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Tournesol back end

The API of the Tournesol platform, made with Python and Django.

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The API can be installed by following the recommended automatic installation path, or manually if you need a more personal setup.

After having installed the application, complete your setup by following the last steps describes in the Set up a Google API key section.

Automatic installation (recommended)

Required packages


Use the procedure in the dev-env's to automatically set up a fully functional environment with Docker.

Manual installation

This method requires more efforts to set up the environment, as it implies knowing how to: create a Python virtual environment; install and configure a Django application; and how to install and configure a PostgreSQL server.

Required packages

  • python >= 3.9
  • postgresql-13-server
  • gettext >= 0.21


  • Create a postgres database (windows, macOS, Linux).

  • Create a config file named settings-tournesol.yaml. You can find an example in documentation folder. You can put this file in different locations:

    • /etc/tournesol/settings-tournesol.yaml (linux),
    • Anywhere but add the path/to/file in SETTINGS_FILE environment variable,
    • Anywhere but add the path/to/file in SETTINGS_FILE variable .env file.
  • Create a python env and install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Install migrations on database python migrate

  • Create the database cache python createcachetable

  • Create superuser python createsuperuser

  • Run the server python runserver

Install the development tools

The development tools contain the requirements to run the tests and the code quality checks.

These tools are already included in the dev-env.

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Set up a Google API Key

Configuring a Google API key allows the application to fetch video metadata directly from YouTube. The application should still start without it, but some features will be missing. It's recommended to get and configure this API key if you plan to contribute regularly to the project, to make your environment closer to the production one.


  1. a Google account
  2. to be connected while following the procedure


Create and configure the key

(1) First go to and create a new project. You can choose the name you prefer, we suggest tournesol. You should now be automatically redirected to the project dashboard.

(2) Go to the credentials page, accessible from the menu, and create new API key credentials, without adding any restriction for now. The key will be accessible from this screen by clicking on the key's name.

(3) Enable your API keys. As long as the keys are not activated, the YouTube API will return an HTTP 403 error each time the back end will try to get videos' metadata.

To activate your keys, you need to know your project id. You can copy it from the URL parameter ?project= or from the page

Then simply visit the following URL. Don't forget to replace the string {YOUR_PROJECT_ID} by your own project ID.{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}
Secure the key usage by adding restrictions

To secure the API key usage you need to add few restrictions.

Return to the page credentials of you project, and unfold the action menu of your API key and click on modify.

In the modification page:

(1) Add an « application restriction » to define the only URLs or IP addresses allowed to use the key (not relevant for local development environments).

(2) Also add an « API restriction » to make the key able to query only the YouTube Data API v3. This setting can take few minutes to apply.

Configure the back end with the key

Finally, configure the YOUTUBE_API_KEY setting with the API key value in your local SETTINGS_FILE. If you are using the dev-env, the settings file is backend/dev-env/settings-tournesol.yaml.

Restart the back end.

The back end is now ready to automatically update the videos' metadata when new videos are added using the API, and when using the force refresh action.


In order to ease your testing and debug time, use pytest : pytest Moreover, you can run the following command to have a complete recap in a html document for each test: pytest --html=report.html --self-contained-html

Code Quality

We use several tools to keep the code quality as good, readable and maintainable as possible:

  • isort automatically sorts import statements
  • pylint performs a static analysis looking for errors
  • flake8 enforces the code style by using three popular tools

All of them should be automatically triggered by the continuous integration system using single script scripts/ci/

You are encouraged to run this script locally before creating a new commit. Note that the script must be run from the root of the back end folder.

Run the checks

# with a manually installed back end

# with an automatically installed back end with Docker
docker exec tournesol-dev-api scripts/ci/

Files and folders can be passed as parameters.

# with a manually installed back end
./scripts/ci/ core/ core/models/

# with an automatically installed back end with Docker
docker exec tournesol-dev-api scripts/ci/ core/ core/models/

An output finishing by + exit 0 means all checks have been successful, + exit 1 means at least one check has failed.

Automatically fix some errors

Some tools, like isort are able to automatically fixes the target files.

# with a manually installed back end

# with an automatically installed back end with Docker
docker exec tournesol-dev-api scripts/ci/


Why are the code quality tools not automatically triggered locally with the help of the Git pre-commit hook?

We try to use the pre-commit framework, but unfortunately it's not adapted to work smoothly within our mono-repository configuration [faq-1].

Each time we found a solution a new issue appeared. In the end it requires much more efforts to be configured and used rather than simply running the code quality checks manually.

As we do not want to make the developers to have complex and error-prone local setups, we decided to add the code quality checks only in the CI for now.