Processing scripts used to generative glitch / art / design
Detailed instructions inside scripts
- decayscreen - decay image, based on XScreenSaver hack with the same name
- drawing_generative - draw image using strokes based on channel value
- drawing_strokes - draw image using lines (aka robot drawing)
- fractalify - draw mandelbrot/julia fractals using channel data from image
- imagelens - use image channel data to displace pixels. You can use different image as lens and to process.
- mirrorimage - mirror parts of the image to other parts, 24 modes for rectangular (12 for squared) images
- ntsc_analogtv - xanalogtv XScreenSaver hack ported to processing
- slitscan - simulate errors during scanning (more digital way)
- wzipprocess2 - recompress image using wzip method (Haar wavelet transformation)
- imageslicer - few algorithms based on segmentation of the image