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A modern Apache Kafka client for node.js. This library is compatible with Kafka 0.10+.

KafkaJS is battle-tested and ready for production.


  • Producer
  • Consumer groups with pause, resume, and seek
  • GZIP compression
  • Plain, SSL and SASL_SSL implementations
  • Support for SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512

Table of Contents


npm install kafkajs
# yarn add kafkajs


The client must be configured with at least one broker. The brokers on the list are considered seed brokers and are only used to bootstrap the client and load initial metadata.

const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs')

// Create the client with the broker list
const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092']


The ssl option can be used to configure the TLS sockets. The options are passed directly to tls.connect and used to create the TLS Secure Context, all options are accepted.

const fs = require('fs')

new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  ssl: {
    rejectUnauthorized: false,
    ca: [fs.readFileSync('/my/custom/ca.crt', 'utf-8')],
    key: fs.readFileSync('/my/custom/client-key.pem', 'utf-8'),
    cert: fs.readFileSync('/my/custom/client-cert.pem', 'utf-8')

Refer to TLS create secure context for more information. NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS can be used to add custom CAs. Use ssl: true if you don't have any extra configurations and want to enable SSL.


Kafka has support for using SASL to authenticate clients. The sasl option can be used to configure the authentication mechanism. Currently, KafkaJS supports PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, and SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanisms.

new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  sasl: {
    mechanism: 'plain', // scram-sha-256 or scram-sha-512
    username: 'my-username',
    password: 'my-password'

It is highly recommended that you use SSL for encryption when using PLAIN.

Connection Timeout

Time in milliseconds to wait for a successful connection. The default value is: 1000.

new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  connectionTimeout: 3000

Default Retry

The retry option can be used to set the configuration of the retry mechanism, which is be used to retry connections and API calls to Kafka (when using producers or consumers).

The retry mechanism uses a randomization function that grows exponentially. Detailed example

If the max number of retries is exceeded the retrier will throw KafkaJSNumberOfRetriesExceeded and interrupt. Producers will bubble up the error to the user code; Consumers will wait the retry time attached to the exception (it will be based on the number of attempts) and perform a full restart.

Available options:

option description default
maxRetryTime Maximum wait time for a retry in milliseconds 30000
initialRetryTime Initial value used to calculate the retry in milliseconds (This is still randomized following the randomization factor) 300
factor Randomization factor 0.2
multiplier Exponential factor 2
retries Max number of retries per call 5


new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  retry: {
    initialRetryTime: 100,
    retries: 8


KafkaJS has a built-in STDOUT logger which outputs JSON. It also accepts a custom log creator which allows you to integrate your favorite logger library. There are 5 log levels available: NOTHING, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG. INFO is configured by default.

Log level
const { Kafka, logLevel } = require('kafkajs')

// Create the client with the broker list
const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  logLevel: logLevel.ERROR

The environment variable KAFKAJS_LOG_LEVEL can also be used and it has precedence over the configuration in code, example:

KAFKAJS_LOG_LEVEL=info node code.js

NOTE: for more information on how to customize your logs, take a look at Custom logging

Producing Messages

To publish messages to Kafka you have to create a producer. Simply call the producer function of the client to create it:

const producer = kafka.producer()

The method send is used to publish messages to the Kafka cluster.

const producer = kafka.producer()

async () => {
  await producer.connect()
  await producer.send({
    topic: 'topic-name',
    messages: [
      { key: 'key1', value: 'hello world' },
      { key: 'key2', value: 'hey hey!' }

  // before you exit your app
  await producer.disconnect()

Example with a defined partition:

// ...require and connect...
async () => {
  await producer.send({
    topic: 'topic-name',
    messages: [
      { key: 'key1', value: 'hello world', partition: 0 },
      { key: 'key2', value: 'hey hey!', partition: 1 }

The method send has the following signature:

await producer.send({
  topic: <String>,
  messages: <Message[]>,
  acks: <Number>,
  timeout: <Number>,
  compression: <CompressionTypes>,
property description
topic topic name
messages An array of objects with "key" and "value", example:
[{ key: 'my-key', value: 'my-value'}]
acks Control the number of required acks.
-1 = all replicas must acknowledge (default)
0 = no acknowledgments
1 = only waits for the leader to acknowledge
timeout The time to await a response in ms. Default value 30000
compression Compression codec. Default value CompressionTypes.None

By default, the producer is configured to distribute the messages with the following logic:

  • If a partition is specified in the message, use it
  • If no partition is specified but a key is present choose a partition based on a hash (murmur2) of the key
  • If no partition or key is present choose a partition in a round-robin fashion

Custom partitioner

It's possible to assign a custom partitioner to the producer. A partitioner is a function which returns another function responsible for the partition selection, something like this:

const MyPartitioner = () => {
  // some initialization
  return ({ topic, partitionMetadata, message }) => {
    // select a partition based on some logic
    // return the partition number
    return 0

partitionMetadata is an array of partitions with the following structure:

{ partitionId: <NodeId>, leader: <NodeId> }


  { partitionId: 1, leader: 1 },
  { partitionId: 2, leader: 2 },
  { partitionId: 0, leader: 0 }

To Configure your partitioner use the option createPartitioner.

kafka.producer({ createPartitioner: MyPartitioner })


The option retry can be used to customize the configuration for the producer.

Take a look at Retry for more information.


Since KafkaJS aims to have as small footprint and as little dependencies as possible, only GZIP codec is part of the core functionality. Providing plugins supporting other codecs might be considered in the future.


const { CompressionTypes } = require('kafkajs')

async () => {
  await producer.send({
    topic: 'topic-name',
    compression: CompressionTypes.GZIP,
    messages: [
      { key: 'key1', value: 'hello world' },
      { key: 'key2', value: 'hey hey!' }

The consumers know how to decompress GZIP, so no further work is necessary.


Any other codec than GZIP can be easily implemented using existing libraries.

This is an example of how one would go about in order to add the Snappy codec.

First of all, a codec is an object with two async functions: compress and decompress. Import the libraries and define the codec object:

const { promisify } = require('util')
const snappy = require('snappy')

const snappyCompress = promisify(snappy.compress)
const snappyDecompress = promisify(snappy.uncompress)

const SnappyCodec = {
  async compress(encoder) {
    return snappyCompress(encoder.buffer)

  async decompress(buffer) {
    return snappyDecompress(buffer)

Now we that have the codec object, we can add it to the implementation:

const { CompressionTypes, CompressionCodecs } = require('kafkajs')
CompressionCodecs[CompressionTypes.Snappy] = SnappyCodec

The new codec can now be used with the send method, example:

async () => {
  await producer.send({
    topic: 'topic-name',
    compression: CompressionTypes.Snappy,
    messages: [
      { key: 'key1', value: 'hello world' },
      { key: 'key2', value: 'hey hey!' }

Consuming messages from Kafka

Consumer groups allow a group of machines or processes to coordinate access to a list of topics, distributing the load among the consumers. When a consumer fails the load is automatically distributed to other members of the group. Consumer groups must have unique group ids within the cluster, from a kafka broker perspective.

Creating the consumer:

const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'my-group' })

Subscribing to some topics:

async () => {
  await consumer.connect()

  // Subscribe can be called several times
  await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'topic-A' })
  await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'topic-B' })

  // It's possible to start from the beginning:
  // await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'topic-C', fromBeginning: true })

KafkaJS offers you two ways to process your data: eachMessage and eachBatch


The eachMessage handler provides a convenient and easy to use API, feeding your function one message at a time. It is implemented on top of eachBatch, and it will automatically commit your offsets and heartbeat at the configured interval for you. If you are just looking to get started with Kafka consumers this a good place to start.

async () => {
  await consumer.connect()

  // Subscribe can be called several times
  await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'topic-name' })

  // It's possible to start from the beginning:
  // await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'topic-name', fromBeginning: true })

    eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
        key: message.key.toString(),
        value: message.value.toString()

  // before you exit your app
  await consumer.disconnect()


Some use cases requires dealing with batches directly. This handler will feed your function batches and provide some utility functions to give your code more flexibility: resolveOffset, heartbeat, and isRunning. All resolved offsets will be automatically committed after the function is executed.

Be aware that using eachBatch directly is considered a more advanced use case as compared to using eachMessage, since you will have to understand how session timeouts and heartbeats are connected.

// create consumer, connect and subscribe ...

  eachBatch: async ({ batch, resolveOffset, heartbeat, isRunning }) => {
    for (let message of batch.messages) {
        topic: batch.topic,
        partition: batch.partition,
        highWatermark: batch.highWatermark,
        message: {
          offset: message.offset,
          key: message.key.toString(),
          value: message.value.toString()

      await resolveOffset(message.offset)
      await heartbeat()

batch.highWatermark is the last committed offset within the topic partition. It can be useful for calculating lag.

eachBatchAutoResolve configures auto-resolve of batch processing. If set to true, KafkaJS will automatically commit the last offset of the batch if eachBatch doesn't throw an error. Default: true.

resolveOffset() is used to mark a message in the batch as processed. In case of errors, the consumer will automatically commit the resolved offsets.

  eachBatchAutoResolve: false,
  eachBatch: ({ batch, resolveOffset, heartbeat, isRunning }) => {
    for (let message of batch.messages) {
      if (!isRunning()) break
      await processMessage(message)
      await resolveOffset(message.offset)
      await heartbeat()

In the example above, if the consumer is shutting down in the middle of the batch, the remaining messages won't be resolved and therefore not committed. This way, you can quickly shut down the consumer without losing/skipping any messages.


  groupId: <String>,
  partitionAssigners: <Array>,
  sessionTimeout: <Number>,
  heartbeatInterval: <Number>,
  maxBytesPerPartition: <Number>,
  minBytes: <Number>,
  maxBytes: <Number>,
  maxWaitTimeInMs: <Number>,
  retry: <Object>,
option description default
partitionAssigners List of partition assigners [PartitionAssigners.roundRobin]
sessionTimeout Timeout in milliseconds used to detect failures. The consumer sends periodic heartbeats to indicate its liveness to the broker. If no heartbeats are received by the broker before the expiration of this session timeout, then the broker will remove this consumer from the group and initiate a rebalance 30000
heartbeatInterval The expected time in milliseconds between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer's session stays active. The value must be set lower than session timeout 3000
maxBytesPerPartition The maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. This size must be at least as large as the maximum message size the server allows or else it is possible for the producer to send messages larger than the consumer can fetch. If that happens, the consumer can get stuck trying to fetch a large message on a certain partition 1048576 (1MB)
minBytes Minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request, otherwise wait up to maxWaitTimeInMs for more data to accumulate. default: 1
maxBytes Maximum amount of bytes to accumulate in the response. Supported by Kafka >= 10485760 (10MB)
maxWaitTimeInMs The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the server will block before answering the fetch request if there isn’t sufficient data to immediately satisfy the requirement given by minBytes 5000
retry See retry for more information { retries: 10 }

Pause & Resume

In order to pause and resume consuming from one or more topics, the Consumer provides the methods pause and resume. Note that pausing a topic means that it won't be fetched in the next cycle. You may still receive messages for the topic within the current batch.

Calling pause with a topic that the consumer is not subscribed to is a no-op, calling resume with a topic that is not paused is also a no-op.

Example: A situation where this could be useful is when an external dependency used by the consumer is under too much load. Here we want to pause consumption from a topic when this happens, and after a predefined interval we resume again:

await consumer.connect()
await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'jobs' })

await{ eachMessage: async ({ topic, message }) => {
  try {
    await sendToDependency(message)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof TooManyRequestsError) {
      consumer.pause([{ topic }])
      setTimeout(() => consumer.resume([{ topic }]), e.retryAfter * 1000)

    throw e


To move the offset position in a topic/partition the Consumer provides the method seek. This method has to be called after the consumer is initialized and is running (after consumer#run).

await consumer.connect()
await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'example' })

// you don't need to await consumer#run{ eachMessage: async ({ topic, message }) => true }){ topic: 'example', partition: 0, offset: 12384 })

Custom partition assigner

It's possible to configure the strategy the consumer will use to distribute partitions amongst the consumer group. KafkaJS has a round robin assigner configured by default.

A partition assigner is a function which returns an object with the following interface:

const MyPartitionAssigner = ({ cluster }) => ({
  name: 'MyPartitionAssigner',
  version: 1,
  async assign({ members, topics }) {},
  protocol({ topics }) {}

The method assign has to return an assignment plan with partitions per topic. A partition plan consists of a list of memberId and memberAssignment. The member assignment has to be encoded, use the MemberAssignment utility for that. Example:

const { AssignerProtocol: { MemberAssignment } } = require('kafkajs')

const MyPartitionAssigner = ({ cluster }) => ({
  // ...
  version: 1,
  async assign({ members, topics }) {
    // perform assignment
    return => ({
      memberAssignment: MemberAssignment.encode({
        version: this.version,
        assignment: assignment[memberId],
  // ...

The method protocol has to return name and metadata. Metadata has to be encoded, use the MemberMetadata utility for that. Example:

const { AssignerProtocol: { MemberMetadata } } = require('kafkajs')

const MyPartitionAssigner = ({ cluster }) => ({
  name: 'MyPartitionAssigner',
  version: 1,
  protocol({ topics }) {
    return {
      metadata: MemberMetadata.encode({
        version: this.version,
  // ...

Your protocol method will probably look like the example, but it's not implemented by default because extra data can be included as userData. Take a look at the MemberMetadata#encode for more information.

Once your assigner is done, add it to the list of assigners. It's important to keep the default assigner there to allow the old consumers to have a common ground with the new consumers when deploying.

const { PartitionAssigners: { roundRobin } } = require('kafkajs')

  groupId: 'my-group',
  partitionAssigners: [

Describe group

Experimental - This feature may be removed or changed in new versions of KafkaJS

Returns metadata for the configured consumer group, example:

const data = await consumer.describeGroup()
// {
//  errorCode: 0,
//  groupId: 'consumer-group-id-f104efb0e1044702e5f6',
//  members: [
//    {
//      clientHost: '/',
//      clientId: 'test-3e93246fe1f4efa7380a',
//      memberAssignment: Buffer,
//      memberId: 'test-3e93246fe1f4efa7380a-ff87d06d-5c87-49b8-a1f1-c4f8e3ffe7eb',
//      memberMetadata: Buffer,
//    },
//  ],
//  protocol: 'RoundRobinAssigner',
//  protocolType: 'consumer',
//  state: 'Stable',
// },


KafkaJS only support GZIP natively, but other codecs can be supported.


The admin client will host all the cluster operations, such as: createTopics, createPartitions, etc. Currently, only createTopics is available.

const kafka = new Kafka(...)
const admin = kafka.admin() // kafka.admin({ retry: { retries: 2 } })

// remember to connect/disconnect the client
await admin.connect()
await admin.disconnect()

The option retry can be used to customize the configuration for the admin.

Take a look at Retry for more information.

Create topics

createTopics will resolve to true if the topic was created successfully or false if it already exists. The method will throw exceptions in case of errors.

await admin.createTopics({
  validateOnly: <boolean>,
  waitForLeaders: <boolean>
  timeout: <Number>,
  topics: <Topic[]>,

Topic structure:

  topic: <String>,
  numPartitions: <Number>,     // default: 1
  replicationFactor: <Number>, // default: 1
  replicaAssignment: <Array>,  // Example: [{ partition: 0, replicas: [0,1,2] }] - default: []
  configEntries: <Array>       // Example: [{ name: 'cleanup.policy', value: 'compact' }] - default: []
property description default
topics Topic definition
validateOnly If this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created. false
timeout The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node 5000
waitForLeaders If this is true it will wait until metadata for the new topics doesn't throw LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE true


Experimental - This feature may be removed or changed in new versions of KafkaJS

Some operations are instrumented using the EventEmitter. To receive the events use the method consumer#on, example:

const { HEARTBEAT } =
const removeListener = consumer.on(HEARTBEAT, e => console.log(`heartbeat at ${e.timestamp}`))
// removeListener()

The listeners are always async, even when using regular functions. The consumer will never block when executing your listeners. Errors in the listeners won't affect the consumer.

List of available events:


Instrumentation Event:

  id: <Number>,
  type: <String>,
  timestamp: <Number>,
  payload: <Object>

Custom logging

The logger is customized using log creators. A log creator is a function which receives a log level and returns a log function. The log function receives namespace, level, label, and log.

  • namespace identifies the component which is performing the log, for example, connection or consumer.
  • level is the log level of the log entry.
  • label is a text representation of the log level, example: 'INFO'.
  • log is an object with the following keys: timestamp, logger, message, and the extra keys given by the user. ('test', { extra_data: true }))
  level: 4,
  timestamp: '2017-12-29T13:39:54.575Z',
  logger: 'kafkajs',
  message: 'Started',
  // ... any other extra key provided to the log function

The general structure looks like this:

const MyLogCreator = logLevel => ({ namespace, level, label, log }) => {
  // Example:
  // const { timestamp, logger, message, ...others } = log
  // console.log(`${label} [${namespace}] ${message} ${JSON.stringify(others)}`)

Example using Winston:

const { logLevel } = require('kafkajs')
const winston = require('winston')
const toWinstonLogLevel = level => switch(level) {
  case logLevel.ERROR:
  case logLevel.NOTHING:
    return 'error'
  case logLevel.WARN:
    return 'warn'
  case logLevel.INFO:
    return 'info'
  case logLevel.DEBUG:
    return 'debug'

const WinstonLogCreator = logLevel => {
  const logger = winston.createLogger({
    level: toWinstonLogLevel(logLevel),
    transports: [
      new winston.transports.Console(),
      new winston.transports.File({ filename: 'myapp.log' })

  return ({ namespace, level, { message, ...extra } }) => {
      level: toWinstonLogLevel(level),

Once you have your log creator you can use the logCreator option to configure the client:

const kafka = new Kafka({
  clientId: 'my-app',
  brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
  logLevel: logLevel.ERROR,
  logCreator: WinstonLogCreator

Retry (detailed)

The retry mechanism uses a randomization function that grows exponentially. This formula and how the default values affect it is best described by the example below:

  • 1st retry:
    • Always a flat initialRetryTime ms
    • Default: 300ms
  • Nth retry:
    • Formula: Random(previousRetryTime * (1 - factor), previousRetryTime * (1 + factor)) * multiplier
    • N = 1:
      • Since previousRetryTime == initialRetryTime just plug the values in the formula:
      • Random(300 * (1 - 0.2), 300 * (1 + 0.2)) * 2 => Random(240, 360) * 2 => (480, 720) ms
      • Hence, somewhere between 480ms to 720ms
    • N = 2:
      • Since previousRetryTime from N = 1 was in a range between 480ms and 720ms, the retry for this step will be in the range of:
      • previousRetryTime = 480ms => Random(480 * (1 - 0.2), 480 * (1 + 0.2)) * 2 => Random(384, 576) * 2 => (768, 1152) ms
      • previousRetryTime = 720ms => Random(720 * (1 - 0.2), 720 * (1 + 0.2)) * 2 => Random(576, 864) * 2 => (1152, 1728) ms
      • Hence, somewhere between 768ms to 1728ms
    • And so on...

Table of retry times for default values:

Retry # min (ms) max (ms)
1 300 300
2 480 720
3 768 1728
4 1229 4147
5 1966 9953


yarn test


# This will run a kafka cluster configured with your current IP
yarn test:local

# To run with logs
# KAFKAJS_LOG_LEVEL=debug yarn test:local

Password for test keystore and certificates: testtest Password for SASL test:testtest


Thanks to Sebastian Norde for the logo ❤️


See LICENSE for more details.