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If you want someone to understand something new, build it out of old stuff that they have seen before.
- Express it in terms of a pattern that experienced programmers already might know something about.
- Experts glance at things and see patterns missed by novices
- When experts talk, the talk in patterns.
- To document better, talk patterns
Q:So what have programmers seen before that might repeat in future systems?
A: Patterns
- e.g. idioms : small code-level patterns
- e.g. design patterns: common collections of a few classes
- e.g. archtirctures: recurring "big picture" structures seen in large systems
Data : model : dialog
- Data = ? SQL
- Model = ? some object system
- Dialog = ? some gui tool
The power of patterns
- Patterns come with review heuristics
- Which can identify problems... which can be solved ... using other patterns.
- So patterns take us naturally to design review/ critique/ improvment
Problem: data and dialog both need the same constraint info (e.g. 0 <= age <= 120): Where to store it?
- A solution: Ruby on Rails, DRY: “don’t repeat yourself”
- Database and Web-GUi generated from a class model
- Simplified (amazing) last decade’s web designs
- Each web url has actually a method on a class
- A very popular solution (until we went much more "REST" ful)
- A solution: Ruby on Rails, DRY: “don’t repeat yourself”
Patterns have review heuristics:
- E.g. delete cascade? in composites
- If “it” gets deleted, then do you delete the sub-parts
Collaborative problem solving
Layered feature extraction: agents read grom level[i], write to level [i+2]
Each agent has rules if <condition> then <action>
Patterns have review heursitcs:
- No “best” answers, but issues that experts expect to debate
- Issue #1: systems issues: how to get everyone onto the net?-
- Issues #2: network intera lingue. How to share?
- Issue #3: Schedule. How to pool the different agents?
- Issue #4: Conflict resolution. What to do when 2 agents have satisfied conditions?
- Blackboards a kind of layered architecture
- Code at level[X] only talks to levels[X+1], levels[X-1]
- Via well-defined interfaces
- Layer[X] can be pull out and easily replaced
- Just as long as new layer[X] maintains the same interface
- Low-level issues can be abstracted away to higher levels
- Separation of concerns at different layers
- E.g. OSI Network layers architecture:
- “The purpose of the OSI reference model is to guide vendors and developers so the digital communication products and software programs they
create will interoperate, and to facilitate clear comparisons among communications tools.”
- “The purpose of the OSI reference model is to guide vendors and developers so the digital communication products and software programs they
- E.g. LAMP, ISO network model
Patterns have review heursitics:
- Implementation complexity
- Slow (messages have to navigate many layers)
- Internal barries to change
Mean: a fix to removing internal barries to change in layerd patterns
- M = MongoDB: a non-SQL DB (nested key-value pairs)
- E = Express.js : controller layer, directing application flow and marshaling data.
- A = AngularJS : handles data presentation.
- N = Node.js: an extensive javascript library (look ma, no operating system)
- MEAN: one language up and down the stack (Javascript)
- faster integrated testing;
- faster invention of new patterns.
Doug Schmidt:
- Architectural Evolution of
DoD Combat Systems Doug Schmidt, SEI blog, Nov 15, 2013 - "The Department of Defense (DoD) must move away from stove-piped solutions:
- "... towards a few technical reference frameworks ..."
- "based on reusable hardware & software services"
CRUD = create, read, update, delete
- In http: : GET = R, DELETE.= D, PUT=?, POST=?
- PUT : might create new user or update info on an existing user (so PUT = C or U?)
- POST : sends data to the server and leaves it up to the server to do something with it
CRUD2 (a timm special)
- CRUD + search + zoombie (a proxy that cannot be committed (inserted) used
- For GUI constrain info
BTW, CRUD can leap from idiom to archicture (web-scale RESTful applications)
- the main points here is that complex systems can be abstracted into reasonable chunks via Patterns
- Such abstraction simplifies how we discuss even complex systems
Design Patterns: Elements Of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (1995)
The “Gang of 4” (GOF) book
43,582 citations
500,000 copies sold
All codes, in ruby (very nice): https://github.com/davidgf/design-patterns-in-ruby
Note: something strange about GOF.
Misses architectural patterns (larger things than design patterns). E g CRUD, blackboards
23 patterns in 1995. Not 230 since.
- Functional programers invent 10 patterns before lunch http://norvig.com/design-patterns/design-patterns.pdf
- Peter Norvig: "Design patterns are bug reports against your programming language.”