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A Gentle Introduction to SQL Using SQLite Part II

Now that we have some dirty data and a few keywords, we can start to write some more interesting queries. In the process, we’ll learn a few of the idiosyncrasies of SQL.

To get started, click on the SQLite Manager tool in your FireFox toolbar:

It should ask you if you want to open the last used database (test.sql). Click OK.
If you do not get this option, click on the “Connect Database” icon () and browse to the file you saved last time. (If you can’t find the file, you can recreate it by following the final step in Part I of this tutorial.)

Nothing can come of nothing: Using IS NULL

Let’s take a look back at our original CREATE statement for the contributors table:

CREATE  TABLE "main"."contributors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY  AUTOINCREMENT  NOT NULL , "last_name" VARCHAR, "first_name" VARCHAR, "city" VARCHAR, "state" VARCHAR, "zip" VARCHAR, "amount" INTEGER)

Notice that we defined the id column as NOT NULL, which meant that it was a required field. Because that field is serving as our unique identifier or PRIMARY KEY for the row, it can’t be empty.

The keyword NULL is a special value in SQL. It’s a placeholder for an empty field. If a field is NULL, it’s really empty. That means it’s not 0. It’s not an empty string (""). If you’re of a philosophical mind, you might call NULL the “nothing that is”. If you’re of a pragmatic mind, you might just think of it as a placeholder where no value has been entered.

But being nothing (or a placeholder for on empty value) comes with a cost. NULL can’t be compared with other data types such as strings. And we can’t use normal operators to match it, either. So =, <> and friends don’t work with NULL. Don’t believe me? Try it out:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE last_name = NULL;

Instead, to query for null values, we use the keywords IS NULL:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE last_name IS NULL;

NULL’s refusal to respond to normal operators can lead to some unforeseen effects. Take a look at this query, and guess what it should return:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'VA' AND last_name <> 'Lewis';

(Remember that <> means the same thing that != does: “is not equal.”)

There are three contributors from VA in the table, Robert Albrecht, Donald S. Lewis, and someone from Rocky Mount whose name fields are empty. (Yes, the data did come in like this from the FEC.) You can see the list by using “Browse & Search” or by running this query: SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'VA';.

So, the clause WHERE state = 'VA' AND last_name <> Lewis looks like it’s asking for all contributors from Virginia whose last name is not Lewis. And it looks like it should return both Albrecht and the Rocky Mount contributor. But when we run it (cue “Price Is Right” sad horn sound), we only get Albrecht:

“Curiouser and curiouser,” you might say. This makes strict logical sense when we consider that the NULL data type can’t be compared with any other data type, but really it does seem a bit of a pain (even to some of the SQL gurus). The solution is to use IS NULL. Here’s one way to write the query to get the results we intended:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'VA' AND (last_name <> 'Lewis' OR last_name IS NULL);

(The parentheses are optional here, but they do help express our intentions.)

And now we get the two expected result rows:


The opposite of IS NULL is (drumroll) . . . IS NOT NULL. And it works pretty much as we’d expect:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'VA' AND last_name IS NOT NULL;

This negative form is pretty handy for filtering null values from the results set.

Knowing your limitations: Using LIMIT

So far, all of our queries have returned the full result set of rows matching the WHERE clause. But sometimes you only want a subset of the results. Let’s use the LIMIT keyword to get the top 20 contributors by contribution.

First we order the results by amount (in descending order), and then we limit the results to only the first 20 rows:


And if there aren’t enough matching rows to reach the specified limit, the limit is simply ignored:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount > 2100 LIMIT 20;

Casting a wider net with LIKE

While it’s helpful to be able to write queries that look for equality (last_name = 'Smith') or inequality (last_name != 'Smith'), sometimes you want to do something a little messier, such as looking for everyone whose last name starts with ‘T’. Or maybe you want to look for matches to a five-digit ZIP code, but some of your rows use ZIP+4. For these kinds of expressions, you can use the LIKE operator, which will perform a partial match.

To perform a partial match using LIKE, you can combine normal characters and special wildcard characters to construct a pattern. For example, the percent sign (%) will match any sequence of zero or more characters. So to match any zip that begins with 77566, we can use this statement:

SELECT zip FROM contributors WHERE zip LIKE '77566%';

Notice that it matches both 775661497 and 77566036. It would also match 77566, because the % will match zero characters, too.

The % is probably the most common special character used in pattern matching with LIKE. Another less commonly used pattern matcher is the underscore (“_”), which matches any single character in the string. Say, for example, we wanted to start cleaning our data, and we wanted to remove the middle initials from the first_name field and put them into a new middle_name column. (This sort of thing can get tricky very quickly, but for now we’ll trip along happily assuming everything goes smoothly.) As a first step, we want simply to examine all of the rows that appear to contain middle initials in first_name. Here’s a query that will get us at least part of the way there:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE first_name LIKE '% _.';

Reading patterns like this one may prove a little tricky at first, but in time . . . who am I kidding, it’s still pretty tricky, but you can figure it out. Let’s break it down:

  • The pattern starts with %, which we know means “match any series of zero or more characters,” which is pretty much anything.
  • Next we have a space (it’s hard to see, but it’s between the % and the _). So we’re matching anything plus a space.
  • Then we have the magic underscore (_), meaning any single character.
  • And finally, we have a period (.), which is just a literal period here.

And here’s the result:

So, in English, the pattern says to match “any series of characters followed by a space, a single character, and a period.”
This pattern will match things like “John Q.” as well as “1234 5.” and “#$%^ !.” and " B." and “J. B.” It won’t, however,
match the string “J. Quincy” because the period isn’t the last character in the field. Neither will it match "Alfred E. " because we’ve left
a space after the period.

To also match patterns that contain characters after the period, we would need to add a final % to the pattern:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE first_name LIKE '% _.%';

Now we’re matching the pattern “any series of zero or more characters, followed by a space, followed by a single character, followed by a period, followed by any series of zero or more characters.” (So, our little pattern expresses a pretty complex thought.)

Of course, we could just match any first_name that contains a period, like this:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE first_name LIKE '%.%';
But then we also get names like “S. Truett,” which may or may not be what we intended.

Note: Some database systems include other wildcard characters to be used in patterns. For example, in some systems the pattern [xyz] will match one of the characters “x,” “y” or “z.” And the pattern [^xyz] will match any character that is not an “x,” “y” or “z.” SQLite does not, by default, support this wildcard.

Word games: Using string functions (SUBSTR, UPPER)

Using LIKE for partial matches can be pretty powerful, but as we’ve seen, patterns aren’t exactly beach reading. Another way to do partial matching is to use string functions to manipulate the values. String functions usually take the form of a keyword followed by parentheses. The parentheses contain any arguments we want to pass to the function. The general format looks like this: KEYWORD(ARG1, ARG2, ARG3). Usually the first argument is the string we want to manipulate. Here are some commonly used string functions:


The SUBSTR() function takes the string we hand it in the parentheses and returns a part of the string that we define (ergo, substring). (Note: some database systems use SUBSTRING(), rather than SUBSTR().)

To determine which part of the string to return, SUBSTR() accepts additional arguments: first, the starting point of the desired substring (counting characters from the left), and then the number of characters to grab from that starting point. The full function call takes this form: SUBSTR(STRING, START_POINT, LENGTH). The third argument is optional. If we leave it off, SUBSTR() returns all characters from the given starting point to the end of the string.

An example is probably more helpful. So, here is the ZIP query from above rewritten to use a substring match:

SELECT zip FROM contributors WHERE SUBSTR(zip, 1, 5) = '77566';

We’re asking for all ZIP codes in the table whose first five characters match ‘77566’. This query will return the same result set we saw above: 775661497 and 77566036.

Functions can also be used in the SELECT clause of the query, so we can do something like this:

SELECT SUBSTR(zip, 1, 5) FROM contributors;

Now we’re getting the five-digit representation of all ZIPs in the table (and dropping the extra four digits from the ZIP+4s)


The TRIM() function is most frequently used to trim white space from either side of a string. During data entry, strings are often accidentally inserted with leading or trailing whitespace. To simulate this case, let’s mess up the data even more:

UPDATE contributors SET state = ' GA ' WHERE last_name = 'Cathy';

So, now Cathy isn’t appearing in our list of Georgians. Even worse, we’ve created a new state:

SELECT DISTINCT state FROM contributors;

We can use TRIM() to clean things up:

UPDATE contributors SET state = TRIM(state);

Notice here that we’re not using a WHERE clause on the UPDATE statement. This means that all rows will be updated, which is usually not what you want at all. Consider if we had used SET state = 'GA' in the statement above; we’d now have a table full of Georgians and a mess to clean up. Because we’re using a function, rather than a literal string here, we can update everything at once, trimming the white space from the front and end of every state value. The function operates on the value in the state column for each row in turn.

And now we’re back to normal:

SELECT DISTINCT state FROM contributors;

The TRIM() function can also be used to strip characters other than spaces from the front and end of a string, although this usage is probably less common. To tell TRIM() which characters to remove, pass a second argument which contains any characters to be removed. For example, TRIM(state, '.,') would remove any periods or commas appearing at the beginning or end of the state name (i.e. “GA.” would become “GA”).


Another common problem in dirty data is inconsistencies in capitalization. For example, let’s find all of the contributors from Birmingham, Alabama:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'AL' AND city = 'Birmingham';

Hmm . . . apparently there aren’t any.

But then when we check on all contributors from Alabama, we get a different story:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state = 'AL';

So, the problem is that Birmingham isn’t properly capitalized. Now, we could do a SELECT using city = 'birmingham', but then we’d miss any rows that properly capitalize the city name. And what about rows that use ALL CAPS?

An easy way to get around these issues of case-sensitivity is to use the UPPER() or LOWER() string functions to standardize capitalization on the values:

SELECT * from contributors WHERE UPPER(city) = 'BIRMINGHAM';

The UPPER() function translates each letter in the city value to upper case. As a result, this query will give us the lower-case version, but it will also match “Birmingham” and “BIRMINGHAM” (not to mention “BIRMingham”), as they will all be rendered as “BIRMINGHAM” by UPPER().

Note: by default LIKE is not case-sensitive in SQLite, but that is not true of all database management systems. Also, in some other database systems, such as MySQL, the basic equality operator (=) is case insensitive, but that’s not true in SQLite, and it isn’t true in other systems. When in doubt, it’s safer to use LOWER() or UPPER() to ensure case insensitivity. (Also, some databases use UCASE() and LCASE() rather than UPPER() and LOWER().)

Pull yourself together: The concatenate operator (||)

Sometimes we want to combine values from different columns, either in the WHERE clause or for the results. SQLite uses the concatenation operator (||) to combine strings. You can combine both literal strings (in quotation marks) and column values using this operator.

Say, for instance, we want a nicely formatted list of cities and states for contributors. To create a single result column that contains the city and state separated by a comma, we can use this query:

SELECT city || ',' || state FROM contributors ORDER BY state, city;

We insert the comma and space as a literal string concatenated with the values from the city and state columns.

Note: Some other database management systems, such as MySQL use the CONCAT() function to perform concatenation: e.g. SELECT CONCAT(city, ', ', state) FROM contributors; //WON'T WORK IN SQLITE.

Pick One: Using BETWEEN and IN (NOT IN)

Often you’ll want to get a value from within a range. The BETWEEN operator can do exactly that. Let’s see which of our contributors has given between 500 and 1000 dollars:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount BETWEEN 500 AND 1000;

(Note: this query returns the same results as SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount >= 500 AND amount <= 1000; — but it’s much more readable.)

At other times, you may need to match values from within a set of choices. This is where the IN operator comes in handy. Let’s find all contributors from a few southern states:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state IN ('AL', 'GA', 'FL');

The choices are surrounded by parentheses and separated by commas. And don’t forget the quote marks around literal strings. here’s the result:

(Again, you could have used a compound statement with state = 'AL' OR state = 'GA' OR state = 'FL' to achieve the same result, but the IN syntax makes things much clearer, and it’s easier to write.)

You can also use NOT IN to find results where a value is not included in the given set:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE state NOT IN ('CA', 'OR', 'AZ');

But beware that NOT IN won’t work with null fields. So, if one of the rows has a null value for state, it would not be returned by the query above.

Aggregate Functions: COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG

Aggregate functions allow us to perform calculations on values across rows. Using them, we can start to do some pretty interesting data analysis. To specify a column to use for the aggregate, pass the column name as the argument in parentheses: e.g. COUNT(counted_column). Here’s a quick run through some useful aggregate functions:


How many contributors do we have from California?

SELECT COUNT(id) FROM contributors WHERE state = 'CA';

The COUNT(id) function counts the number of unique ids. We could also have used COUNT(*), which will count the number of rows. The result will be the same.

COUNT() can also be used with DISTINCT to return the number of distinct instances. For example, how many distinct ZIP Codes are there in the table?

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT zip)  FROM contributors;

(Note that the the DISTINCT keyword comes inside the parentheses. It is part of the argument passed to COUNT().


What is the maximum amount that any of our contributors has given?

SELECT MAX(amount) FROM contributors;


What is the total amount of contributions from Georgia?

SELECT SUM(amount) FROM contributors WHERE state = 'GA';


What is the average amount contributed?

SELECT AVG(amount) FROM contributors;

(Of course, the usual caveats about using averages apply. I heard a nice example recently: “Which major at UNC produces graduates with the highest average salary?” Apparently, it was Geography, Michael Jordan’s major. Even if it isn’t true, it’s a nice warning about the way outliers can skew averages.)

Subqueries, the Russian dolls of SQL

When doing analysis, we often want to base one query on the results of another query. For example, we used the MAX() function to determine the maximum amount contributed. But what if we want to know who actually gave that maximum amount? We could try something like this:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount = MAX(amount);

But we won’t like the results:

We could also simply run two different queries, one to get the maximum amount, and another to find rows matching that amount:

SELECT MAX(amount) FROM contributors;
(Which returns 2400.)
SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount = 2400;

While that would work, it’s a little clunky and brittle. (If the database is being updated often, we’d always have to run the lookup for MAX() first, in case the maximum amount changed between queries.)

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to combine those into one statement? Well, we’re in luck: a subquery is up to that task:

SELECT * FROM contributors WHERE amount = (SELECT MAX(amount) FROM contributors);

The subquery appears in parentheses, and it stands in for the value we want to test against amount. The subquery is executed first, and its result is used in the outer query. Because the subquery returns 2400, the query above gives the same result as a query for amount = 2400.

This statement works because our subquery only returns a single value (the value of MAX(amount)). It’s also possible to use a subquery that returns multiple results, but in that case, we can’t use the = operator.

If we wanted, for example, to get the total contributions from the top 20 contributors, we would have a list of 20 rows we want to match against. That’s where our new friend IN comes to the rescue:

SELECT SUM(amount) FROM contributors WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM contributors ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 20);

The subquery returns the ids of the first 20 rows ordered by amount. The outer query asks for the sum of all amounts where the unique identifier for our contributor is in the results of our subquery. When we put them together, we get the sum of the amounts for the top 20 contributors:

Note that there are other contributors in the list who have also donated 2100 (the smallest amount in the top 20), so the cut-off point is arbitrary. Depending on the story, we might want to do something more sophisticated with this query, such as looking for the sum of all amounts less than 500, or something even more ambitious, such as looking for the sum of all amounts within a certain percentile.

Subqueries can also be used with DELETE, UPDATE and INSERT INTO statements.


With some aggregate functions in our tool belt, we’re ready to take advantage of one of SQL’s more powerful features: GROUP BY. The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with aggregate functions to group the results by a given column. Doing so allows us to write queries that return counts, sums, averages, minimums and maximums per group.

So, what is the total amount of contributions per state:

SELECT state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors GROUP BY state;

It’s also possible to group by a combination of columns. So, we can get totals by city and state, as well:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors GROUP BY city, state;

And we can use the aggregate function in an ORDER BY statement to sort the results by total amount:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors GROUP BY city, state ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC;

The syntax of this last statement is a little tricky. The columns to group by are separated by commas, but there is no comma before ORDER BY or DESC.

Most relational database management systems require that every non-aggregate field in the SELECT statement also be included in the GROUP BY statement. Because SUM(amount) is an aggregate, we can include it in the SELECT statement, even though it isn’t included in the GROUP BY list. But if we want to include city in the SELECT, we generally need to include it in the GROUP BY as well.

SQLite doesn’t enforce this standard SQL restriction, which in some cases makes writing the query much simpler but in most cases can lead to unexpected results. Here’s what happens when we leave the city column out of the GROUP BY but include it in the SELECT:

That’s not at all what we wanted. We’re getting only one row per state (because we only grouped by state), and we’re getting an apparently arbitrary city name for each state. (It’s actually the city name from the row with the highest id, but that’s no help.) So, there’s a good reason for the standard SQL restriction against this kind of query. If you’re certain that there is a unique relationship between the column for SELECT and the columns in the GROUP BY (for example, if we were grouping by zip and wanted to display the state in the results and we were certain that there was only one state per zip), then SQLite’s flouting of this restriction can be seen as a feature and not a bug. But as a general practice and to make your queries portable to other systems, you should always include all columns for the SELECT in the GROUP BY list. If including that column in the GROUP BY isn’t possible, then you’ll probably need to use a subquery to create the desired result.


Now that we understand grouping and aggregates, let’s try filtering the results based on an aggregate. To start, let’s find all cities for which the total contributions is greater than $3,000. Here’s a first stab at the query:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors WHERE SUM(amount) >= 3000  GROUP BY city, state  ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC;

And . . . no.

The error message isn’t exactly friendly, but you can see “misuse of aggregate: SUM()” if you look closely enough (it also appears in the “Last Error” field of the SQLite manager once you close the alert box). Turns out that aggregate functions can’t be used in a WHERE clause. The WHERE clause acts as a filter on each row in turn, but here we want to test an expression against a value for a group of rows (SUM(amount)). The equivalent of a WHERE clause for aggregates is HAVING. It appears after the GROUP BY:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors GROUP BY city, state HAVING SUM(amount) >= 3000 ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC;

To get a better sense of the difference between WHERE and HAVING, let’s first look at a fairly simple query using WHERE:

SELECT city, state, amount FROM contributors WHERE amount >= 2300;

This query looks for individual contributors who have given at least $2,300, and it returns their city, state and amount.

Now let’s make this into an aggregate query by adding a GROUP BY and an aggregate function:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors WHERE amount >= 2300 GROUP BY city, state;

We have the same nine cities that we had in the first query (those cities in which someone donated at least $2,300). But now, rather than having one row per contributor, we have one row per city. The GROUP BY eliminates the duplicate entries for cities in which more than one person contributed at least $2,300. And by using the aggregate function for SUM(amount), we’re adding up all contributions of at least $2,300 for each city.

Now let’s further filter this list of cities. We want to look only at cities in which these large contributions ($2,300 or greater) made a big difference. Let’s call $4000 a big difference, for the sake of argument. So, we want only those cities for which the total amount of contributions at this size exceeds $4000. (Looking at the results from the last query, we know to expect 3 rows, but it’s not always so easy to see.) Here goes:

SELECT city, state, SUM(amount) FROM contributors WHERE amount >= 2300 GROUP BY city, state HAVING SUM(amount) > 4000;

And bam!


So, now you can construct a vast array of query types using SQL. Using subqueries and aggregates, you should be able to ask nearly anything of a single data set that you need.
Next time, we’ll move on to exploring relationships between data sets, and you’ll be able to amaze your friends and colleagues with your raw SQL power.
See you in Part III

Creative Commons License
A Gentle Introduction to SQL Using SQLite by Troy Thibodeaux is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.