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OZMTool v0.3

This program was created to make the process of creating an Ozmosis patched BIOS easier
(If you can handle some terminal commands that is!).
It is based on UEFITool (awesome application!) by CodeRush.
It includes the following useful tools to help you in this process:

        --dsdtextract		Extracts DSDT from BIOS
	--dsdtinject		Injects DSDT into BIOS
        --ozmupdate		Updates clean BIOS with files from old OZM-flavoured one
        --ozmextract		Extracts Ozmosis files (ffs) from BIOS
        --ozmcreate		Patches Original BIOS with Ozmosis
        --kext2ffs		Converts kext-directories to FFS
        --dsdt2bios		Injects (bigger) DSDT into AmiBoardInfo
	--help, -h		Print usage (append command to print cmd-usage!)

* DSDTExtract
    Extracts AmiBoardInfo.bin and DSDT.aml from supplied BIOS file

* DSDTInject
    Inject DSDT into BIOS ROM, you have to supply DSDT.aml

* OZMUpdate
    You supply an (old) ozmosis-flavoured BIOS and a recent BIOS for your motherboard and it
    copies over the Ozmosis stuff + kexts (not DSDT because that can differ between Bios Revisions)
    It supports --aggressivity and --compressdxe switch (see OZMCreate)

* OZMExtract
    Extracts Ozmosis files from a stock (HermitCrabLabs) Ozmosis Bios.

* OZMCreate
    Creates an Ozmosis image from supplied FFS/Kext/DSDT/Efi files (Kext, DSDT & Efi is optional).
    If the image originally does not have enough space, use the -a, --aggressivity switch
	Possible values for -a :
        --aggressivity 0: Try to inject the files as-is
	--aggressivity 1: Deletes files for BIOS Network Support (PXE etc.)
        --aggressivity 2: Deletes non-essential Ozmosis files - keeps the Ozmosis base working tho
            (deletes: ExtFs, HermitShellX64, OzmosisTheme, DisablerKext, InjectorKext)
    You also have the option to compress 'CORE_DXE' by supplying -cr, --compressdxe switch!
    There's also the possibility to inject Kexts as compressed FFS, with --compresskexts switch!

    If all attempts fail, the output image wont be created (obviously)

* Kext2Ffs
    Converts files to FFS. It accepts *.kext, Defaults.plist and Theme.bin.
    Uses UEFITool's technique to create the FFS :)

* DSDT2Bios
    Patches (bigger than original) DSDT into AmiboardInfo.
    Based on DSDT2Bios from FredWst! Big thx!

I am not responsible for any damages or problems that could occur by using this program.
Verify every step you make (or the program) and use it at your own risk!
Remember: Flashing the BIOS is dangerous in general.. a hacked one even more!


./OZMTool -h
./OZMTool --dsdtextract --out outputdir --input OZMBIOS_or_BIOS.ROM
./OZMTool --dsdtinject --input BIOS.ROM --dsdt DSDT.aml --out outputfile
./OZMTool --ozmupdate --aggressivity 1 --compressdxe --out RECENT_OZM_BIOS.ROM --input OLD_OZM.ROM --recent NEW_CLEAN_BIOS.ROM
./OZMTool --ozmextract --out outputdir --input OZM.ROM
./OZMTool --ozmcreate --aggressivity 1 --compressdxe --kext kextdir --ffs ffsdir --efi efidir --dsdt DSDT.aml --out outputfile --input BIOS.ROM
./OZMTool --kext2ffs --out outputdir --input kextsdir
./OZMTool --dsdt2bios --input AmiBoardInfo.bin --dsdt DSDT.aml --out patchedAmiBoardInfo.bin

Source Code: / Branch: OZMTool

- The Hermit Crabs Lab -> Ozmosis
- CodeRush -> UEFITool & help & support
- FredWst -> Kext2FFS and DSDT2Bios
- Gil Dabah -> distorm
- Reilly Watson -> qtplist
- STLVNUB -> testing
- Thomaso66 -> teaching the basics to me & testing
- backdash -> testing
- smx -> help & support


13/11/2014 - v0.3
- Adding option to replace .efi files inside FFS capsules (Drivers, Ozmosis)
- Cleanup ffs creation
- Adding GUIDs for Ozmosis build 1479
- Renamed "ffsconvert" to "kext2ffs"
- Bump custom kext start index to 0xA - so custom kext don't overwrite ozmosis stuff

24/07/2014 - v0.2
- First public release

??/??/???? - v0.1
- Internal testing release