- Tokyo
- @twillght07
React + Redux(+ Redux-saga) + Typescriptで Google風タイムテーブルカレンダー。
The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app
Multi-functional shader for the Particle System that supports Universal Render Pipeline (URP) of Unity.
🔥 Fully-local simulator for Cloudflare Workers. For the latest version, see https://github.com/cloudflare/workers-sdk/tree/main/packages/miniflare.
A simple standalone program which automates the installation, removal and maintenance of BetterDiscord.
Discord Bot to automute Among Us players at round transitions, in conjunction with https://github.com/automuteus/amonguscapture
Serverless Headless CMS using Firebase
Better TypeScript standard library
✏️ Test of an hologram material made in Unity.
Lightweight key-value storage library for Browser, Node.js, and In-Memory.
A very simple toon lit shader example, for you to learn writing custom lit shader in Unity URP
Strongly typed Firestore framework for TypeScript
.NET Standard wrapper for FFmpeg. It allows to process media without know how FFmpeg works, and can be used to pass customized arguments to FFmpeg from dotnet core application.
Dead simple JSON editor using josdejong/jsoneditor
A better notebook for Scala (and more)
The fastest managed-allocation-free implementation of LINQ to NativeArray<T>.
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
Notify to slack for connpass events from participant via gmail.