/output/output2.txt -c /path/to/checker.py