Name : Shaik Imranuddin
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Image Steganography (Level 2) | URL Shortener (Level 1) |
Points : 25
Name : Pragya Khanna
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Twitter API (Level 2) | Sudoku Game (Level 4) |
Points : 60
Name : Neel Shah
Github :
Number of PR's : 51
Projects Done : Typing Speed Test (Level 1) | Caesar Encryption (Level 1) | ATM Machine System (Level 1) | Facebook Messenger Automation (Level 1) | Grammar Correction
(Level 1) | Matchmaker Game (Level 2) | QRCode Generator (Level 1) | Tracking Phone Number (Level 1) | All Information about Country (Level 1) | Movie Information Detailer (Level 1) | Voting System (Level 1) | Video to Audio (Level 1) | Adventure Based Game (Level 1) | Desktop Notification (Level 1) | WIFI Password Fetcher (Level 2) | Caterpillar Game (Level 2) | Mobile Recharge Plan Detailer (Level 1) | Email Sender in Bulk (Level 1) | Age Predictor Chatbot (Level 1) | Library Management GUI (Level 1) | Gold Price Fetcher (Level 1) | Zip Files Extractor (Level 1) | Word Cloud (Level 1) | Stock Visualizer (Level 1) | Air Quality Detector (Level 1) | Fidget Spinner (Level 1) | Instagram Bot (Level 1) | Password Manager (Level 1) | Next Word Prediction (Level 1) | Weather Updates (Web Scraping) (Level 1) | Excel File Automation (Level 1) | BruteForce Attack (Level0) | Chrome Dinosour Automation (Level 1) | Image Displayer GUI (Level 2) | Gesture Pet (Level 2) | Next Episode Fetcher (Level 1) | Hotel Billing System (Level 2) | Unit Converter GUI (Level 1) | GitHub Bot (Level 1) | Image Cartoonifier (Level 0) | Loan Calculator (Level 1) | Marvel API (Level 1) | PDF Merger (Level 1) | Avatar Creator (Level 2) | Image Size Compressor (Level 1) | Telegram Bot (Level 1) | Pokedex GUI (Level 2) | Zip File Creator (Level 1) | Folder Content Sorter (Level 2) | SnowFall Filter on Image (Level 2) | Bank Data Finder (Level 1) |
Points : 550
Name : Pratima Kushwaha
Github :
Number of PR's : 4
Projects Done : Alarm Clock Program (Level 1) | Integer to Roman Numerals (Level 1) | Wikipedia Summary (Level 1) | Facts Generator (Level 1)|
Points : 40
Name : Sambit Kumar Tripathy
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Flappy Bird Game (Level 3) | Air Canvas (Level 2) |
Points : 45
Name : Sherin Shibu
Github :
Number of PR's : 4
Projects Done : Text Translator (Level 2) | Image Blending (Level 1) | Canny Edge Detection (Level 1) | Image Stitching (Level 2)
Points : 50
Name : Satyam Tripathi
Github :
Number of PR's : 10
Projects Done : Link Issue (Level 0) | Text Image to Handwritten Text Image (Level 1) | QRCode Scanner Web Application (Level 1) | PC Cleaner (Level 2) | Distance Finder
(Level 1) | Image to ASCII Converter (Level 1) | Backup WhatApp Chats to Excel Sheet (Level 1) | Send Push Notification to your Phone (Level 1) | Split Each Excel Sheet into Separate Excel Files (Level 1) | Manage Files Accordingly (Level 1) |
Points : 100
Name : Shreya Christiana
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Spirograph using Turtle (Level 1) | The Indian Flag (Level 1) |
Points : 20
Name : Tanvi Daware
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : What's Your Story (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Jigar Sable
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : Guess The Number (Level 1) | Phone Number Info (Level 1) | Current Stock Price (Level 1) |
Points : 30
Name : Amit Gupta
Github :
Number of PR's : 8
Projects Done : Collage Maker (Level 1) | Shutdown PC using Voice (Level 1) | Calendar GUI (Level 1) | Login System (Level 2) | Event Handling (Level 1) | Current Time
Stamps (Level 1) | Crack Any Password (Level 1) | Open WebCam (Level 1) |
Points : 85
Name : Sonali Bedade
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : PDF To Audio Book Converter (Level 1) | English Dictionary (Level 2) | Job Search Tool (Level 1) |
Points : 35
Name : Aditya Trivedi
Github :
Number of PR's : 8
Projects Done : Plagiarism Checker (Level 1) | Real-Time Bitcoin Rate (Level 1) | Real-Time Petrol Price (Level 1) | Sending HTML Email (Level 1) | Image To Pencil Sketch (Level 1) | Registration Form Interface (Level 1) | Address Book (Level 2) | ISS Tracker and Current Onboard Crew Info (Level 2) |
Points : 90
Name : Harshitha Nayak
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : Hangman Game (Level 2) | Jumbled Words Guessing Game (Level 3) | 2048 Game (Level 3) |
Points : 75
Name : Bhuvanaa
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Movie API (Level 2) | Cowin API (Level 3) |
Points : 45
Name : Manasa Rayachoti
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Card Game (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Manognyaa Dasika
Github :
Number of PR's : 10
Projects Done : Calculator App (Level 1) | Move The Box (Level 2) | You or Me (Level 2) | Notes Panel (Level 2) | Flames (Level 2) | Paint Me (Level 2) | Encode Decode (Level 2) | Preview Your Link (Level 3) | Binary Calculator (Level 2) | Message - I Love You (Level 1) |
Points : 155
Name : Rishav Kumar
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Password Checker (Level 2) | Pip Upgrade (Level 1) |
Points : 25
Name : Umesh Singh
Github :
Number of PR's : 9
Projects Done : Badges Link (Level 0) | Jokes Automation (Level 1) | Covid Cases Scraper (Level 2) | Poems Automation (Level 1) | Speech Recognizer (Level 1) | Quotes Automation (Level 0) | Voice Recorder (Level 1) | Change Image Background (Level 2) | Camera Based Thermal Screening (Level 2) |
Points : 95
Name : Jagannath Pal
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Brick Breaker Game (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Neeraj Ap
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Bitcoin Mining (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Komal Gupta
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : Weather Notifier (Level 1) | Covid Cases Bot (Level 1) | Image Pyramiding (Level 2) |
Points : 35
Name : Lasya Ganesuni
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Routine Database System (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Pankaj Biradar
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Random Email Generator (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Vaikunth
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Weather Report GUI (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Shubhankar Poddar
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Minesweeper Game using 2D (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Akash Ramanand Rajak
Github :
Number of PR's : 110
Projects Done : Bubble Catcher Game (Level 2) | English Dictionary - Enhanced (Level 4) | Image To Icon Converter (Level 2) | Zodiac Sign Finder (Level 3) | Splash Screen in Zodiac Sign Finder - Enhancement (Level 1) | Missing Alphabet Game (Level 3) | Result Predictor in TicTacToe Game - Enhancement (Level 2) | Time Zone Converter (Level 3) | Spelling Corrector (Level 2) | Quiz Game (Level 2) | Part of Speech Calculator (Level 2) | Get Location Of Any Country (Level 2) | Search Implementation (Level 3) | Indian Food Information (Level 2) | Virtual Keyboard (Level 2) | Direct Flight Route Finder (Level 2) | World Bank GDP Ranking (Level 2) | SpaceX Mission Detailer (Level 2) | Periodic Table Elements (Level 2) | University NIRF Ranking (Level 2) | Pin Codes of Indian City (Level 2) | Highlight Selected Part of Text (Level 1) | All Indian Trains (Level 2) | Odd Symbol Find Game (Level 3) | Enhanced Virual Keyboard to Programming Keyboard (Level 2) | Nobel Prize Winner (Level 2) | Bermuda Triangle Incidents (Level 2) | World Companies Detailer (Level 2) | Solar System Object Details (Level 3) | Virtual Copy Paste (Level 2) | Word Search Game (Level 2) | All Camera Model Detailer (Level 2) | Painting Tool (Level 2) | All Laptop Detailer (Level 2) | Image Here To There (Level 2) | Text Editor (Level 3) | Movie Booking Application (Level 2) | Restaurant Management System (Level 2) | Camera Application (Level 2) | Piano Application (Level 1) | Google Search Engine (Level 3) | Taxi Hire Application (Level 3) | Simple Python IDE (Level 2) | Movie Pointer Co-ordinates Getter (Level 2) | Nutritional Calorie Recorder (Level 2) | Image Resizer (Level 2) | MP4 to P3 Converter (Level 1) | EMI Calculator (Level 2) | Screenshot Taker (Level 1) | URL Extractor (Level 2) | Programming Language Detector (Level 2) | Lattitude-Longitude Pair Verifier (Level 2) | IP Address Extractor Validator(Level 2) | Absolute Time Delta (Level 3) | Hex Colour Code (Level 2) | Postal Code Validator (Level 2) | Code Comments Fetcher (Level 2) | Colour Converter (Level 3) | Resume Generator (Level 3) | Regex Check (Level 2) | Sentence Segmenter (Level 2) | Credit Card Number Authentication (Level 1) | Age on Diffrent Planet (Level 3) | Aadhar Card Generation (Level 2) | Correct Flow Game (Level 3) | Detect the Language (Level 1) | Image Encryption and Decryption (Level 2) | Video Player (Level 2) | Video Stitching (Level 3) | Image Snipper (Level 2) | Image Watermark Remover (Level 2) | English Dictionary (Enhanced) (Level 1) | HTTP Error Codes (Level 2) | Yandex Website Clone (Level 4) | Mouse Speed Tracker (Level 1) | English Dictionary (Enhancement) (Level 1) | Text to Captcha Image (Level 2) | Text on Image (Level 2) | Video to Images (Level 2) | Video Property Fetcher (Level 2) | Emoji Dictionary (Level 2) | Video Cropper (Level 2) | Image Noise Remover (Level 2) | Color Mixer (Level 3) | Unicode and Emoji (Level 3) | Image Segmentation (Level 2) | Map Coloring (Level 2) | Decode Image Game (Level 3) | Object Counter In Image (Level 2) | Image Slicer (Level 3) | Color Converter (Enhanced) (Level 2) | Text Summarizer (Level 2) | Video to Grayscale (Level 2) | Image Contours Coordinates (Level 2) | RGB Color Palette (Level 2) | Video Encrytion Decrytion (Level 3) | Color Difference (Level 2) | GUI-Scroll View (Level 2) | Image Search (Level 2) | Circular Image Cropper (Level 3) | Random Shape Image Generator (Level 2) | American and British English Conversion (Level 2) | Adding Frames to Video (Level 3) | Video Player with Progress Bar (Enhanced) (Level 2) | Large Image Preview (Level 3)| Instagram Profile Downloader (Level 2) | Morse Code Translator (Level 2) | Pomodoro Timer (Level 2) | Website Status Checker (Level 2) | Network Usage Tracker (Level 2) |
Points : 2080
Name : Anshika Subodhkumar
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Oddly Satisfying Game (Level 2) | Editable Menu Card (Level 3) |
Points : 45
Name : Nishi
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Sorting Algorithm Visualizer (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Gautam Kumar Jaiswal
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Bank Management Systems (Level 4) |
Points : 45
Name : Muskan Tayal
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Snake Game (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Kodali Bhuvan SriHarsha
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Real-Time Currency Converter (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Jayapritha Natarajan
Github :
Number of PR's : 5
Projects Done : Digital Clock (Level 1) | Music Player (Level 1) | Contributors List (Level 0) | Countdown Timer (Level 1) | Egg Catcher (Level 3) |
Points : 65
Name : Damarla Venkata Sai Chandana
Github :
Number of PR's : 4
Projects Done : Snakes and Ladder Game (Level 2) | WhatsApp Automation (Level 1) | Document Converter App (Level 3) | Youtube Video Downloader (Level 1) |
Points : 65
Name : Prakhar Agarwal
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : TicTacToe Game (Level 2) | Scientific Calculator (Level 2) |
Points : 30
Name : Paras Rawat
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Gwen - Voice Assistant (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Archisman Saha
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Black Jack Game (Level 2) | Turtle Race Game (Level 1) |
Points : 25
Name : Mansi Singh
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : More Chocolates Please (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Rutuj Runwal
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Website Blocker (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Siddhi Bhanushali
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Checklist App (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Sakalya Mitra
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Text Extractor from PDF (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Ashutosh Kumar Saw
Github :
Number of PR's : 7
Projects Done : Temperature Converter (Level 1) | Day's Finder in a Month (Level 1) | Grade Calculator (Level 1) | Pattern (Level 1) | Star Pattern (Level 0) | Indian Flag (Level 2) | Heart Shape (Level 0) |
Points : 65
Name : Abhishek Sharma
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Py-Browser (Level 3) | Reddit Bot (Level 2) |
Points : 45
Name : Khushi Sharma
Github :
Number of PR's : 5
Projects Done : Splash Screen & Logo in Calculator App (Level 2) | BMI calculator (Level 3) | Internet Speed Tracker (Level 1) | Acronym of the Word (Level 1) | Fruit Ninja Game (Level 2) |
Points : 80
Name : Ishita kapoor
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Levels & Points (Level 0) |
Points : 5
Name : Debashish Kundu
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Extracting Information from IP Address (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Bindaldhara
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Rolling Dice Game (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Kumarjeet Ray
Github :
Number of PR's : 6
Projects Done : File Transfer (Level 2) | Word Transfer (Level 2) | Stone Paper Pencil Rubber and Scissor (Level 2) | Multiple Choice Questions (Level 1) | Apple Store (Level 4) | University Website (Level 4) |
Points : 145
Name : Sahil Singh
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Chess Game (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Pooja S Deshpande
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : Wikipedia GUI (Level 2) | Detect Language API (Level 2) | Ideal Weight Calculator (Level 2) |
Points : 45
Name : Kamakshi
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Sorting Hat Game (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Ramya Dharshini K
Github :
Number of PR's : 18
Projects Done : Collage Mosaic Generator (Level 3) | Editor App (Level 2) | Top Movies (Level 1) | Marksheeet (Level 2) | To Do List (Level 2) | Hotel Management System (Level 3) | Pharmacy Management System (Level 2) | Contact Management System (Level 3) | Slide Game (Level 3) | Analog Clock (Level 1) | Simulate Color Game (Level 2) | Tetromino Game (Level 3) | Snake and Ladder Game (Enhanced) (Level 2) | Star Pusher Game (Level 3) | Reversegram Game (Level 2) | Squirrel Game (Level 3) | Dodger Game (Level 2) | Sprites and Cherries Game (Level 2) |
Points : 365
Name : Mudit Choudhary
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Dodge Charger Game (Level 4) | Enhanced alarm clock (Level 1) |
Points : 55
Name : Akash Jain
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Solitaire Game (Level 3) | Reddit Video Downloader (Level 1) |
Points : 40
Name : Vaibhav Vipin
Github :
Number of PR's : 3
Projects Done : String to ASCII (Level 0) | Compound Interest (Level 1) | Base Converting (Level 2) |
Points : 30
Name : Nancy Negi
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Scrabble (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Alisha Anand
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Age Calculator (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Priyanshi Rai
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Armstrong Number (Level 1) | Fibonacci Series Generator (Level 1) |
Points : 20
Name : Janhvi Tiwari
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Coffee Machine Game (Level 2) | Password Generator Game (Level 1) |
Points : 25
Name : Kartik Srivardhan
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Invisible Cloak (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Tanvi Bugdani
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : HTML to Markdown (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Sanskar Dwivedi
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Khatabook Script (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Drashti Patel
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Crptocurrency API (Level 1) |
Points : 10
Name : Hitain Kakkar
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Image Encryption and Decryption (Level 2) |
Points : 15
Name : Gaurav Kumar
Github :
Number of PR's : 2
Projects Done : Quotes Extractor (Level 2) | Covid Cases API (Level 1) |
Points : 25
Name : Sulagna Duttta Roy
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Billing System (Level 3) |
Points : 30
Name : Tushar Amdoskar
Github :
Number of PR's : 6
Projects Done : Face Lock OpenCV (Level 3) | Virtual Camera (Level 3) | Censor Word Detection (Level 2) | Screen recorder (Level 2) | Image Ghost Filter (Level 2) | Lyrics Downloader (Level 1) |
Points : 115
Name : Baljeet Singh
Github :
Number of PR's : 1
Projects Done : Income Tax Calculator (Level 2) |
Points : 15