This repository use ControlNet to control stable diffusion models by adding extra conditions. This allows training on small-scale or even personal devices. Repository will be continuously updated w…
Thư viện xữ lý chữ số dành riêng cho Tiếng Việt.
Use AI to generate peomtry 6-8 ( sử dụng AI để sinh thơ lục bát )
use BERT evaluate product in comment of client
pytorch cơ bản ( tensor, operation, deep learning normal,..)
lọc màu trong ảnh ( lấy ngưỡng HSV), dilate, erison, cvtColor,...
Sample code for Facebook Chat Bot
Feature engineering package with sklearn like functionality
code project normal ( chatbot, capture picture, fake new,....) and Knowledge Python, Numpy, Klearn, Pandas,...
machine learning cơ bản