Import your Betaseries account's TV shows informations into your account.
Go to your account advanced settings, and at almost the end of the page click on Exporter les séries →
and Exporter les films →
Keep the downloaded files nearby.
Go register a new api app. And fill the form with theses informations:
Name: betaseries-to-trakt
Redirect uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
You don't really care about the others fields.
Next, go to your api applications and click on the one named betaseries-to-trakt
You will need the Client ID
and the Client Secret
from that page.
docker pull tuxity/betaseries-to-trakt:latest
docker run -d --env CLIENT_ID=theclientID --env CLIENT_SECRET=theclientseccret tuxity/betaseries-to-trakt:latest
You will need python3
Launch the script like this:
python3 "~/Downloads/Séries de Tuxity.csv" "~/Downloads/Films de Tuxity.csv"
Follow the script instructions
betaseries-to-trakt is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.