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Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript

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HOC Cheatsheet

This HOC Cheatsheet compiles all available knowledge for writing Higher Order Components with React and TypeScript.

  • We will map closely to the official docs on HOCs initially
  • While hooks exist, many libraries and codebases still have a need to type HOCs.
  • Render props may be considered in future
  • The goal is to write HOCs that offer type safety while not getting in the way.

HOC Cheatsheet Table of Contents

Expand Table of Contents

Section 0: Full HOC Example

This is an HOC example for you to copy and paste. If you certain pieces don't make sense for you, head to Section 1 to get a detailed walkthrough via a complete translation of the React docs in TypeScript.

Sometimes you want a simple way to inject props from somewhere else (either a global store or a provider) and don't want to continually pass down the props for it. Context is great for it, but then the values from the context can only be used in your render function. A HoC will provide these values as props.

The injected props

interface WithThemeProps {
  primaryColor: string;

Usage in the component

The goal is to have the props available on the interface for the component, but subtracted out for the consumers of the component when wrapped in the HoC.

interface Props extends WithThemeProps {
  children: React.ReactNode;

class MyButton extends React.Component<Props> {
  public render() {
    // Render an the element using the theme and other props.

  private someInternalMethod() {
    // The theme values are also available as props here.

export default withTheme(MyButton);

Consuming the Component

Now when consuming the component you can omit the primaryColor prop or override the one provided through context.

<MyButton>Hello button</MyButton> // Valid
<MyButton primaryColor="#333">Hello Button</MyButton> // Also valid

Declaring the HoC

The actual HoC.

export function withTheme<T extends WithThemeProps = WithThemeProps>(
  WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>
) {
  // Try to create a nice displayName for React Dev Tools.
  const displayName =
    WrappedComponent.displayName || || "Component";

  // Creating the inner component. The calculated Props type here is the where the magic happens.
  return class ComponentWithTheme extends React.Component<
    Optionalize<T, WithThemeProps>
  > {
    public static displayName = `withPages(${displayName})`;

    public render() {
      // Fetch the props you want inject. This could be done with context instead.
      const themeProps = getThemePropsFromSomeWhere();

      // this.props comes afterwards so the can override the default ones.
      return <WrappedComponent {...themeProps} {...(this.props as T)} />;

Note that the {...this.props as T} assertion is needed because of a current bug in TS 3.2 microsoft/TypeScript#28938 (comment)

Here is a more advanced example of a dynamic higher order component that bases some of its parameters on the props of the component being passed in:

// inject static values to a component so that they're always provided
export function inject<TProps, TInjectedKeys extends keyof TProps>(
  Component: React.JSXElementConstructor<TProps>,
  injector: Pick<TProps, TInjectedKeys>
) {
  return function Injected(props: Omit<TProps, TInjectedKeys>) {
    return <Component {...(props as TProps)} {...injector} />;

Using forwardRef

For "true" reusability you should also consider exposing a ref for your HOC. You can use React.forwardRef<Ref, Props> as documented in the basic cheatsheet, but we are interested in more real world examples. Here is a nice example in practice from @OliverJAsh.

Section 1: React HOC docs in TypeScript

In this first section we refer closely to the React docs on HOCs and offer direct TypeScript parallels.

Misc variables referenced in the example below
/** dummy child components that take anything */
const Comment = (_: any) => null;
const TextBlock = Comment;

/** dummy Data */
type CommentType = { text: string; id: number };
const comments: CommentType[] = [
    text: "comment1",
    id: 1
    text: "comment2",
    id: 2
const blog = "blogpost";

/** mock data source */
const DataSource = {
  addChangeListener(e: Function) {
    // do something
  removeChangeListener(e: Function) {
    // do something
  getComments() {
    return comments;
  getBlogPost(id: number) {
    return blog;
/** type aliases just to deduplicate */
type DataType = typeof DataSource;
// type TODO_ANY = any;

/** utility types we use */
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
// type Optionalize<T extends K, K> = Omit<T, keyof K>;

/** Rewritten Components from the React docs that just uses injected data prop */
function CommentList({ data }: WithDataProps<typeof comments>) {
  return (
      { CommentType) => (
        <Comment comment={comment} key={} />
interface BlogPostProps extends WithDataProps<string> {
  id: number;
  // children: ReactNode;
function BlogPost({ data, id }: BlogPostProps) {
  return (
    <div key={id}>
      <TextBlock text={data} />;

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Example HOC from React Docs translated to TypeScript

// these are the props to be injected by the HOC
interface WithDataProps<T> {
  data: T; // data is generic
// T is the type of data
// P is the props of the wrapped component that is inferred
// C is the actual interface of the wrapped component (used to grab defaultProps from it)
export function withSubscription<T, P extends WithDataProps<T>, C>(
  // this type allows us to infer P, but grab the type of WrappedComponent separately without it interfering with the inference of P
  WrappedComponent: React.JSXElementConstructor<P> & C,
  // selectData is a functor for T
  // props is Readonly because it's readonly inside of the class
  selectData: (
    dataSource: typeof DataSource,
    props: Readonly<JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<C, Omit<P, "data">>>
  ) => T
) {
  // the magic is here: JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes will take the type of WrapedComponent and resolve its default props
  // against the props of WithData, which is just the original P type with 'data' removed from its requirements
  type Props = JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<C, Omit<P, "data">>;
  type State = {
    data: T;
  return class WithData extends React.Component<Props, State> {
    constructor(props: Props) {
      this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
      this.state = {
        data: selectData(DataSource, props)

    componentDidMount = () => DataSource.addChangeListener(this.handleChange);

    componentWillUnmount = () =>

    handleChange = () =>
        data: selectData(DataSource, this.props)

    render() {
      // the typing for spreading this.props is... very complex. best way right now is to just type it as any
      // data will still be typechecked
      return (
        <WrappedComponent data={} {...(this.props as any)} />
  // return WithData;

/** HOC usage with Components */
export const CommentListWithSubscription = withSubscription(
  (DataSource: DataType) => DataSource.getComments()

export const BlogPostWithSubscription = withSubscription(
  (DataSource: DataType, props: Omit<BlogPostProps, "data">) =>

This is pretty straightforward - make sure to assert the passed props as T due to the TS 3.2 bug.

function logProps<T>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>) {
  return class extends React.Component {
      nextProps: React.ComponentProps<typeof WrappedComponent>
    ) {
      console.log("Current props: ", this.props);
      console.log("Next props: ", nextProps);
    render() {
      // Wraps the input component in a container, without mutating it. Good!
      return <WrappedComponent {...(this.props as T)} />;

No TypeScript specific advice needed here.

HOCs can take the form of Functions that return Higher Order Components that return Components.

connect from react-redux has a number of overloads you can take inspiration from in the source.

Here we build our own mini connect to understand HOCs:

Misc variables referenced in the example below
/** utility types we use */
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;

/** dummy Data */
type CommentType = { text: string; id: number };
const comments: CommentType[] = [
    text: "comment1",
    id: 1
    text: "comment2",
    id: 2
/** dummy child components that take anything */
const Comment = (_: any) => null;
/** Rewritten Components from the React docs that just uses injected data prop */
function CommentList({ data }: WithSubscriptionProps<typeof comments>) {
  return (
      { CommentType) => (
        <Comment comment={comment} key={} />
const commentSelector = (_: any, ownProps: any) => ({
const commentActions = () => ({
  addComment: (str: string) => comments.push({ text: str, id: comments.length })

const ConnectedComment = connect(

// these are the props to be injected by the HOC
interface WithSubscriptionProps<T> {
  data: T;
function connect(mapStateToProps: Function, mapDispatchToProps: Function) {
  return function<T, P extends WithSubscriptionProps<T>, C>(
    WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>
  ) {
    type Props = JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes<C, Omit<P, "data">>;
    // Creating the inner component. The calculated Props type here is the where the magic happens.
    return class ComponentWithTheme extends React.Component<Props> {
      public render() {
        // Fetch the props you want inject. This could be done with context instead.
        const mappedStateProps = mapStateToProps(this.state, this.props);
        const mappedDispatchProps = mapDispatchToProps(this.state, this.props);
        // this.props comes afterwards so the can override the default ones.
        return (

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This is pretty straightforward as well.

interface WithSubscriptionProps {
  data: any;

function withSubscription<
  T extends WithSubscriptionProps = WithSubscriptionProps
>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>) {
  class WithSubscription extends React.Component {
    /* ... */
    public static displayName = `WithSubscription(${getDisplayName(
  return WithSubscription;

function getDisplayName<T>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>) {
  return WrappedComponent.displayName || || "Component";

Unwritten: Caveats section

  • Don’t Use HOCs Inside the render Method
  • Static Methods Must Be Copied Over
  • Refs Aren’t Passed Through

Section 2: Excluding Props

This is covered in passing in Section 1 but we focus on it here as it is such a common issue. HOCs often inject props to premade components. The problem we want to solve is having the HOC-wrapped-component exposing a type that reflects the reduced surface area of props - without manually retyping the HOC every time. This involves some generics, fortunately with some helper utilities.

Say we have a component:

type DogProps {
  name: string
  owner: string
function Dog({name, owner}: DogProps) {
  return <div> Woof: {name}, Owner: {owner}</div>

And we have a withOwner HOC that injects the owner:

const OwnedDog = withOwner("swyx")(Dog);

We want to type withOwner such that it will pass through the types of any component like Dog, into the type of OwnedDog, minus the owner property it injects:

typeof OwnedDog; // we want this to be equal to { name: string }

<Dog name="fido" owner="swyx" />; // this should be fine
<OwnedDog name="fido" owner="swyx" />; // this should have a typeError
<OwnedDog name="fido" />; // this should be fine

// and the HOC should be reusable for completely different prop types!

type CatProps = {
  lives: number;
  owner: string;
function Cat({ lives, owner }: CatProps) {
  return (
      {" "}
      Meow: {lives}, Owner: {owner}

const OwnedCat = withOwner("swyx")(Cat);

<Cat lives={9} owner="swyx" />; // this should be fine
<OwnedCat lives={9} owner="swyx" />; // this should have a typeError
<OwnedCat lives={9} />; // this should be fine

So how do we type withOwner?

  1. We get the types of the component: keyof T
  2. We Exclude the property we want to mask: Exclude<keyof T, 'owner'>, this leaves you with a list of names of properties you want on the wrapped component e.g. name
  3. (optional) Use intersection types if you have more to exclude: Exclude<keyof T, 'owner' | 'otherprop' | 'moreprop'>
  4. Names of properties aren't quite the same as properties themselves, which also have an associated type. So we use this generated list of names to Pick from the original props: Pick<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, 'owner'>>, this leaves you with the new, filtered props, e.g. { name: string }
  5. (optional) Instead of writing this manually each time, we could use this utility: type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
  6. Now we write the HOC as a generic function:
function withOwner(owner: string) {
  return function<T extends { owner: string }>(
    Component: React.ComponentType<T>
  ) {
    return function(props: Omit<T, "owner">): React.ReactNode {
      return <Component owner={owner} {...props} />;

Note: above is an incomplete, nonworking example. PR a fix!

Learn More

We will need to extract lessons from here in future but here they are: