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iOS Tutorial 2

Tuomas Artman edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 29 revisions

Composing RIBs

Note: If you haven't completed tutorial 1 yet, we encourage you to do so before jumping into this tutorial.

Welcome to the RIBs tutorials which have been designed to give you a hands-on walkthrough through the core concepts of RIBs. As part of the tutorials, you'll be building a simple TicTacToe game using the RIBs architecture and associated tooling.

For this tutorial, we'll use the source code here as a starting point. Follow the README to install and open the project before reading any further.


In the previous tutorial we have built an app that contains a login form powered by LoggedOut RIB. In this exercise, we will proceed from there and extend the application to show the game field after the user logs in. In the end of this tutorial, we will briefly explain how to unit test the RIBs.

The main goals of this exercise are to understand the following concepts:

  • Having a child RIB communicate with its parent RIB.
  • Attaching/detaching a child RIB when the parent interactor decides to do so.
  • Creating a view-less RIB.
    • Cleaning up view modifications when a viewless RIB is detached.
  • Attaching a child RIB when the parent RIB first loads up.
    • Understanding the lifecycle of a RIB.
  • Unit testing a RIB.

Project structure

After completing the previous tutorial, we ended up with an application consisting out of two RIBs, namely Root and LoggedOut. In this exercise, we will implement three additional RIBs, namely LoggedIn, OffGame and TicTacToe. By the end of this tutorial, our application will have the following RIBs hierarchy.

Project structure

Here, LoggedIn RIB is viewless. Its only purpose is to switch between TicTacToe and OffGame RIBs. All the other RIBs include the own view controllers and can display views on screen.

OffGame RIB will allow the players to start a new game and will contain an interface with a "Start Game" button. TicTacToe RIB will display the game field and will allow the players to make their moves.

Communicating with a parent RIB

After the user types in the player names and taps the "Login" button, he has to be forwarded to the "Start game" view. To support this, our active LoggedOut RIB will have to inform the Root RIB about the login action. After that, the root router will switch control from LoggedOut RIB to LoggedIn RIB. In its turn, the viewless LoggedIn RIB will load OffGame RIB and present its view controller on screen.

As the Root RIB is a parent of the LoggedOut RIB, its router is configured to be a listener of LoggedOut's interactor. We have to forward the login event from theLoggedOut RIB to the Root RIB via this listener interface.

First, update the LoggedOutListener to add a method that allows the LoggedOut RIB to inform the Root RIB that the players have logged in.

protocol LoggedOutListener: class {
    func didLogin(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String, player2Name: String)

This forces any parent RIB of the LoggedOut RIB to implement the didLogin function and makes sure that the compiler enforces the contract between the parent and its children.

Change the implementation of login function inside the LoggedOutInteractor to add a newly declared listener call.

func login(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String?, player2Name: String?) {
    let player1NameWithDefault = playerName(player1Name, withDefaultName: "Player 1")
    let player2NameWithDefault = playerName(player2Name, withDefaultName: "Player 2")
    listener?.didLogin(withPlayer1Name: player1NameWithDefault, player2Name: player2NameWithDefault)

With these changes, the listener of LoggedOut RIB will be notified after the user taps "Login" button in the RIB's view controller.

Routing to LoggedIn RIB

As you can see from the diagram above, after the users log in, the Root RIB has to switch from the LoggedOut RIB to LoggedIn RIB. Let's write the routing code to support this.

Update RootRouting protocol to add a method to route to the LoggedIn RIB.

protocol RootRouting: ViewableRouting {
    func routeToLoggedIn(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String, player2Name: String)

This establishes the contract between the RootInteractor and its router, the RootRouter.

Invoke RootRouting in RootInteractor to route to the LoggedIn RIB by implementing the LoggedOutListener protocol. Being a parent of LoggedOut RIB, the Root RIB has to implement its listener interface.

// MARK: - LoggedOutListener

func didLogin(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String, player2Name: String) {
    router?.routeToLoggedIn(withPlayer1Name: player1Name, player2Name: player2Name)

This will make the Root RIB to route to the LoggedIn RIB whenever the users log in. However, we don't yet have LoggedIn RIB implemented and cannot switch to it from the Root RIB. Let's implement the missing RIB.

Delete DELETE\_ME.swift file in the LoggedIn group, it was only required to stub the classes you're about to implement.

Next, create a LoggedIn RIB using Xcode templates as a viewless RIB. Uncheck the "Owns corresponding view" box and create the RIB in the LoggedIn group. Make sure that the newly created files are added to the TicTacToe target.

Attaching a viewless LoggedIn RIB and detaching LoggedOut RIB when the users log in

To attach the newly created RIB, the root router has to be able to build it. We make this possible by passing the LoggedInBuildable protocol into the RootRouter via constructor injection. Modify the constructor of the RootRouter to look like this:

init(interactor: RootInteractable,
     viewController: RootViewControllable,
     loggedOutBuilder: LoggedOutBuildable,
     loggedInBuilder: LoggedInBuildable) {
    self.loggedOutBuilder = loggedOutBuilder
    self.loggedInBuilder = loggedInBuilder
    super.init(interactor: interactor, viewController: viewController)
    interactor.router = self

You'll also need to add a private loggedInBuilder constant for the RootRouter:

    // MARK: - Private

    private let loggedInBuilder: LoggedInBuildable


Then, update the RootBuilder to instantiate a LoggedInBuilder concrete class and inject it into the RootRouter. Modify the build function of the RootBuilder like so:

func build() -> LaunchRouting {
    let viewController = RootViewController()
    let component = RootComponent(dependency: dependency,
                                  rootViewController: viewController)
    let interactor = RootInteractor(presenter: viewController)

    let loggedOutBuilder = LoggedOutBuilder(dependency: component)
    let loggedInBuilder = LoggedInBuilder(dependency: component)
    return RootRouter(interactor: interactor,
                      viewController: viewController,
                      loggedOutBuilder: loggedOutBuilder,
                      loggedInBuilder: loggedInBuilder)

If you look at the code we just modified, we pass in RootComponent as a dependency for the LoggedInBuilder using constructor injection. Don't worry about why we do this right now, we'll cover this when we get to tutorial 3.

RootRouter depends on LoggedInBuildable protocol instead of the concrete LoggedInBuilder class. This allows us to pass a test mock for the LoggedInBuildable when unit-testing the RootRouter. This is a constraint of Swift, where swizzling-based mocking is not possible. At the same time, this also follows the protocol-based programming principle, ensuring RootRouter and LoggedInBuilder are not tightly coupled.

We have created all the boilerplate code for the LoggedIn RIB and made it possible for the Root RIB to instantiate it. Now, we can implement the routeToLoggedIn method in the RootRouter.

A good place to add it is just before the // MARK: - Private section.

// MARK: - RootRouting

func routeToLoggedIn(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String, player2Name: String) {
    // Detach LoggedOut RIB.
    if let loggedOut = self.loggedOut {
        viewController.dismiss(viewController: loggedOut.viewControllable)
        self.loggedOut = nil

    let loggedIn = interactor)

As you can see from the code snippet above, to switch control to the child RIB the parent RIB has to detach an existing child, create a new child RIB and attach it instead of the detached one. In RIBs architecture, parent routers always attach the routers of their children.

It is also a responsibility of the parent RIB to maintain consistency between RIB and view hierarchies. If a child RIB has a view controller, then the parent RIB should dismiss or present the child view controller when the child RIB is being detached or attached. Check the implementation of routeToLoggedOut method to understand how to attach a RIB that owns a view controller.

To be able to receive events from the newly created LoggedIn RIB, the Root RIB configures its interactor as the listener of the LoggedIn RIB. This happens when the Root RIB builds the child RIB in the code above. However, at this point the Root RIB doesn't yet implement the protocol allowing it to respond to LoggedIn RIB's requests.

RIBs are unforgiving when it comes to conforming to listener interfaces as they are protocol-based. We use protocols instead of some other implicit observation methods so that the compiler will return errors when any parent isn't consuming all the events of its children instead of failing silently at runtime. Now that we pass the RootInteractable as a listener to the LoggedInBuilder's build method, the RootInteractable needs to conform to the LoggedInListener protocol. Let's add this conformance to the RootInteractable:

protocol RootInteractable: Interactable, LoggedOutListener, LoggedInListener {
    weak var router: RootRouting? { get set }
    weak var listener: RootListener? { get set }

To be able to detach the LoggedOut RIB and dismiss its view, we need to add a new dismiss method to the RootViewControllable protocol.

Modify the protocol to look like this:

protocol RootViewControllable: ViewControllable {
    func present(viewController: ViewControllable)
    func dismiss(viewController: ViewControllable)

Once we add the dismiss method to the protocol, we will have to implement it in the RootViewController. Just add it under the present method.

func dismiss(viewController: ViewControllable) {
    if presentedViewController === viewController.uiviewController {
        dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Now, the RootRouter is able to correctly detach the LoggedOut RIB and dismiss its view controller when routing to LoggedIn RIB using routeToLoggedIn method that we had implemented earlier.

Pass in LoggedInViewControllable instead of creating it

Since the LoggedIn RIB does not have its own view but still needs to be able to show the views of its child RIBs, the LoggedIn RIB needs to access the view of its ancestor. In our case, this view has to be provided by the Root RIB, a parent of the LoggedIn RIB.

Update RootViewController to conform to LoggedInViewControllable by adding an extension to the end of the file:

// MARK: LoggedInViewControllable

extension RootViewController: LoggedInViewControllable {

We need to inject the LoggedInViewControllable instance into LoggedIn RIB. We'll not walk you through this right now, as this will be covered in tutorial 3. For now, just override the content of LoggedInBuilder.swift with this code.

Now the LoggedIn RIB can show and hide its child RIBs views by invoking methods on the LoggedInViewControllable implemented by the Root RIB.

Attaching the OffGame RIB when the LoggedIn RIB loads

As mentioned previously, LoggedIn RIB is viewless, it can only switch between its child RIBs. Let's create the first of these child RIBs, a RIB called OffGame that will display a "Start Game" button and handle the taps on it.

Follow the same instructions as in our previous tutorial to create a RIB with a view. We'd suggest creating a new group for it called "OffGame".

Once you've created the RIB, implement its UI in OffGameViewController class. To save time, you can use the provided implementation.

Now, let's connect the newly created OffGame RIB with its parent LoggedIn. The LoggedIn RIB should be able to build the OffGame RIB and attach it as a child.

Change the constructor of the LoggedInRouter to declare a dependency on a OffGameBuildable instance. To do so, modify its constructor as suggested below:

init(interactor: LoggedInInteractable,
     viewController: LoggedInViewControllable,
     offGameBuilder: OffGameBuildable) {
    self.viewController = viewController
    self.offGameBuilder = offGameBuilder
    super.init(interactor: interactor)
    interactor.router = self

We'll also have to declare a new private constant to hold a reference to the offGameBuilder:

// MARK: - Private


private let offGameBuilder: OffGameBuildable

Now, update the LoggedInBuilder to instantiate a OffGameBuilder concrete class and inject it into the LoggedInRouter instance. Modify the build function like so:

func build(withListener listener: LoggedInListener) -> LoggedInRouting {
    let component = LoggedInComponent(dependency: dependency)
    let interactor = LoggedInInteractor()
    interactor.listener = listener

    let offGameBuilder = OffGameBuilder(dependency: component)
    return LoggedInRouter(interactor: interactor,
                          viewController: component.loggedInViewController,
                          offGameBuilder: offGameBuilder)

To fulfill the dependency contract of the OffGameBuilder, we'll modify the LoggedInComponent class to conform to OffGameComponent (RIB dependencies and components are covered in greater detail in tutorial 3):

final class LoggedInComponent: Component<LoggedInDependency>, OffGameDependency {
    fileprivate var loggedInViewController: LoggedInViewControllable {
        return dependency.loggedInViewController

We want to show the start screen powered by the OffGame RIB immediately after the users log in. This means that the LoggedIn RIB will have to attach the OffGame RIB as soon as it loads. Let's override didLoad method of the LoggedInRouter to load OffGame RIB.

override func didLoad() {

attachOffGame will be a private method in the LoggedInRouter class used to build and attach the OffGame RIB and present its view controller. Add the implementation of this method to the end of LoggedInRouter class.

// MARK: - Private

private var currentChild: ViewableRouting?

private func attachOffGame() {
    let offGame = interactor)
    self.currentChild = offGame
    viewController.present(viewController: offGame.viewControllable)

To instantiate OffGameBuilder inside attachOffGame method, we have to inject a LoggedInInteractable instance into it. This interactor will serve as the OffGame's listener interface allowing the parent to receive and interpret events coming from the child RIB.

To receive OffGame RIB events, LoggedInInteractable has to conform to OffGameListener protocol. Let's add the protocol conformance to it.

protocol LoggedInInteractable: Interactable, OffGameListener {
    weak var router: LoggedInRouting? { get set }
    weak var listener: LoggedInListener? { get set }

Now, LoggedIn RIB will attach OffGame RIB after loading and will be able to listen to the events originating in this RIB.

Cleaning up the attached views when the LoggedIn RIB is detached

Because the LoggedIn RIB doesn't have an own view but rather modifies the view hierarchy of its parent, the Root RIB has no way to automatically remove the view modifications the LoggedIn RIB may have performed. Fortunately, the Xcode template we used to generate the viewless LoggedIn RIB already provides a hook for us to clean up the view modifications when the LoggedIn RIB is detached.

Declare present and dismiss methods in LoggedInViewControllable protocol:

protocol LoggedInViewControllable: ViewControllable {
    func present(viewController: ViewControllable)
    func dismiss(viewController: ViewControllable)

Similar to other protocol declarations, this declares that the LoggedIn RIB needs the functionality of dismissing a ViewControllable.

Then we'll update the cleanupViews method of the LoggedInRouter to dismiss the view controller of the current child RIB:

func cleanupViews() {
    if let currentChild = currentChild {
        viewController.dismiss(viewController: currentChild.viewControllable)

cleanupViews method will be invoked by LoggedInInteractor when the parent RIB decides to detach the LoggedIn RIB. By dismissing the presented view controller in cleanupViews, we guarantee that the LoggedIn RIB won't leave its views in the view hierarchy of the parent RIB after being detached.

Switching to TicTacToe RIB on tapping "Start Game" button

As we discussed earlier in this tutorial, the LoggedIn RIB should allow the users to switch between OffGame and TicTacToe RIBs, with the former RIB being responsible for showing "Start Game" screen and the latter drawing the game field and handling the moves made by the players. So far, we have only implemented the OffGame RIB and made sure that it gets control from the LoggedIn RIB after the users log in. Now, we need to implement the TicTacToe RIB and switch to it after the user taps "Start Game" button at OffGame RIB.

This step is very similar to attaching the LoggedIn RIB and detaching the LoggedOut RIB when the "Login" button is tapped. To save time, the TicTacToe RIB is already implemented and included into the project.

In order to route to TicTacToe, you should implement routeToTicTacToe method in the LoggedInRouter class and wire up the button tap event from the OffGameViewController to the OffGameInteractor and finally to the LoggedInInteractor.

You should be able to do this without any help from us, right? After implementing the code, run the app, log in and tap "Start Game" button to make sure that the TicTacToe RIB loads and shows the game field.

When working on this exercise, we recommend you to name the new OffGameListener's method as startTicTacToe as this method is already stubbed for the unit tests. Otherwise, you'll see compilation errors later on when building the unit tests target.

Attaching the OffGame RIB and detaching the TicTacToe RIB when we have a winner

After the game is over, we want to switch from the TicTacToe RIB back to the OffGame RIB. To do so, we will use the same listener-based routing pattern we've already exercised. The provided TicTacToe RIB already has a listener set up. We just need to implement it in the LoggedInInteractor to allow the LoggedIn RIB to respond to TicTacToe events.

Declare the routeToOffGame method in the LoggedInRouting protocol.

protocol LoggedInRouting: Routing {
    func routeToTicTacToe()
    func routeToOffGame()
    func cleanupViews()

Implement the gameDidEnd method in the LoggedInInteractor class:

// MARK: - TicTacToeListener

func gameDidEnd() {

Then, implement the routeToOffGame in the LoggedInRouter class.

func routeToOffGame() {

Add the private helper method somewhere in your private section:

private func detachCurrentChild() {
    if let currentChild = currentChild {
        viewController.dismiss(viewController: currentChild.viewControllable)

Now, the app will switch from the game screen to start screen after one of the players wins the game.

Unit testing

Finally, we will demonstrate how to write unit tests for our app. Let's test our RootRouter class. The same principles can be applied for unit testing the other parts of a RIB, and there's even a tooling template that will create all the unit tests for the RIB for you.

Create a new swift file in TicTacToeTests/Root group and call it RootRouterTests. Add it to the TicTacToeTest target.

Let’s write a test that verifies the behavior of routeToLoggedIn method. When this method is called, the RootRouter should invoke the build method of LoggedInBuildable protocol and attach the returned router. We have already prepared an implementation of this test that is available here, copy the code into RootRouterTests and make sure the test compiles and passes.

Let's explore the structure of the test that we just added.

As we're testing the RootRouter, we need to instantiate it. The router has a number of protocol-based dependencies that are instantiated with the mocks. All the mocks needed for this exercise are already provided in TicTacToeMocks.swift file. When writing the unit tests for the other RIBs, you'll have to create the mocks for them yourself.

When calling routeToLoggedIn, the implementation of our root router should call the build method of the LoggedIn RIB to instantiate its router. We don't want to copy the builder logic into our mocks, so instead we pass in the closure that returns us a router mock implementing the expected LoggedInRouting interface. This closure is configured before running the test.

Working with handler closures is a common development pattern that we use heavily during the unit testing. Another such pattern is counting the number of method invocations. For example, from the implementation of the routeToLoggedIn method that we're testing we know that it should invoke the build method of LoggedInBuildable exactly once, so we check the call cound of the respective mock before and after calling the method under the test.

Tutorial completed

If you didn't make any mistakes while following the instructions, you should be able to build and launch the project. If this is not the case and you believe that there are errors in this tutorial, please open an issue to help us fix them.

Congratulations with completing the second tutorial! Now onwards to tutorial 3.