Name | Type | Description | Notes |
day_of_week | str | The day of the week the scheduled task should repeat. This property only applies to schedules with a `every` value of `"day-of-month"`. | [optional] |
every | str | The frequency schedule repeats. Each value represents a different unit of time and is used in conjunction with the property `interval`. For example, a schedule can repeat hourly, daily, monthly, etc. The following table describes each supported value: | Value |
interval | int | The interval time the schedule should repeat. The is depends on the value set in `every`. For example, if the value in property `every` is set to `"day"` and `interval` is set to `2`, then the schedule will repeat every 2 days. | |
week_of_month | int | The week of the month the scheduled task should repeat. For This property only applies to schedules with a `every` value of `"day-of-month"`. Each week of the month is counted in 7-day increments. For example, week 1 consists of days 1-7 of the month while week 2 consists of days 8-14 of the month and so forth. | [optional] |