Web-Ethereum-DeFi (eth_defi
) Python package provides high level modules for smart
contracts, with prepackaged ABI files for DeFi protocol integration,
wallet management, JSON-RPC providers and automated test suites. The
package aims for robustness, high quality of the code and documentation.
- Use cases
- Prerequisites
- Install
- Code examples
- How to use the library in your Python project
- Documentation
- Version history
- Support
- Social media
- History
- License
- Supported blockchains include Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche C-chain, Arbitrum and many other EVM-compatible blockchains.
- Supported DeFi protocols include Uniswap with its clones, Aave, USDC, other Circle stablecoin tokens, Enzyme, Chainlink and many others.
Use cases for this package include
- Trading and bots
- Data research, extraction, transformation and loading
- Portfolio management and accounting
- System integrations and backends
Features include e.g.
- High-quality API documentation
- Fully type hinted for good developer experience
- MEV protection
- Mainnet forking with Anvil
- Revert reasons and stack traces for Solidity errors
- Swap, slippage and price impact estimation
- ERC-20 token issuance and transfers
- EIP-712, EIP-3009 support
Web3-Ethereum-Defi supports
- Uniswap (both v2 and v3)
- Sushi
- Aave
- Enzyme Protocol
- dHEDGE Protocol
- More integrations to come
- Built-in integration for over 600 smart contracts with precompiled Solidity ABI files
Read the full API documentation). For code examples please see below.
To use this package you need to
- Have Python 3.10, Python 3.11, or Python 3.12 (no other versions tested)
- macOS, Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) needed, Microsoft Windows is not officially supported
- Be proficient in Python programming
- Understand of Web3.py library
- Understand Pytest basics
With pip
pip install "web3-ethereum-defi[data]"
With poetry
N.B. Currently poetry version 1.8.5
works perfectly. Poetry >= 2
will be stuck in an infinite loop
# Poetry version
poetry add -E data web3-ethereum-defi
With poetry
- master Git branch:
git clone git@github.com:tradingstrategy-ai/web3-ethereum-defi.git
cd web3-ethereum-defi
poetry shell
poetry install --all-extras
See the tutorials section in the documentation for full code examples.
This example shows how to read the live trades of PancakeSwap, and other Uniswap v2 compatible forks on BNB Smart Chain
See the instructions and full example source code in Tutorials
import os
import time
from functools import lru_cache
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from eth_defi.abi import get_contract
from eth_defi.chain import install_chain_middleware
from eth_defi.event_reader.filter import Filter
from eth_defi.event_reader.logresult import decode_log
from eth_defi.event_reader.reader import read_events, LogResult
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.pair import fetch_pair_details, PairDetails
def fetch_pair_details_cached(web3: Web3, pair_address: str) -> PairDetails:
return fetch_pair_details(web3, pair_address)
def main():
json_rpc_url = os.environ.get("JSON_RPC_BINANCE", "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/")
web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(json_rpc_url))
# Read the prepackaged ABI files and set up event filter
# for any Uniswap v2 like pool on BNB Smart Chain (not just PancakeSwap).
# We use ABI files distributed by SushiSwap project.
Pair = get_contract(web3, "sushi/UniswapV2Pair.json")
filter = Filter.create_filter(address=None, event_types=[Pair.events.Swap])
latest_block = web3.eth.block_number
# Keep reading events as they land
while True:
start = latest_block
end = web3.eth.block_number
evt: LogResult
for evt in read_events(
decoded = decode_log(evt)
# Swap() events are generated by UniswapV2Pool contracts
pair = fetch_pair_details_cached(web3, decoded["address"])
token0 = pair.token0
token1 = pair.token1
block_number = evt["blockNumber"]
# Determine the human-readable order of token tickers
if token0.symbol in QUOTE_TOKENS:
base = token1 # token
quote = token0 # stablecoin/BNB
base_amount = decoded["args"]["amount1Out"] - decoded["args"]["amount1In"]
quote_amount = decoded["args"]["amount0Out"] - decoded["args"]["amount0In"]
base = token0 # stablecoin/BNB
quote = token1 # token
base_amount = decoded["args"]["amount0Out"] - decoded["args"]["amount0Out"]
quote_amount = decoded["args"]["amount1Out"] - decoded["args"]["amount1Out"]
# Calculate the price in Python Decimal class
if base_amount and quote_amount:
human_base_amount = base.convert_to_decimals(base_amount)
human_quote_amount = quote.convert_to_decimals(quote_amount)
price = human_quote_amount / human_base_amount
if human_quote_amount > 0:
# We define selling when the stablecoin amount increases
# in the swap
direction = "sell"
direction = "buy"
price = abs(price)
print(f"Swap block:{block_number:,} tx:{evt['transactionHash']} {direction} price:{price:,.8f} {base.symbol}/{quote.symbol}")
# Swap() event from DEX that is not Uniswap v2 compatible
# print(f"Swap block:{block_number:,} tx:{evt['transactionHash']} could not decode")
# No event detected between these blocks
latest_block = end
if __name__ == "__main__":
Add web3-ethereum-defi
as a development dependency:
Using Poetry:
# Data optional dependencies include pandas and gql, needed to fetch Uniswap v3 data
poetry add -D "web3-ethereum-defi[data]"