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Carrie's Closet

Getting Started

On windows, make sure you set git to use unix line endings when checking out and committing.

If you've already checked out and have windows line endings, you may encounter an error stating: env: ruby\r: No such file or directory. To resolve, run find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;.

After a clean install of this repo, you'll need to run bundle install inside the CarriesCloset root folder. This will install all needed requirements.

Additionally, duplicate the file example.env in the root level directory. Once duplicated, rename the duplicate, e.g. example.env (1), to just .env. This may cause the .env to disapear from your file brower, but don't worry if you've named the file correctly.

Database Creation

You'll need to have MySQL installed and running locally.

Database Initialization

Depending on whether or not you've run the Rails server recently, or if you're having troubles with your database/server, you'll want to run the following:

bin/rails db:drop
bin/rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

ActionMailer for Confirmation Emails

  • You can preview a sample email at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/user_mailer/ by clicking on new email.

  • Accessing Environment Variables Containing GMAIL Account info:

    • Make a copy of config\EXAMPLE_local_env.yml in the config file and rename it just local_env.yml. This way the SMTP settings will have access to the GMAIL login info.
  • When you hit the create request button,

    • you can see the html and text versions of the confirmation email in your terminal.
    • you should also receive the actual email from Carrie's Closet ( at the email address you entered on the form, so make sure you enter a valid address.
  • If you want to temporarily disable email deliveries (you'll still be able to see them in you terminal):

    1. navigate to config\environments\development.rb
    2. search for the line config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
    3. change it to config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = false
    4. restart server

    Note: that same line is also in config\environments\production.rb and config\environments\test.rb, so you can also make that change in those files as well depending on
    what environment you are working in.

    Note: When you want to start receiving emails again, just make those lines config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true again and restart the server.

  • If you get an SMTP Authentication Error, it usually means the environment variable with the GMAIL account info is not working, so follow these steps:

    1. Go to config\development.rb and scroll down to the ActionMailer settings where you will see user_name: ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"], and password: ENV["APP_PASSWORD"]
    2. Go to config\EXAMPLE_local_env.yml and copy the GMAIL_USERNAME value and paste it in place of ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] (leave the comma at the end of the line).
    3. Copy the APP_PASSWORD value and paste it in place of ENV["APP_PASSWORD"].
    4. Save and restart server.

    Note: that these same lines are also in config\environments\production.rb and config\environments\test.rb, so you can also make that change in those files as well
    depending on what environment you are working in.

Asset Installation

To install all the packaged Javascript libraries locally (suggested for performance improvements), run:

bin/rails webpacker:install

Running with Docker

To run the full app stack, run the following commands:

docker-compose build --parallel
docker-compose up -d
docker exec cc_server bin/rails db:create
docker exec cc_server bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development
docker exec cc_server bin/rails db:migrate db:seed

This will create the cc_mysql MySQL Docker container, the cc_redis Redis caching store, and the cc_server Rails server. Both commands should complete without error to let you know everything is running properly. The Rails server will run on in most environments.

General Rails Tips

  • Always use bin/rails when running commands from the terminal (this will point to the proper Carrie's Closet project)
  • bin/rails console --sandbox will create a sandboxed version of a REPL-style console, loaded with all the classes and data from your running app. Any changes made in the sandbox will be reverted when you exit.
  • bin/rails generate Tweet user:references body:text likes:integer will create a Tweet model that belongs to a User model. Each Tweet will be stored in the database with a body text field and a likes counter.
  • bin/rails destroy Tweet will revert all generated files for the previous Tweet model.

Running with Docker

To run the full app stack, run the following commands:

docker-compose build --parallel && docker-compose up -d
docker exec cc_server sh -c "bin/rails db:create && bin/rails db:migrate && bin/rails db:seed"
docker exec cc_server sh -c "rails webpacker:install"

Note that on Windows, you may need to run these command seprately. Eg.

docker-compose build --parallel
docker-compose up -d
docker exec cc_server sh -c "bin/rails db:create"
docker exec cc_server sh -c "bin/rails db:migrate"
docker exec cc_server sh -c "bin/rails db:seed"
docker exec cc_server sh -c "rails webpacker:install"

This will create the cc_mysql MySQL Docker container, the cc_redis Redis caching store, and the cc_server Rails server. Both commands should complete without error to let you know everything is running properly. The Rails server will run on in most environments.