Bug in CMS HCC mart for 65+ patients with OREC of Disabled #674
Describe the bug - Required
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Bug reported via Slack:
On further research, it appears that OREC of disabled is only used for patients <65 yo who are therefore qualified because of disability. Once 65+ they qualify by “aged”. The OREC remains as a flag for original entitlement, but demographic RAF switches to the AGED column. From CMS:
"Disabled Status : The disabled factors for enrollees under 65 years old are labeled as "disabled" and those over 65 years old are labeled as "aged." Under the CMS-HCC model, additional payments are made for Medicaid eligible disabled individuals." https://www.csscoperations.com/internet/csscw3_files.nsf/F/CSSCra-particpantguide_120607.pdf/$FILE/ra-particpantguide_120607.pdf
"an originally disabled indicator, flagging beneficiaries who were entitled by disability when they joined Medicare but are currently entitled by age;" https://www.cms.gov/aco-reach-kcc-py2025-risk-adjust-paper
I believe the cms_hcc logic should be amended to use the equivalent ‘aged’ column when a disabled patient becomes 65+ (new or continuing). I.e. CND_M60_64=>CNA_M65_69 when he turns 65.
Environment - Required
- Tuva project package version (e.g. 0.6.0): 0.12.5
- dbt version (e.g. 1.7): any
- dbt type (e.g. dbt cloud or dbt CLI): any
- Data warehouse (e.g. Snowflake): any
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
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