Allows you to associate callbacks to pointer events on a canvas object
- add the script to your page or use it as a require.js module
- instantiate a PointerInput object (or the name you gave through require.js)
- attach that instance to a canvas object with the .attach(canvasObject) method
- call .addCallBack(callbackName, callback) on this instance
.addCallBack(callbackName, callback)
callbackName : a combination of the event type and the button name. Event types are 'down', 'up' and 'drag. Button names are 'left', 'middle' and 'right. You can also omit the button name if you want the callback to be called for any button. So for example, callbackName can be
- 'down'
- 'down-left'
- 'drag-middle'
- etc.
callback : the callback function that you want to call
callback(pointer, dx, dy)
pointer : object received by the callbacks that contains pointer information :
booleans that describe the 'pressed' state of each button
- pointer.left
- pointer.middle
- pointer.right
The position of the pointer at the time of the event :
- pointer.pos
The position of the pointer when the button was last pressed (for dragging events) :
- pointer.last.left
- pointer.last.middle
- pointer.last.right
The previously attached canvas element:
- pointer.attachedElement
dx, dy : drag information provided to drag events (distance since last button press)
Call that when you don't want the callbacks to be called any more.