Drush's test suite is based on PHPUnit. In order to maintain high quality, our tests are run on every push by Travis
Install PHPUnit
- Follow the Composer installation instruction
- Run composer depending on your installation from the Drush root directory
php composer.phar install --dev composer install --dev
Review the configuration settings in phpunit.xml.dist. If customization is needed, copy to phpunit.xml and edit away.
Run unit tests:
$ cd tests $ php ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit.php .
- Run only tests matching a regex:
phpunit --filter=testVersionString
- Skip slow tests (usually those with network usage):
phpunit --exclude-group slow
- XML results:
phpunit --filter=testVersionString --log-junit results.xml
Drush commandfiles are encouraged to ship with PHPUnit test cases that
extend Drush_UnitTestCase and Drush_CommandTestCase. In order to run
the tests, you have to point to the drush_testcase.inc file
such as phpunit --bootstrap=/path/to/drush/tests/drush_testcase.inc
The devel project does exactly this -
In order to speed up test runs, Unish (the drush testing class) caches built Drupal sites and restores them as requested by tests. Once in while, you might need to clear this cache by deleting the /drush-cache directory.