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This module is no longer maintained, use aws_ecs modules instead with launch_type set to EC2.

AWS ECS + EC2 Module

This module deploys an ECS cluster with autoscaling group of EC2 instances.


  1. Directly use our module in your existing Terraform configuration and provide the required variables
module "retool" {
    source = ""

    aws_region = "<your-aws-region>"
    vpc_id = "<your-vpc-id>"
    subnet_ids = [
    ssh_key_name = "<your-key-pair>"
    ecs_retool_image = "<desired-retool-version>"

    # Additional configuration
  1. Run terraform init to install all requirements for the module.

  2. Replace ecs_retool_image with your desired Retool Version. The format should be tryretool/backend:X.Y.Z, where X.Y.Z is your desired version number.

  3. Ensure that the default security settings in matches your specifications. If you need to tighten down access, pass in custom ingress and egress rules into ec2_egress_rules, ec2_ingress_rules, alb_egress_rules, and alb_ingress_rules.

  4. Check through for any other input variables that may be required.

  5. Run terraform plan to view all planned changes to your account.

  6. Run terraform apply to apply the changes and deploy Retool.

  7. You should now find a Load Balancer in your AWS EC2 Console associated with the deployment. The instance address should now be running Retool.

Common Configuration


EC2 Instance Size To configure the EC instance size, set the instance_type input variable (e.g. t2.large).

RDS Instance Class To configure the RDS instance class, set the instance_class input variable (e.g. db.m6g.large).

Advanced Configuration

Security Groups

To customize the ingress and egress rules on the security groups, you can override specific input variable defaults.

  • ec2_ingress_rules controls the inbound rules for EC2 instances in the autoscaling group
  • ec2_egress_rules controls the outbound rules for EC2 instances in the autoscaling group
  • alb_ingress_rules controls the inbound rules for the Load Balancer
  • alb_egress_rules controls the outbound rules for the Load Balancer
ec2_ingress_rules = [
      description      = "Global HTTP inbound"
      from_port        = "80"
      to_port          = "80"
      protocol         = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
      description      = "Global HTTPS inbound"
      from_port        = "443"
      to_port          = "443"
      protocol         = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
      description      = "SSH inbound"
      from_port        = "22"
      to_port          = "22"
      protocol         = "tcp"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]

ec2_egress_rules = [
      description      = "Global outbound"
      from_port        = "0"
      to_port          = "0"
      protocol         = "-1"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]

Environment Variables

To add additional Retool environment variables to your deployment, populate the additional_env_vars input variable into the module.

NOTE: The additional_env_vars will only work as type map(string). Convert all booleans and numbers into strings, e.g.

additional_env_vars = [
        name = "DISABLE_GIT_SYNCING"
        value = "true"