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Deep Learning Book (2016)

intro (1, 20p)
part 1 ( 2-5,  160p): math & ML
part 2 ( 6-12, 300p): DL practical
part 3 (13-20, 230p): DL research

Draft nodes written down while reading the Deep Learning Book by Goodfellow et al, 2016. Note that these are just personal notes written as personal reference. They lack details that have already been covered by the Nielson book (which I read previously), lack proper typesetting and LaTeX evaluation, and may be brief and in telegram style.

I'm publishing them here anyway in case anyone finds them useful.

General observations:

  • very good book, clear and extensive, contains a lot
  • advanced: start with simplier introductions (NN&DL book) first
  • math-heavy, some sections might be skipped to see the broader picture
  • read Nielson book (NN&DL) first, skipping over details that were explained there already


  • Deep learning is enabled by:

    • More data (1M-1BN): larger datasets AND digitisation
    • more compute power
    • various improvements in algorithms (learning + network architectures)
  • Neural networks used to perform similarly to other (human-coded) AI systems, but start to vastly outperform other techniques for high-dimensional problems with huge datasets.

  • DNN started with UL layered learning (RBMs), but now everyone is doing regular backprop with huge datasets (trading in model complexity for data).

  • DNN are learning feature maps instead of need of engineering; can be unified model for many different AI subfields

  • Neural nets are loosely inspired by the brain (mostly the architecture, not learning, since live scanning activity is still too hard) but modelling the brain is not the rigid goal (e.g., rectified linear not plausible but works the best, so far). The models are much simpler than human brains, but computers may compensate with more MIPS and more data.

  • architectures:

    • fully connectede feed-forward (classic)
    • deep belief networks (layered unsupervised + total backprop; Hinton 2006)
    • CNNs (1998+)
    • RNNs
  • convnets architecture: 80s, '98; based on visual cortex; feature maps = conv windows with shared weights for all pixels, constraing learned parameters by exploiting locality, allowing much higher resolution images

ch2: LA

  • scalars, vectors, matrices, tensors (ndarray)
  • Ax = b -> x = A^-1 b, assuming A^-1 can be found (b \elem span(A))
  • for orthonormal matrices: A^t A = A A^t = I and thus A^-1 = A^t
  • norm_p(x) = (\sum |x_i|^p) ^ (1/p) -> p=2: L2, euclidean distance; p=1: L1, simpler math; p=\inf: max(x)
  • eigen decomposition: A = V diag(\lambda) V^-1, with V concatenated eigenvectors and \lambda the eigenvalues
  • SVD: A = U D V^t, with U eigenvectors of AA^t and V eigenvectors of A^t A

ch3: probability

  • needed because of: inherent stochasticity in real world, incomplete observability, incomplete modeling
  • discrete: \sum P(x=x) = 1, 0 <= P(x=x) <= 1 continuous: \integral p(x)dx = 1, but p(x) >= 0 can be > 1, props of range only
  • joint: P(x, y) = P(x|y)P(x) = P(x)P(y) if indep -> x | y
  • marginalise: P(x) = \sum_y P(x, y), p(x) = \integral p(x,y)dy
  • chain rule: P(x, y1, ..., yn) = P(x) \prod_{i=2}^n P(yi | x, y1, ... y_{i-1})
  • expectation (E) = avg; covariance(x, y) = E[ (f(x) - E[f(x)]) (g(y) - E[g(y)]) ]
  • zero covariance (no linear dependence) != independence (no dependence)
  • multivariate Gauss: N(x; \mu, \Sigma) = \sqrt(1 / ((2\pi)^n det(\Sigma))) exp( -1/2 (\vec{x} - \vec{\mu} \Sigma^-1 (\vec{x} - \vec{\mu}) ) -> central limit theorem: sum of indep vars is approx N() mixture: P(x) = \sum_i P(c=x) N(X|c=i)
  • information I(x) = -ln P(x) entropy H(x) = -E[ ln P(x) ] (expected amount of info for drawing from P) cross-entropy H(P, Q) = -E_{x~P} [ ln Q(x) ] kullback-leibner divergence D_{KL}(P||Q) = E[ ln P(x) - ln Q(x) ] (difference between P and Q)

ch4: numerical math

  • fundamental CS problems: underflow (close to 0 rounded to 0), overflow (rounded to \inf), poor conditioning (sensitivity to rounding errors). Reason for some algorithmic changes like taking log() inside cost optimisation, etc
  • Gradient / f(x): vector with first partial derivatives Jacobian J f(x): matrix with first partial derivatives if f's output is vector Hessian H f(x): matrix with s econd partial derivatives (H is J of /)
  • gradient descent: move opposite direction of gradient. step size: fixed, or weighted using f'(x) or f''(x) or try a few per location Gradient descent is often used in optimisation problems if closed solutions are not possible, or for very large datasets (SGD).

ch5: ML basics

  • ML tasks: classification, regression, transcription, translation, structured output (parsing, segmentation), synthesis & sampling, denoising, probability distribution of data, ..

  • designing a ML algorithm, choose (mostly independent):

    • dataset specification
    • cost function: typically statistical estimation (ML) + optional terms (regularisation)
    • optimisation procedure: solve directly, or approximate iteratively (SGD, etc)
    • model
  • optimisation: training error is minimised generalisation: test data error is also minimised -> underfitting vs. overfitting trade-off [3 graphs lin, x^2, x^9] -> depends on capacity of learning model (parameters etc) and amount of training data [training + generalisation error graph 5.3; add bias+var 5.6]

  • regularisation: modify algorithm to reduce generalisation error but not training error; e.g.: add some penalty to cost function to optimise for certain preferences in solution space C(w) = MSE(w, X, Y) + \lambda w . w

  • hyperparameters: not learned by algorithm (but can be by nested algorithms or validation data); e.g., controls model capacity, learning rate, etc

  • one can use estimators to estimate properties of learning algorithms based on the number of samples (bias and variance of the mean, or other model parameters); -> MSE estimator incorporates both bias and variance, thus optimising for both. -> maximum likelihood estimator: (frequentist statistics) take parameter that best explains all the data, to use for new predictions \theta_{ML} = argmax_\theta prod[ P_{model}(x^i; \theta) ] = argmax_\theta sum[log P_{model}(X^i;\theta)] -> maximum a posteriori: (bayesian statistics) use full distribution over possible parameters weighted by explainatory probability -> generalises better when little data, but higher computational cost for large training set; also includes prior (= regularisation term) \theta_{MAP} = argmax_\theta P(x|\theta) P(\theta) = argmax_\theta log P(x|\theta) + log P(\theta) In practice hard to calculate, thus approx with gradient descent.

  • SL:

    • linear regression: P(y | x; \theta) = N(y; \theta^T x, I)
    • kernel trick: preprocess inputs with nonlinear function k (in fact a feature extractor); sometimes also more efficient to calculate than full dot product e.g., SVMs: f(x) = b + w . k(x^i; X) -> uses all training data but only compares input data with the support vectors
    • k-nearest neighbor: non-probabilistic, non-parametric
  • UL: learn data distribution, simplify data representation, clustering, etc -> representation learning algorithms: learn simpler representation: lower dimensional, sparse representation, independent representation

    • PCA: rotates into space that has linear correlations removed; X = U \Sigma W^T, take x^{i'} = \Sigma W^T x^i, possibly make \Sigma smaller for dim. reduction
    • k-Means: find k exemplar \mu means via iteration (assign data to \mu's, update \mu's)
  • stochastic gradient descent (SGD): gradient descent with estimated gradient based on small batches (1-100s samples), making training non-linear models with large datasets possible, while most ML algorithms involve whole datasets in their multiplications

  • Challenges motivating DL:

    • curse of dimonsionality: interesting problems have huge dim's, but generalisation is hard and needs exponentially more data
    • local constancy & smoothness (function) regularisation: by network representation -> but this alone is not enough for generalisation with small training set; DL adds function hierarchy (composition of features), thus combinatorial learning countering curse of dimensionality
    • manifold learning: assume most of R^n consists of invalid inputs, and learn only lower dimensional manifolds (non-linear subspaces) inside full space (1D road in 3D space; faces with changing light or rotation; ..) -> concentrate manifolds around the structure of the data (makes sense for many real-world tasks); seems to connect well with idea of hierarchy of concepts combined with holistic combinatorial learning. Every DL layer is basically a kernel trick, morphing the space to hopefully make it more linearly seperable. As with the kernel trick, we might need more neurons to increase dimensionality of the next layer's input. It is learning lower dimensional manifolds on top of the previous representation.

ch6: deep feedforward networks

  • Deep learning works great for vector->vector mappings that humans could do unconsciously. They aren't yet for tasks that don't have a simple mapping, or that require logic thinking or reflection.

  • (Deep) neural networks are function approximators: y = f(x; \theta). They are loosely based on neuroscience, but now guided by engineering. Layers are like the kernel trick where we learn the kernel mapping \phi(x), which was constructed by humans before.

    • optimisation problem, solved using (stochastic) gradient descent
    • cost functions: MSE, cross-entropy (principle of maximum likelihood); + regularisation
    • activation functions: output layer is mostly dictated by cost function (cross-entropy: softmax), hidden layers are part of research (rectified linear is good default in FF, sigmoid in RNNs)
    • architecture: human-guestimated, then optimised with experimentation; universal approximation theorem states that any network with nonlinear activation fns can represent any function (with certain approximation error), but adding layers saves exponentially more neurons, and it doesn't guarantee ability to learn the function; architecture can be very different (convolutional, recurrent, etc).
    • learning: back-propagation (computes gradient using cost + activation fns) with SGD (updates parameters)
  • Networks can be reasoned about as computational graph, with nodes for variables (tensors) and edges for operators. Graphs can then (symbolically) be simplified, evaluated or differentiated in new graphs (e.g., TensorFlow, Theano). Alternatively, direct numerical calculation can be done (e.g., Torch, Caffe). -> explanation of algorithms inside DL libs

ch7: regularisation

  • Various tricks to improve generalisation: encode prior knowledge, preferences for simpler models, making underdetermined problems determined, or combining hypotheses. In deep learning finding simpler models is often mandatory, since we're fitting on very high dimensions for which we can't possibly find the real data distribution (model).

  • Tricks for DL:

    • parameter norm penalties: add parameter size penalty to cost function; usually on weights only; has effect of slowly decaying weights on every update
    • making underconstrained problems constrained
    • dataset augmentation: simple transformations on or adding noise to data; highly problem-dependent but can cause huge improvements
    • early stopping: use parameters of lowest validation error, stop when not improving (kind of treating # epochs as a hyperparameter to learn)
    • parameter sharing: force sets of parameters to be equal (convnets); allows dramatic increase of network sizes for same amount of data (less parameters to learn)
    • sparse representations: most neurons shouldn't fire; added to cost function; biologically inspired
    • ensemble: averaging independently trained (possibly quite different = boosting) neural networks, possibly trained on different data subsets (bagging); very powerful and reliable
    • dropout: disable half of input and hidden neurons for each mini-batch; makes representation more robust and holistic; kind of bagging for many networks at once but with shared parameters; kind of adding noise to hidden layers; very cheap and generic (FFD, RNNs, Boltzmann) on medium-sized datasets, but does need a bigger model and more training

ch8: optimisation

  • Machine learning is optimisation on indirect targets (P: minimising error on unseen test set). We optimise some cost function and hope it actually optimises P. The generalisation part for unseen data (don't overfit with high capacity of model) makes it ML instead of direct optimisation. We therefore optimise some loss function that is a surrogate for what we actually care about. Usually not solvable in closed form, thus using iterative solvers like SGD, and halting when a (possibly different) loss function on the test data stops improving (e.g., the actual classification accuracy).

  • Challenges in neural network optimisation: ill-conditioned, local minima (non-convex cost function), other flat regions (actually exponentially more common in high-D, more dims -> more chance one will go down -> in practice local minima have low cost; use second deriv), cliffs & exploding gradients (due to multiplications; use gradient clipping; in RNNs use LSTMs), inexact gradients (because minibatch estimation), no minimum at all (certain cost functions), very long/inefficient local SGD paths and different scales of structures.

  • Algorithms:

    • SGD: gradient descent with minibatches (gradient estimate for each step), with decreasing learning rate
    • momentum-based SGD: accelerate learning at places of high curvature or consistent or noisy gradients; can be seen as numerical physical simulation of movement that estimates the second derivative of the cost function
    • adaptive learning rate (often per dimension = parameter) SGD: AdaGrad, RMSProb, Adam
    • second-order gradient approximators: Newton's Method (very expensive O(k^3), Hessian), conjugate gradients, BFGS (iteratively estimate Hessian^-1)
    • other tricks: batch normalisation (solves not-so-independent-updates problem); coordinate descent; polyak averaging (average visited locations to find valley); supervised pretraining (start on simpler problem or with simpler model; e.g., subset of all layers, or add layers in between); continuation methods (iteratively solve less blurred versions of cost function; similar tosimulated annealing); just choose simpler models (RLUs, LSTMs, connections that skip layers).
  • Parameter initialisation in NNs is poorly understood and mainly heuristic. It must break symmetry (nodes must be different) though: random weights, not too small (optimisation says: promote node specialisation) and not too big (regularisation says: unstable or node saturation). Sometimes ML is used to initialise (e.g., UL with Boltzmann machines).

ch9: CNNs

  • Specialised kind of NN for grid-like data (time-series, images, voxels, video, kinematic angles), that uses a convolution-like function instead of fully connected in at least one layer. "Shared weights over space." CNNs are highly motivated by neurological observations. They have been incredibly powerful for 20 years on large problems, but went unnoticed for a long time. Note that the usefulness is highly dependent on the problem, which should have a local (and hierarchical) structure.

    CNNs leverage three important ideas:

    1. sparse interactions: exploit localised information; enables huge scaling (orders of magnitude): O(m.n) -> O(k.n) runtime; information can still reach all output neurons, but travels (much) slower outwards towards deeper layers.
    2. parameter sharing: reuse kernel (window function) for all neurons; weights and usually biases too: O(m.n) -> O(k.n) parameters = storage and statistical efficiency
    3. equivariant representations: translation invariant (but not scale or rotation)
  • Convolution: combine two functions: move a window function over the actual function while integrating (or weighted averaging when discrete); s(t) = (f * w)(t) = \int f(a).w(t-a)da; Can be used for averaging, smoothing, finding templates, etc.

  • Practical networks often alternate between:

    • convolution (linear): usually multiple convolutions (feature maps) in order to learn multiple features on this level in the hierarchy, with a tensor (2D or 3D) as input
    • activation function (nonlinear; 'detector')
    • pooling (summarise/downsample; 'infinitely strong prior' on weights (zero outside of window, shared window weights along input nodes); can also be used to process images of variable size): function to combine neighbouring nodes, like max or avg;
      1. if run over window: gives small-translation invariance
      2. if run over multiple feature maps: gives other learned transformation invariance, like rotation or scale
  • Various notes:

    • stride: skip input pixels (kind of downsampling)
    • zero padding (valid, same or full): handle border
    • unshared convolution / locally connected layers: no shared parameters but does have a convolution as structure
    • generative or inverse actions need some tricks for (strided) convolutions and for pooling
  • CNNs can process varying size inputs, since the kernel simply scales to larger inputs. It can either have varying size outputs too, or pooling layer regions that scale with the input size.

  • Structured (tensor) outputs can be made with convolutional layers (pixel classification, region segmentation), possibly using recurrent elements to use the network as graphical model.

  • Speed-ups:

    • evaluate using fourier (input, kernel) + multiply + inverse fourier (in some cases)
    • learn feature maps first, independent from rest of (very deep) network: set random weights, hand-craft features, unsupervised learning (e.g., k-means on patches, then SL with pooling and other upper layers only), or layer-wise SL pretraining with some hidden layer goal (e.g., conv deep belief network) In practice it's mostly full SL training now though, and UL pre-training is under-explored.
  • CNNs have their basis in old neuroscientific research (1960s+), mimicking some properties of the visual system of the human brain. They also act similarly to time limited humans doing object recognition (but not later stages, where concepts flow backwards again and more cognitive tasks are performed). There are big differences and unknowns though (steered quick attention areas, combined senses, 3D geometry, feedback loops, actual cell behaviour, and actual training algorithms). In particular, backpropagation seems biologically implausible. Simple cells in lower human conv layers (V1) seem to activate on Garbor-like functions, while complex cells seem to compute the L^2 norm. Almost all ML techniques on natural images also learn Garbor-like features (edge detectors).

ch10: RNNs

  • RNNs are various network structures for processing sequential data (language, sound, annotating data, QA, sequentially reading fixed-size data), and can usually process or produce sequences of arbitrarily length. They contain information loops, allowing the network to have a memory over time: "Sharing weights over time." With added memory, they're more like "program approximators" than "function approximators". It stems from ideas from the 1980s.

    • each hidden layer h, given sequence x: h^t = f(h^{t-1}, x^t; \theta)
    • various architectures are possible: connections within hidden layer(s); connections from output to hidden layer(s) = less powerful but trainable with ground truth (y); connections within layer producing one summary after full sequence; output back to input data = autoencoder
    • various visualisations: neural network (nodes output to themselves), or unfolded computational graph (nodes output to next node in time sequence of len(x) for each node)
    • parameter sharing (over time) means we need much less data (like with CNNs)
  • Training:

    • loss: sum of losses over full sequence
    • gradient (BPTT: 'backprop through time') is expensive & not parallelisable: backprop through full sequence of neurons (regular backprop on unrolled computational graph). Except for output to hidden layer recurrance (teacher forcing: train with expected network output instead of actual output).
  • much computational graphs, many distributions. Rather abstract without any applications.

  • Problems with RNNs:

    • unstable gradient problem, for long sequences; more data!
    • long-term dependencies: remember state needed much later in a sequence; partly caused by unstable gradient (many multiplications), and by lack of long-term information storage (everything vanishes slowly). Remains one of the main challenges in DL.
  • Some more architectures that are being used:

    • bidirectional RNNs: outputs depend on the full sequence (previous, current, and future inputs); combine an RNN moving forward and one moving backwards through time; speech recognition, handwriting, bioinformatics, etc. (Unclear how they are actually run.) Also possible for 2D inputs (images) with 4 RNNs (up, down, left, right)
    • encoder-decoder RNNs: variable-length input to variable-length output through encoder to context/state through decoder; useful in speech recognition, machine translation, QA systems, etc
    • deep recurrent networks: recurring connections can be used in deeper networks as well, on various places.
    • recursive RNNs: the computational graph is a tree instead of a chain, thus most variables have a much shorter (log n) dependency path, helping for long-term dependencies; useful for data structures, NLP, and CV
    • Multiple time scales: skip connections across time (also connect h_t with h_{t+k}), Leaky Units (linear self-connection = running average), removal of connections (only connect h_t with h_{t+k})
    • LSTM, gated RNNs (GRUs): the main idea is to add specific subnetworks with specific behaviour that can be used by the rest of the network. LSTMs are elements consisting of a state with self-loop, and specific neurons for setting, forgetting (time-scale parameter), or getting the value; network learns to use the gates (unclear how); used in handwriting generation and recognition, machine translation, parsing, image captioning. So far the most effective solution in RNNs, and used almost explicitly.
    • Explicit memory: some knowledge is better saved explicitly (constants, hierarchies, names); adds memory cells with (soft) addressing mechanism to the network. Taking a weighted average of all cells makes it differentiable (SGD), and allows for both fuzzy content-based (dot-product all items) and index-based (sequential) search. Used in neural Turing machines (NTMs). Current research tries to move to hard addressing: much cheaper, but not differentiable; using RL techniques seems promising.
    • Attention-based approaches: current research looks at letting the network decide which data to look at (in large corpus, during audio annotation, which part of an image). Works well for combining multiple networks (e.g., CNN processing an image, then an RNN annotating when looking at parts of CNN's output). It seems biologically inspired again, with potentially huge gains in processing speed and accuracy.
  • Sampling from an RNN allows for "dreaming" up likely sequences: start random, and keep sampling from the softmax output (likely next items in sequence), feeding it back into the network. Given enough data, it can actually learn language on character-level, markup structures, and even syntactically correct (but non-compiling) code.

ch11: practical

  • The most important ML skills to learn are practical matters. Informed guessing what to do to improve results is often more important than the specific algorithm or architecture. It is an art improved over time by gaining experience. A good approach consists of:

    1. Determine your goals: Error metric (accuracy, precision+recall or F-score, coverage (% not classified with certainty), custom metrics like click-through rates) + Target value
    2. Get end-to-end pipeline working ASAP: Start with baseline models without DL (if not "AI-complete") and vanilla implementation of FFN (fixed-size input vector), CNN (topological structure), or gated RNN (input or output sequence). Use ReLUs, SGD with momentum and decaying learning rate, and early stopping. Try batch normalisation. Add regularisation (if less than 10M samples). Try models trained on similar problems, try even the trained model (e.g., feature maps from ImageNet CNN). Try unsupervised learning if relevant (NLP).
    3. Diagnose bottlenecks: overfit, underfit, bugs, data problem?
    4. Repeatedly make incremental changes
      • more data: often more important than trying more algorithms; but only once results on the training data are OK but poor on the test set (generalisation). Plot training set size (log) vs generalisation error to estimate amount of data needed.
      • adjust hyperparameters: trade-off between manual (thorough understanding) vs automatic grid-search (training time).
        1. Manual: match effective model capacity to complexity of the task; most hyperparameters cause a U-shaped generalisation error (underfit <> overfit). Start with the learning rate. Increase model capacity (neurons, layers, conv kernel width) until happy with training error. Then increase generalisation by adding/improving regularisation (dropout, weight decay) and/or more data.
        2. Automatically: when no starting point is available, do rough search; grid search for small set of parameters (search all combinations), usually on log scale, repeated on multiple scales; random search for more parameters (sample parameter values from distribution, possibly changing the distribution based on the results); and experiments are being done with automatic hyperparameter optimisation algorithms building hyperparameter models and performing experiments (bayesian; reinforcement learning?).
      • change algorithms
  • Debugging machine learning systems is hard, because we don't know what's the "correct" behaviour. Difference between bugs and bad performance is hard to spot, also because the ML algorithm's goal is to adapt to any inefficiencies (or bugs). Some strategies: visualise the model & results in action (not only the error metric), visualise the worst mistakes (using confidence estimate; find preprocess or label problems); look at train/test error abnormalities; test with tiny datset; double-check your gradient implementation; visualise avg (batch) activation histograms per neuron / parameter (saturation, always off, odd magnitudes or gradients)

ch12: applications

  • Real-world applications need large-scale networks, executed code optimised for general purpose GPUs (high parallelism, high memory bandwidth) - using existing DL libraries - run on large-scale distributed clusters. GP-GPUs (which can execute arbitrary C code, like NVIDIA's CUDA platform) are relatively new (2007+). Recently also DL-specific hardware (NVIDIA, Google) or FPGA/ASIC implementations are being used. SGD can partly be parallelised, but there are limits to the scale. Final learned models might be compressed for low-end inference devices.

  • Computer vision: most popular DL field; mostly object recognition or detection, and some image generation. Not a lot of preprocessing is needed (normalise to [0,1], and normalise contrast, globally or locally). Heavily uses CNNs.

  • Speech recognition: until 2012 mostly HMMs (phoneme sequence) + GMMs (acoustic features <> phonemes), then switching to RBMs (2009), then regular DL networks (2013), both CNNs and RNNs, initially combined with HMMs.

  • NLP (machine translation, transcription, QA): usually based on language probabiltiy distributions, using word-based (high-D in and out) RNNs; incorporate some domain-specific strategies. NLP classically creates n-grams, where the ML is based on counting, plus some solution to the problem that most will be 0. Neural language models: distributed word representation (word embeddings); the first hidden layers are much more important than in other domains (input is discrete, one-shot with no similarity measure). High-D output also needs some solution since it's so expensive (hierarchical softmax, importance sampling (during training, only update some words' neurons)).

    • Machine Translation: moved from n-grams to neural language models; in particular, encoder-decoder RNN network, yielding a target sentence conditioned on the source sentence via the (learned) context representation. Research focusses on attention-based systemes: reading the full sentence, saving feature vectors in memory, and then translating by looking more specifically using the memory.
  • Other:

    • Recommender Systems: traditionally user-item pairs, embedding representations learned (SVD) and dot-producted to obtain similarity; later ensembles which include RBMs, and deep neural nets for learning content-based feature vectors (embeddings) to compare. Needs a cold-start strategy. On long-running systems, there's the Exploration-Exploitation trade-off that makes reinforcement learning a useful approach (exploration can be random recommendations, or based on uncertainty of expected reward).
    • Knowledge representation, QA: incorporating and using logic (binary facts) in neural networks, by learning embedding vectors for relations (entity,relation,entity). Evaluation is hard: we only have positive facts (can't evaluate the outputs). Possibly combined with (traditional) reasoning systems, and explicit memory. Still in its infancy.

Part III

Not read (yet). More experimental research areas. Smarter algorithms that need less data and/or work on multiple domains.